Dont Tell Anybody....anybody!!!!


Well-Known Member
My appologies seamaiden, I reread the posts and realized this morning that it was GiantEthiopian who said about wishing his mom grew weed when he was eleven...:mrgreen: and GiantEthiopian is also reread my last post to you. I think it sounds like I'm pissy with you but I'm not... I wish computers could actually show the emotions we feel when we are writing stuff in here... and yeah, I'm baked so I probably sound like a tool but I don't give a shit.. lol Anyway, hope all goes well when you do get to grow again and this time... DON'T TELL ANYONE!!!! :mrgreen: Come on over to my house... I'll smoke a couple with ya.:joint:
No worries at all. My folks actually were growing weed when I was 11, and when they figured out that someone found their stash they stopped. Within two years their oldest girl was becoming a head.


New Member
lol... hey I like that name... "Weed Mom" :mrgreen:
I grow mostly Jack Herer... and it is some awesome weed too. I've been experimenting with this crop and so far so good. Jack is normally a very tall plant but I've got them down to about 3ft total height with not alot of bushing out through cloning and experimentation and two of them are nothing but bud from head to toe, covered in crystal and stinking to high heaven... lol The other 3 are doing very well but not as many bud sites as I had hoped. Will be harvesting in a few more weeks and I can't wait. I have a digicam but I can't transfer to the comp because I lent my usb cord for it to a friend and it hasn't returned yet. As soon as I have it back I will post some eye candy for you. Working on experimenting with some new clones as well. I'll let you know how they turn out. Take care my friend. :joint:

Nice, nice. I am doing my very first grow right now. So far so good.

Im growing 6 trainwreck x white widow hybrid plants... i read alot of smoke reports and its supposto be the cream of the crop :)

Please wish me some good luck!

I wish you a good harvest.



Active Member
girlfriends can be bitchs too, everytime my moody dol flips about sum random stuff she threatens to tell every1 bout my grow. she even sed she'd tell the D.S!!! now around here u dont want ne attention frm them. rite now you'r all thinking wtf? why am i still wit her!! she's gone once its harvested. dump her now an she'll rat.

iv got no trust in her ne more. she thinks nuffin of the threats when she cools down!! :evil:



Well-Known Member
here's an idea. I think I have the movie right. "Reservoir Dogs". Wasn't there a scene where one of the characters was going to lie about who he was? He practiced his lie over and over again to show the people he was trying to get in with that he was bad ass. It was all about this time when he was in the bathroom and some cops were in there and he had drugs on him. They had K-9's with them. Remember? Make up a whopper and practice it. I suggest something that makes you look like a total lame ass so they would never suspect you would lie about it. (I hate lying and I'm bad at it so I know it would be hard) You could say you had a nice crop and you were in the yard outside and brought in a pest that took over your crop or something. If she likes to mouth off, she'll tell everyone and have a good laugh. I learned a lot from this thread. I'm TOO friendly and it can hurt.


Well-Known Member
So you started blazin when you turned 13?

I can't drink, and don't like other drugs anymore (although I REALLY loved my acid, but not too often or you end up having conversations with your toes) very much. The only times I've really stopped were when I was pregnant and during nursing. We all have our vices, yeah? ;)


New Member
I can't drink, and don't like other drugs anymore (although I REALLY loved my acid, but not too often or you end up having conversations with your toes) very much. The only times I've really stopped were when I was pregnant and during nursing. We all have our vices, yeah? ;)
Right on! I'm happy for you!

Do ur thing girl. :mrgreen: