after trying dyna gro im switching back to advanced nutrients 2 part


Well-Known Member
your misunderstanding what i said. your talkin about nutes im talkin about additives. its easier to measure the additives with AN cause you dont measure by the gal you measure by the ratio to nutes
Oh i see now, you re right about your point...sorry about this and i dont use any additives, just use base nutrient. I like the K.I.S.S. way.

happy gardening and peace.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
In my opinion, which is based on over 11 years of experience, DG makes the best hydroponic plant food available to us. It also happens to work well in the dirt too. You're growing in promix and while I used to use Botanicare's Pure Blend in the dirt, DG only gives me slightly better results while being easier to use. At the end of the day, I've got one easy to use food that works for my veggies, my meds, my house plants and my orchid.

Growing in promix isn't as much of an exact science like one can make hydroponic growing. You simply read the plant and feed accordingly. Speaking of plants, yours look great. Ask Tree to post his best plants grown with AN, you wont see anything near as good as yours. That's probably less about the plant food and more about grower's skill but you get my point.

You did well, I don't think someone at your level of experience can complain about a single thing given the quality that it looks like you just grew. I'd be interested in your final results in regards to yield and quality. I think you'll be surprised.

Think cannabis is hard to grow? This Cattleya took almost 3 years to bloom. DG of course ;)

nice plant HB.
just wanted to post final results, and in doing so, i got to admit the results was pretty impressive. don't know what you guys are yielding on 3wk plants but i manage to scratch 2oz on half and 1.5 on the rest. mind you these are mainly og kush x's so i am figuring that the ones that only yield 1.5 or a little over are the reason they didn't yield with the other x's that wasn't og kush related.


Well-Known Member

this picture is not HB's and is total bullshit. pulled off the web or from a nursery. totally staged. why is it he's always looking for ways to promote an inferior plant food. you couldn't be a more obvious salesmen for DG.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
that pic is from ICMAG . . . .only thing i say is suspect is that its a tulip and not a plant we smoke and consume, but i think i have seen a blue background in HB photos before . . . .


your misunderstanding what i said. your talkin about nutes im talkin about additives. its easier to measure the additives with AN cause you dont measure by the gal you measure by the ratio to nutes
So many nute companies $BURN$ you with additives. Yeah sure they specialize in cannabis. And yeah the rest of the growing industry is laughing at that. What's wrong with Jack’s Professional 16-4-17 Hydro FeED? To quote: "Jack’s Hydro FeED is specifically designed to be used as a one bag, complete hydroponic nutrient system. Calcium and magnesium are provided in the bendable nitrate form so that a one tank concentrate can be mixed, delivering a balanced nutrient solution through one injector. Effectively, this one bag will substitute for the older two-part hydroponic formulas." They've been around for over 60 years. All of a sudden someone comes along and they know squat? Same thing with GH or Dyna-Gro who've also been around the block, the KISS method doesn't always say it's the inferior way to grow.


New Member
So many nute companies $BURN$ you with additives. Yeah sure they specialize in cannabis. And yeah the rest of the growing industry is laughing at that. What's wrong with Jack’s Professional 16-4-17 Hydro FeED? To quote: "Jack’s Hydro FeED is specifically designed to be used as a one bag, complete hydroponic nutrient system. Calcium and magnesium are provided in the bendable nitrate form so that a one tank concentrate can be mixed, delivering a balanced nutrient solution through one injector. Effectively, this one bag will substitute for the older two-part hydroponic formulas." They've been around for over 60 years. All of a sudden someone comes along and they know squat? Same thing with GH or Dyna-Gro who've also been around the block, the KISS method doesn't always say it's the inferior way to grow.
Cost. It takes 20g to get to 1000 ppm with this stuff. They sell it for about $33 for a 4lb pack. @ 20g/gal it would supply 4 x 16 x 28 / 20 = 90 gallons. thats 36 cents/gal. More than Sensi.V&B Dyno or any other. It also contains no fulvics/aminos or silica. Ratio sucks too IMO.


Well-Known Member
So many nute companies $BURN$ you with additives. Yeah sure they specialize in cannabis. And yeah the rest of the growing industry is laughing at that. What's wrong with Jack’s Professional 16-4-17 Hydro FeED? To quote: "Jack’s Hydro FeED is specifically designed to be used as a one bag, complete hydroponic nutrient system. Calcium and magnesium are provided in the bendable nitrate form so that a one tank concentrate can be mixed, delivering a balanced nutrient solution through one injector. Effectively, this one bag will substitute for the older two-part hydroponic formulas." They've been around for over 60 years. All of a sudden someone comes along and they know squat? Same thing with GH or Dyna-Gro who've also been around the block, the KISS method doesn't always say it's the inferior way to grow.
Jacks has bloom boosters (oops I mean additives) too! I wonder if it's the same $BURN$ :lol:

Cost. It takes 20g to get to 1000 ppm with this stuff. They sell it for about $33 for a 4lb pack. @ 20g/gal it would supply 4 x 16 x 28 / 20 = 90 gallons. thats 36 cents/gal. More than Sensi.V&B Dyno or any other. It also contains no fulvics/aminos or silica. Ratio sucks too IMO.
Sulfur source is also missing from the jacks product, going to pass on Jacks.


tree king

Well-Known Member
scooby your back how the the hell have you been! it aint the same without you here how was vacation?

i just looked at your recent posts i didnt realize you were posting lately i woulda said whats up sooner


Well-Known Member
hey tree, all is well. how have you been? still on pseudo-vacation. back in NY after a few weeks in Europe. got hit with the hurricane and then a snow storm yesterday. planned on being back in Costa Rica by now but i'm having fun with my new car and getting things in order with the house i just bought. plus, it's the rainy season down there so i'm not missing much. i'll be in North Carolina for Thanksgiving and then back to Costa Rica for the start of the fishing season in December.

tree king

Well-Known Member
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damn scooby you got the fuckin life. now that your back i guess its a perfect time to post some pics. everything wit me is goin phenomenal i finally found my mom so now i gotta just pump out as many crops as i can as quick as i can so i can complete alot of goals i have like buying a house. the bud pics are an ebb n flow crop thats 40 days in flower i could only get clear pics of side branches right now wit the light on but the buds reek like chem, are flooded with crystals and are hard as rocks already. i cant believe i still got another 25 days this shit is gonna be top notch

the aero crop is 3 weeks in


Well-Known Member
that pic is from ICMAG . . . .only thing i say is suspect is that its a tulip and not a plant we smoke and consume, but i think i have seen a blue background in HB photos before . . . .
Are you questioning whether that's my Cattleya or not? I upload to IC these days (instead of imageshack) and paste the forum code at the forum i'm posting on.


Well-Known Member
i forgot your situation you just ran dyna gro? which 3 part are you talkin about AN or GH?

o ok i think i remember now lol. now do you see what im talkin about Fresh 2 De@th? dyna produces airy ass buds and now you've seen for yourself. i suggest you switch back asap weather its gh or an before you lose more yield. what did you think about the veg growth? for me plants were growing at a snails pace it was a joke

if the buds were more airy i dont see why you wanna do the comparison again?
You only used dyna until day 17 of flower... Your AN grows look pretty fluffy too. I don't think AN is to blame for that though. Fresh 2's buds look great. I've never tried AN, but I've seen folks on RIU do very well with it. None of the stores here carry it, so I never tried it in the past. These days, I just won't spend that sort of cash on nutrients. It's a joke. If you got the money to blow though, go for it.
Just finishing up my first dynagro using pretty much just the GROW 7-9-5. Used a little bloom 50/50, maybe 3 feeds in coco. I vegged with the 9-3-6 Foliage Pro. Still using HnG Root Excel a little. Other than that, no additives.
My House and Garden grows with this plant were doing 3.2 oz per plant... with this DG I'm pretty sure they are 1/4 lb plants. I'll know for sure in about a month. This round with DG has my side branches producing more than with HnG. I'm guessing it was all about the N earlier in flower. The growth was intense early in flower.

These buds are rock hard. I don't know what you are talking about with the fluffy buds thing... but your pics a few pages back looks like your usual pics, fluffy below average cannabis..
aaaa1.jpgaaaa2.jpgaaaa4.jpgmy camera blows. Had to snap these quick as it is halfway through lights off.

tree king

Well-Known Member
You only used dyna until day 17 of flower... Your AN grows look pretty fluffy too. I don't think AN is to blame for that though. Fresh 2's buds look great. I've never tried AN, but I've seen what some folks on RIU do very well with it.
Just finishing up my first dynagro using pretty much just the GROW 7-9-5. Used a little bloom 50/50, maybe 3 feeds in coco. I vegged with the 9-3-6 Foliage Pro. Still using HnG Root Excel a little. Other than that, no additives.
My House and Garden grows with this plant were doing 3.2 oz per plant... with this DG I'm pretty sure they are 1/4 lb plants. This round with DG has my side branches producing waaay more than with HnG.

These buds are rock hard. I don't know what you are talking about with the fluffy buds thing... but your pics a few pages back looks like your usual pics. Fluffy below average cannabis.
View attachment 2403824View attachment 2403825View attachment 2403826my camera blows.
Fluffy below average cannabis lol? my shit is far from fluffy. im not gonna lie your plants look good but ive been seeing alot of pictures of plants grown with dynagro that have airy buds. also you probably havent read this whole thread but 5-10 people have said that veg growth with dyna is slow so i think that at least shouldnt be up for debate and that is a huge minus for those nutes

i just flowered some plants at 5" using AN and they ended up almost 4 ft tall, try that with dyna and see if you can match it i bet you dont come close. i just posted my aero pics on the last page those are the ones im talkin about. im not exaggerating when i say i can probably get 3-4 oz a plant, 16 plants under each thousand now do the math. no veg time!


Well-Known Member
Fluffy below average cannabis lol? my shit is far from fluffy. im not gonna lie your plants look good but ive been seeing alot of pictures of plants grown with dynagro that have airy buds. also you probably havent read this whole thread but 5-10 people have said that veg growth with dyna is slow so i think that at least shouldnt be up for debate and that is a huge minus for those nutes
I don't know man. I'm not having any problems with veg growth.. But I am using DynaGro: Foliage Pro 9-3-6, not GROW 7-9-5. My veg growth has been great... Just like with the other nutes I have used.
I was just going off of the pics I've seen you post this year.
Nutrients are just nutrients, man. That's the real thing. Crazy expensive nutes with every additive vs Miracle Grow... If you can grow good plants then you can grow nice dense buds with miracle grow. If you can't grow dense buds no nutrients will help you. No ones selling magic in a bottle. It's just nutrients.

tree king

Well-Known Member
I don't know man. I'm not having any problems with veg growth.. But I am using Foliage Pro 9-3-6, not grow. My veg growth has been great... that was what the yield increase was from. The side branches grew like they have never before.
I was just going off of the pics I've seen you post this year.
im not talkin about Foliage Pro im talkin about the grow and bloom

i just flowered some plants at 5" using AN and they ended up almost 4 ft tall, try that with dyna and see if you can match it i bet you dont come close. i just posted my aero pics on the last page those are the ones im talkin about. im not exaggerating when i say i can probably get 3-4 oz a plant, 16 plants under each thousand now do the math. no veg time!

tree king

Well-Known Member
I don't know man. I'm not having any problems with veg growth.. But I am using Foliage Pro 9-3-6, not grow. My veg growth has been great... that was what the yield increase was from. The side branches grew like they have never before.
I was just going off of the pics I've seen you post this year.
Nutrients are just nutrients, man. That's the real thing. Crazy expensive nutes with every additive vs Miracle Grow... If you can grow good plants then you can grow nice dense buds with miracle grow. If you can't grow dense buds no nutrients will help you.
i flowered these plants at 5" tall and now i have to scrog them with a net to make sure they dont go past 3 1/2 ft. without the net there 4-4 1/2 ft. try that with dyna and see how it works out it wont be close my friend. i already tried the grow and bloom veg growth is a joke
View attachment 2403841View attachment 2403842View attachment 2403843
ph perfect 2 part, bud candy, big bud and barricade


