Amendment 64


Well-Known Member
Congratulations to the residents of CO.

I do understand that the regulation all needs to be worked out, but in general what is envisioned for the cultivation? Where will the processors and retailers get the product? Will just anyone in CO be able to get a cultivator license? Will they allow import of MJ from out of state (another can of worms lol)?


Well-Known Member
Fuck the feds.

If they sue the state they are going to have even more people hating them.
Think about it, a majority of the people voted yes.

Trying to subvert the will of voters would make the feds look like even bigger assholes. Doing anything but ignoring Colorado could turn out to be a publicity nightmare for the feds.

There is a lawsuit to remove marijuana from schedule one. The supreme court is going to have a tough time explaining themselves if they do not change its classification. They are fucked and they know it. There is no logical reason for marijuana to be classified schedule one. Either the court rules that way or they risk their credibility.

Someone mentioned that the dispensaries are hurting. From what I have heard, I know a couple owners (I rarely shop at pot stores), that the good dispensaries are making bank. One place I know of can barely keep their shelves stocked.

There are more crappy dispensaries than good ones. The good ones make money.

This is fucking great for regular growers like me. I already have a red card, but now I can grow more plants.

The idea that an adult can grow 6 plants in their house with out a license or government interference is a dream that I have had for coming up on 30 years now.

Come on out to Colorado and buy some legal pot. Maybe go skiing or enjoy our outdoors. We have pretty good weed here. It will get better too.


Well-Known Member
Completely silent from dispensary owners, bet they are all shitting themselves, the days of pushing garbage at street prices are over boyo's get in line like good producers or GTFO.

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
All the real deal farmers will now step up and change the game forever!!!!!

Quality connoisseur buds, coming from small organic farms, with tasting rooms and limited release stains.


Active Member
Glad it passed.

Still going to renew my red card every year though.

1 oz vs 15 oz, 6 plants vs 12 plants ?

I started growing due to the crappy weed coming from I'm growing way better ( and cheaper ) then any dispensary.

The state can still have my 35 bucks every year for renewal...glad to pay it.

And of course everyone realizes it is going to be almost a year before anything really happens.


Active Member
All the real deal farmers will now step up and change the game forever!!!!!

Quality connoisseur buds, coming from small organic farms, with tasting rooms and limited release stains.
Mmmm...Cannabis farmer's markets w/tasting room samples...What a way to spend a Saturday....:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Not a surprising stance considering you are a dispensary owner. You guys keep pushing this as 'regulate like alcohol' and then you say you're fine with the ounce limit and if someone has more than that they are selling illegally. Am I selling alcohol illegally if I have 20 cases in my car? Do people go to jail that have more than a 6 pack? Its not legalization, its not regulate like alcohol, its just rhetoric from the dispensary owners that fucked themselves with 1284.

Funny that you say I'm misleading because of the ounce limit. So there is no ounce limit? Yea with grows but you are banking on the fact that most won't grow, does every patient now grow? I think its you that's misleading.
I think you need to read the laws.. lol.


Well-Known Member
Glad it passed.

Still going to renew my red card every year though.

1 oz vs 15 oz, 6 plants vs 12 plants ?

I started growing due to the crappy weed coming from I'm growing way better ( and cheaper ) then any dispensary.

The state can still have my 35 bucks every year for renewal...glad to pay it.

And of course everyone realizes it is going to be almost a year before anything really happens.
Kicks into affect Dec 6th i hear.


This is a great step forward! Is this only for Colorado residence or can anyone over 21 visiting just buy from a store?


Well-Known Member
Glad it passed.

Still going to renew my red card every year though.

1 oz vs 15 oz, 6 plants vs 12 plants ?

I started growing due to the crappy weed coming from I'm growing way better ( and cheaper ) then any dispensary.

The state can still have my 35 bucks every year for renewal...glad to pay it.

And of course everyone realizes it is going to be almost a year before anything really happens.
Don't forget - there is no limit on how much weight you can keep on premise of your grow. That means you can keep all you want from your 3 flowering plants. Grow 'em big!!