Lads it's the doctors fault. Regardless of the law they were faced with a simple choice, save a womans life or not and they didn't. There is no way this scenario has never been encountered in an Irish hospital before but in other cases doctors acted differently.
Recently the Irish Medical Board went to the courts to grant them the right to give a blood transfusion to a child when the parents resisted based on religous grounds and as Buck said, even those crazy little christians wouldn't agree with how this situation played out.
Are you completely insane?
The parents of the child did not want the child getting a transfusion on the basis of it was against their religious beliefs (they were Mormons or something)
Parents have every right to choose what treatments the child receives or doesn't, you're obviously not a parent if you don't respect this.
In the Savita case, the doctors COULDN'T have acted because the law disallowed them, she died of septicemia however it's unclear if even an immediate abortion could've prevented her death.
How in Gods name can you blame a doctor for doing their job exactly as the law prescribes?
Do we want doctors breaking the law now?
How about if the doctor decided he could save 8 people with your organs and decided to just break the law and harvest them? Would we applaud them for having the foresight to break the law like that?