Well-Known Member
im not talkin about Foliage Pro im talkin about the grow and bloom

i just flowered some plants at 5" using AN and they ended up almost 4 ft tall, try that with dyna and see if you can match it i bet you dont come close. i just posted my aero pics on the last page those are the ones im talkin about. im not exaggerating when i say i can probably get 3-4 oz a plant, 16 plants under each thousand now do the math. no veg time!
Yeah, definitely... If you are doing 3.5 oz per plant... 16 plants per 1k.... and pulling 56 ounces per light... then yeah, you got me beat man. I apologize for the rude comments.
I'de love to see some pics around harvest time.

I'm doing 4 plants per 600hps. It requires a little veg time.

Tell you what... I'm starting up my next flower cycle at the end of the month... for experiment sake I will veg only with the GROW and see how it goes. Foliage pro is just another dyna grow nutrient bottle with a different balance... I just used the three , 9-3-6, 7-9-5 and 12-3-6.. as needed. Just use whichever you think the plant would benefit from the best. No schedule needed.

tree king

Well-Known Member
Yeah, definitely... If you are doing 3.5 oz per plant... 16 plants per 1k.... and pulling 56 ounces per light... then yeah, you got me beat man. I apologize for the rude comments.
I'de love to see some pics around harvest time.

I'm doing 4 plants per 600hps. It requires a little veg time.
i havent done it yet im just giving a ballpark of what i think im gonna be able to do wit this new clone. im aiming for 3 z's minimum per plant il let you know how it turns out. the yield on this strain is no joke i just pulled 6 oz on this plant from seed but it was vegged a little and like 5 ft tall


New Member
AN is good.

DG is good.

You did poorly with DG, other people do well with DG.

You did well with AN, other people do poorly with AN.

I've personally done well with DG only runs...grow, bloom, magpro, and protekt.

I've also personally done well with AN only runs...sensi grow a+b and bloom a+b, big bud/kushie kush (used both before), bud candy, and overdrive.

In the end, I went back to using DG grow for veg because it's just so potent and all encompassing, it provides lots of different elements in high quantities. With it, I can fill up a 2 foot by 2 foot screen with tops from a single plant in four weeks / 28 days of veg. I can do the same with AN sensi grow a+b as well. They both work great.

I used AN sensi bloom a+b this past run because I had near full bottles of them when I started and because I know, just like DG, they also work great when used as instructed.

The two lines are very similar...for instance, if you look at the ingredients and quantities in magpro and overdrive, they are nearly identical, magpro being a little more potent.

The reason you did so bad with DG though...who knows? Bad batch of nutes maybe?

A master grower can grow well with any nutrients, since nitrogen is still nitrogen, potassium is still potassium, and phosphorous is still phosphorous.

Doesn't matter what name is on the bottle.


Well-Known Member
i havent done it yet im just giving a ballpark of what i think im gonna be able to do wit this new clone. im aiming for 3 z's minimum per plant il let you know how it turns out. the yield on this strain is no joke i just pulled 6 oz on this plant from seed but it was vegged a little and like 5 ft tall
The only plants I have been able to pull more than 3 oz off of with no veg time (rooted clone in oasis cube and straight into 3 gallon pot) was a 12 week super silver haze. It produces lots of weight. roughly 5 oz, but it's a hassle. I have to cut back growth that i do not have vertical room for. Having good sativa to smoke is nice though. You don't see it around here.
The plant that requires the most veg here is grown to about 12 inches and ends up 32 inches tall. It fills space horizontally though. Very bushy plant.
I do like the genetics that stretch in flower but still keep tighter node spacing. It cuts way down on veg time. Sounds like you appreciate the same.

I'll let you know how the GROW veg goes. I should have a good idea within 3-4 weeks, then a full spectrum idea in February.