first 400w soil grow.. so far so good.!?!?!?!?


Active Member
IMG-20121202-00167.jpghere is the six girls 3 in back r skunk candy 3 in front r nl5 IMG-20121204-00172.jpgskunkcandyIMG-20121204-00173.jpg bothIMG-20121204-00174.jpg4x4 tent setupIMG-20121204-00175.jpgmy chems all for $100 :)
so they r on 12/12 rite now. temp is 70-80. so i think im doing ok after all i owe it to RIO fourms for the help!!!!
Cosm - Nice grow and pics. Looks like you know ur shit. Looking forward to seeing your plants get bigger. Only concern is soil - no perlite?
Cosm - Nice grow and pics. Looks like you know ur shit. Looking forward to seeing your plants get bigger. Only concern is soil - no perlite?
thank you. no i didnt even know bout it till i started reading more. i think after this i might try dwc see how that gose
i have read lots since i first came here so seeing others setups helped alot :)
i only found cheap prices on everything. like all my chems i payed $100 the tent $75 new and filter nad fan i payed $100. $25 for light with 4 bulbs $20 for 4xt5 veg light. lots of shopping around.
the plants $125 for 10 nl5 seeds from breeder and $20 for 5 seeds of skunk candy
so my low income shoppin works but takes time lol and asking lots of questions helps too.
UPDATE....i did my checkup and think i found a male in th nl5 batch. ill post pics in a bit. but what r my options here.? 1. kill it, 2.if it is cut the pods off . 3. take it out with a female n breed.(free nl5 seeds n weed)
is there anythin else i could or can do. the rest look fine. and since i have no clue at clone n id get free seeds lol :S.
UPDATE....i did my checkup and think i found a male in th nl5 batch. ill post pics in a bit. but what r my options here.? 1. kill it, 2.if it is cut the pods off . 3. take it out with a female n breed.(free nl5 seeds n weed)
is there anythin else i could or can do. the rest look fine. and since i have no clue at clone n id get free seeds lol :S.

Don't take it to heart since ive never bred, but i've heard alot of people say that males pollinate up to a mile away, and sticks to clothing like shirts and jackets, etc... So I think chances are you'd pollinate the rest of your girls if you allowed it to live. If I were you i'd just chop it down when youre sure it's a male

All those free seeds would be nice, but cloning is as simple as it gets man!
Just let them root under a cfl and start vegging or straight to flower, whatever you want :hump:
ok here r the picks IMG-20121205-00179.jpgIMG-20121205-00180.jpgthere a bit blury...sorry. hey x can i clone this male and see if it will come back female ? is that possible.
so i checked out the vid seems easy lol went to walmart an got stim-root #1. its not a gel but will it do the same?? also got jiffy pucks will they work??
ok so clones r doing well the r not weepin or turning color :) they look strong. if this works it will be my first successful clone !!!! :)
thanks to Xrangex for the vid. it works try it
i have a question has any one used 20-20-20 and is it good. im liking this grow but for my next id like to have trees lol and more yield. what is a good way of doing this / accomplishing this with the setup i have?
ok so back to the clones i cut day 3 n doing under 22hr light n growing strong.IMG-20121207-00188.jpgIMG-20121207-00189.jpg

and heres a pic of the girls after my roomie hacked all the fan leaves off... why?? I dont have a clue but shits locked up now!!!!View attachment 2433667IMG-20121207-00186.jpg
the best way to get bigger plants is to veg them longer and make sure they dont become rootbound...other than that theres no secret chemical that will make them explode with growth other than normal growth
Kill the male otherwise u'll pollinate ur females even if u touch the male plants then go into ur room where ur fems r u can pollinate em, and trying to cut pods is pointless males don't produce buds so unless u want seeds kill it. Also it seems like u did some research but u have drainage holes cut in ur buckets right?

Also a great way to get bigger plants is one yes longer veg and also topping, or FIM, with some supercropping or LST.