girl scout cookies

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I find it quite interesting that with all the arguing between the purported experts on this strain that none of them can answer what yield any of the phenos; cuts; fakes; or real GSC's have. Guess I will just have to grow it out and find out first hand. Any of you non experts know? Sure would like to find out. And I agree with you Mith, fakes or real shit, they breeders DID do a good job. Thanks.

Bamboo Gardner
Here's what it seems like to me. The phenos that are really strong yield low, the ones that yield good are kind of weak.


Active Member
Have you had interaction with the cuts that are being sold as GSC, such as the DHN Platinum, MO Thin Mint, SCM's GSC, and a few others I may have passed over, how would you rate them in yield and strength?


Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Have you had interaction with the cuts that are being sold as GSC, such as the DHN Platinum, MO Thin Mint, SCM's GSC, and a few others I may have passed over, how would you rate them in yield and strength?

I've got another cutting of platinum cookies, incredibly strong, way light on the yield. I've got some cuts of DHN Platinum coming next week, but I assume they'll be the same. I've got Mo's thin Mints. Out of all the cookies cuttings, this gives the best looking buds. Stacks colas the best. Flavor is fantastic. Bad potency though. I don't have SCM GSC. I have MF GSC, but I haven't flowered it yet.

My unknown very strong pheno of GSC is my favorite so far. No idea what the fuck it is, but it did come from the original breeder's grow. It's more like OGKB but with a hint of skunk.

I'm giving MO's GSC an indoor test as well as the MF GSC and DNH platinum. However I don't think I'll be growing GSC ever in my main flowering room unless the indoor tests completely blow my mind. The jig is up for me. GSC is available in many forms everywhere. I'm cashing in somewhat on my OD but it's not a strain worth hunting anymore. It's everywhere. I've got better yielding strains to grow inside that are rare and of high quality. However growing light yielding very strong strains is kind of my MO for outdoor growing due to my climate, so I'll be running it next year for sure.

The rest of them I'm probably going to toss out after the indoor tests.


Active Member
Thanks for the info Dan. I was kind of afraid that the GSC family, whether real or not was maybe a iffy grow at this point in time. I do have about 10 of each of the mint and platinum that are ready to hit the greenhouse. Just been vegging them out under T5's a bit so the electric bill is not out of this world. There will soon be so much GSC on the market that it probably will fail to bring a premium anymore. Thats all I hear around here is GSC this and GSC that. So I am also looking at other options for the next outdoor scenario. Although through the grapevine I heard that the GSC (not knowing which cut or even if it was a true GSC clone) brought over 4 pounds in 100 gallon containers. Seems a bit much with others reporting such scrimpy yield indoors.

In any event, Ill keep you informed of my greenhouse grow and we can compare notes.



Well-Known Member
I was just at an event with medicinal organic and he gave me some of the platinum cookies has has from seed and it was soo good. Funny you talk about the skunk smell cause that was my first impression of this. Got me so ripped that what ever it is speaks for it self. Really nice guy too.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Dan. I was kind of afraid that the GSC family, whether real or not was maybe a iffy grow at this point in time.
It's very iffy. But so was OG kush for a long time. Now there are OG's out there that yield pretty good with that same classic OG flavor and hard hitting potency. GSC will get there too, but it'll take a while.

I've got seeds now of high potency low yielding GSC phenos x low potency high yield GSC phenos. Hopefully I'll get a winner in there somewhere.

I do have about 10 of each of the mint and platinum that are ready to hit the greenhouse. Just been vegging them out under T5's a bit so the electric bill is not out of this world. There will soon be so much GSC on the market that it probably will fail to bring a premium anymore.
That time is approaching quickly.

Thats all I hear around here is GSC this and GSC that. So I am also looking at other options for the next outdoor scenario. Although through the grapevine I heard that the GSC (not knowing which cut or even if it was a true GSC clone) brought over 4 pounds in 100 gallon containers. Seems a bit much with others reporting such scrimpy yield indoors.
It's possible. I had a few phenos that looked like they'd do that in 100g pots. They still had that great GSC flavor but they were so weak they weren't worth growing. I threw them out.


Active Member
Just his 2¢ worth. Dan has been around the block a few times and it is always good to get different opinions so that you may form one of your own. A person is in control of their own destiny. Research and gather as much information as one can so that determinations can be made correctly. That way if the information is bogus, there is no one to blame but yourself. That is exactly why I am growing out the 10 Mints and 10 Plats myself so I can make the determination to go forward or take a different path, regardless of Dans findings. But it is always nice to share information on what you determined on the strain/grow, regardless if the grow yieldied large or small, dank or bunk.

Thanks for your info Dan. If others wish to make their opinion, I would love to hear what they say on GSC, yields and strength, and I am sure others would too.


hell of a thread here. I was poking my nose in to see if I could find out a little more than I know with GSC and spent hours reading. I had gotten 10 cuts from Harborside, with two going to moms and the rest in production. I am in week 7 of flower and the yield is really small. I probably should have vegged this much longer...I think I went three weeks. I read somewhere that this could go 9 to 10 weeks for flower. Anybody experience that, as I am hoping that a longer flower might start to build the yield??


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the info Dan. I've got GSC going into 3rd week of flower, I came into the house yesterday and it kinda smelled like a cookie factory. lol


Well-Known Member
My cut is 4 weeks in very small hairy flowers and smells like nothing anyone ealse experiance this got another cut going to run next think this cut is a dud doesn't even look to be.a.good fake


Well-Known Member
It seems like you all are fighting a losing battle. Looking for the orig cut but how will you ever know you have it? Once you find a good cut why not keep it and move on?


Well-Known Member
It seems like you all are fighting a losing battle. Looking for the orig cut but how will you ever know you have it? Once you find a good cut why not keep it and move on?
I also agree tho wouldn't mind getting a nice cut of it I have 4 other cuts I mainly run that Ben running for awhile I like my kushes


Well-Known Member
Anyone grown out platinum cookies from Medicinal Organics ? I see some of you calling it thin mints? I met with the owner of MO "Medicinal Organics" he gave me a few cuts for free and he called them Platinum cookies, idk if its the same strain or different.