I personally suffer from depression, always have. Never wanted to live this life I was forced to lived. Tried to hang myself when I was 12 after having a dream of what my future was going to be. Unfortunately someone found me in the closet and was able to resuscitate me. Anything from my drug abuse and alcoholism to pill popping I continued to try and kill my self but in a more self destructive manor. I never knew just how imbalanced I was until my doctor put me on Zoloft to help manage my resent (started a year ago) anxiety attacks.
Affair, Divorce, subsequent financial troubles leading to foreclosure, bills pilling up. all dragging me back down into depression again. I kept going through bouts where I would be overly emotional, crying, suicidal. ... eventually I figured out that I was sitting on a bad batch of Zoloft. The pills where a little lighter in color than my rest. Every time I took out of that bottle I would get the headaches and emotional swings like I was late or had missed a dose. I'm glad I figured out what was going on because I came REALLY close to killing myself there several times.