Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22


Well-Known Member
Ok, went and gave them a good look over and I still can't tell what sex they are. Oh well, I'm going to let them do their thing for the next few days, this shit is driving me nuts.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I started this thread on Wal-Mart, and people starting posting like mad, so I've been trying to update that.
Can't wait to hear the sex.


Well-Known Member
What was your final decision on topping Grnman? I've never done it, but from reading the threads in Email's post it looks like it should be done before flowering? Since I started flowering my plants, they are growing insanely fast, but like I mentioned to you I have a pretty hard harvest deadline and I'm afraid at this point topping will slow my flowering down by a few weeks that I just don't have. So maybe LST is my answer.


Well-Known Member
What was your final decision on topping Grnman? I've never done it, but from reading the threads in Email's post it looks like it should be done before flowering? Since I started flowering my plants, they are growing insanely fast, but like I mentioned to you I have a pretty hard harvest deadline and I'm afraid at this point topping will slow my flowering down by a few weeks that I just don't have. So maybe LST is my answer.
it is my understanding that severe pruning - like topping - should be limited to during vegetative growth. but i am often wrong.


Well-Known Member
I have a Powershot S5 and I love it, but it isn't so good for the macro work. I might just be doing it wrong though. Anyways, a trick is to use a magnifying glass and shoot through that. For whatever reason my camera can focus on that and it takes a great zoomed photo. I have a cheap kids magnifying glass, looks to be a worth a buck or two and it works great. I'll post a picture of female with my magnifying glass when the lights pop on tonight.


Well-Known Member
it is my understanding that severe pruning - like topping - should be limited to during vegetative growth. but i am often wrong.
Yep, that seems to be the consensus.

EDIT: Not the consensus that you are often wrong, but that topping should be done in Veg, lol.


Well-Known Member
Yep, that seems to be the consensus.

EDIT: Not the consensus that you are often wrong, but that topping should be done in Veg, lol.
LOL - thanks for the edit though i believe both the pruning advice and my often being wrong have consensus! :joint:


Well-Known Member
What's up guys...

So I got 6666 views? Oh nooo...6666 nasty nate...mark of the jungle of love!

Yea...I wasn't planning on topping just yet. Like you guys said, you can only do it during begining stages of veg. I'm going to take things one step at a time and see what I even end up with on this grow. They wake up in about 30 mins so hopefully today we will get some action.

If you guys are wondering about what I'm seeing at the nodes. There's a section somewhere on Jason's thread(guy from south korea) with some very similar pics. I've looked all over the net and it's really hard to come across some really good preflower images. His is the best I could come up with that had documented results.

#4 and #10


That male plant is nearly 2ft tall now. So that means it has grown nearly a foot in 7 days.


Well-Known Member
And another one bites the dust..

Yea that's right folks, we got another male on our hands. :(

Plant 3 turned out to be male. It was the smallest of the group, but it grew several sets of balls over night. That's why I'm still praying for Plant 1 to be female. It has had plenty of time to show those balls and has yet to do that.

One of the preflowers looks like it might be opening up, but I'm not sure.


Well-Known Member
What was your final decision on topping Grnman? I've never done it, but from reading the threads in Email's post it looks like it should be done before flowering? Since I started flowering my plants, they are growing insanely fast, but like I mentioned to you I have a pretty hard harvest deadline and I'm afraid at this point topping will slow my flowering down by a few weeks that I just don't have. So maybe LST is my answer.
Hate to hijack, but I like Picasso,

I topped a couple of clones. (young clones, just after planting the rooted ones) Kinda by accident. Just trimming off dead stuff. Seems to be growing well, if not killer. So give it a go.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program....


Well-Known Member
Hate to hijack, but I like Picasso,

I topped a couple of clones. (young clones, just after planting the rooted ones) Kinda by accident. Just trimming off dead stuff. Seems to be growing well, if not killer. So give it a go.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program....
I appreciate it. I'm seriously considering it, they are getting tall so fast. I need them to slow up for a bit. Probably at least one just to see what happens.

And not to rub it in Grnman, but I ID'ed another female tonight. I can see the tiny hairs, but even with some help from Newtoit, they are just to tiny for me to get a picture of though. Soon.

C'mon #1!