Monkee's Grow - Stealth, From Seed 12/12, CFL

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Hey just read thru your journal. Nice set up man! I'll be keeping up on this, very interesting! I have a closet grow going on now. I will be at 6 weeks flower tomorrow. My girls are doing good. But I am thinking about doing something like your box to start some plants vegging in to go into flower when these are done. Keep up the good work man! Cheak out my journal link is at bottom of post. :peace:peace man:peace:


Well-Known Member

Day: 8
Lights: 12/12 (6 cfl, 100 watts equ)
Strain: Plant 1,2,3 - White Widow; Plant 4 - LR2
Temperature: 85-101
Humidity: 22.5%
Watered: cup
Nutraints: none
Inside Smell: none
Outside Smell: none
Other: worried of over watering, and the LR2 is growing faster then the others

Here are the pictures so far...

any chance im over watering them?


Well-Known Member
Nope dosent look even near overwatering. Moreso underwatering. What kinda soil are you using.

When i water mine i usually water them to the point that all pots fill the same weight full. Which is a good Liter.5, (just under 1/2gal) for an 8" pot.

This is how my soil looks after all waterings. I let it get bone dry before rewatering, also a good idea is the finger test about 1/2-1" below ground.

I'd go slightly damper. This is a picture of my large one, at 3days, moisture level is perfect on it.



Well-Known Member
Nope dosent look even near overwatering. Moreso underwatering. What kinda soil are you using.

When i water mine i usually water them to the point that all pots fill the same weight full. Which is a good Liter.5, (just under 1/2gal) for an 8" pot.

This is how my soil looks after all waterings. I let it get bone dry before rewatering, also a good idea is the finger test about 1/2-1" below ground.

I'd go slightly damper. This is a picture of my large one, at 3days, moisture level is perfect on it.

Its 4 parts of organic soil, then 1 part of... perlite, peat moss, clay and vermiculite


Well-Known Member
Hey what spectrum are you CFL's?? My 4 foot fluorescents dont give of any heat and there cool white and worm white, well the worm white gives of a little heat. And I heard that mylar and other reflectors like that makes your space hotter, I guess it bounces heat of rather then absorbed it.
you should buy another thermometer, its always good to have 2 just to be sure..:leaf:


Well-Known Member
ive stopped caring about temps haha, ive put in an industrial fan if that doesn't work then nothing will... i still need this to fit into my closet

im using 4 different types of cfls just picking them up from different places, warm white, daytime, real light and some other one i really dont know

mylars the shit, it really increases the light in the grow... use it from chip bags :P


Well-Known Member
I noticed in the pics the variance of light spectrum... but haven't commented because you're going straight to flower, right? So for flower "redder is better" but for veg, you want all cool, 6500K.

My concern is that... going straight to flower, veg might be weak under warmer lights.

Ultimately you could go straight to flower with cool floros to build veg, then switch to warmer about 2-4 weeks in.

Keeping an eye on this, haven't seen another blog that's straight flower from the get-go.


Well-Known Member
I noticed in the pics the variance of light spectrum... but haven't commented because you're going straight to flower, right? So for flower "redder is better" but for veg, you want all cool, 6500K.

My concern is that... going straight to flower, veg might be weak under warmer lights.

Ultimately you could go straight to flower with cool floros to build veg, then switch to warmer about 2-4 weeks in.

Keeping an eye on this, haven't seen another blog that's straight flower from the get-go.
haha man i want a big closet grow some day

but im living in a small apartment and im using this as a learning experience and as a hobby since ive been busy recently

I dont really care about the type of lights i should be using for what, i have some healthy looking plants right now and if they grow... im happy lol... ive grow in bigger places with other people and stuff like thats a big concern for moms or clones, but when youre growing in a rubbermaid it isn't a big concern haha

plants dont actually have to veg, i did a lot of research into that, i doubt the plants will be taller then a foot

i was originally not going to make a journal i thought fuck it im to busy... but as someone who got alot from the site i wanted to give back... and also i wanted to have somewhere that new people can look at not see 100 go to hps, you have to veg, you cant grow at that temperature... all the standard things that worry people... wanted this to be a normal guys, normal grow, with shit lying around... and if it doesn't work and i get shit, then that shows people as well

so while i totally admit about that lights, you're thinking a bit to much for me for this grow lol

thanks for the comment though i hope other people who are vegging get that :)


Well-Known Member

Day: 9
Lights: 12/12 (6 cfl, 100 watts equ)
Strain: Plant 1,2,3 - White Widow; Plant 4 - LR2
Temperature: 88-90
Humidity: 30%
Watered: soaked them last night
Nutraints: none
Inside Smell: none
Outside Smell: none
Other: Concerned they are getting a bit tall and might be pulling on them... but all seems well

starting construction on a fliter this weekend, wont need it for a while but should give me some time to work everything out

they are looking real good, wondering how long it will take for them to sex or grow really big... and if 18/6 or 24/0 is smart now, but i think thats my impatient side talking

Also Placing Bets On What Day They Show Sex... We're On Day 9 Today


Well-Known Member
Well i'm into day 14 flowering and still no sex shown for me yet. so i'm betting 3weeks easy if not longer.

18/6 shouldn't be a bad thing, if anything they'll be a little bushier before going into flower, i'm happy with the sizing i'm getting even with almost 3weeks veg.

That LR2 should be intresting since its an autoflower strain, i'd probobly put them all into 18/6 for a week or so then go back into flowering, and use a scrog to double your yield.

I still don't know if mines female yet......its a pain waiting! be patient though.


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree about the LR's I never thought about the fact that its auto,

im not doing SCROG, i know its a good idea, but truthfully im pretty lazy with all this... if i get a joint to smoke with my buds, im happy all a learning experience really

might just do some lst


Well-Known Member
Patience Patience Patience. Sounds like you're getting impatient. Growing sensi is the best waiting game in the world


Well-Known Member
Day 10

Day: 10
Lights: 12/12 (6 cfl, 100 watts equ)
Strain: Plant 1,2,3 - White Widow; Plant 4 - LR2
Temperature: 95
Humidity: 25%
Nutraints: none
Inside Smell: none
Outside Smell: none
Other: no pictures today... getting a bit tall had to drop them down a bit

big piece of advice.... if you are building one, create a way to move the lights not the plants its easier

also find a way to look at the plants with the top closed lol
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Well-Known Member
Day 11 - Big Picture Update

Day: 11
Lights: 12/12 (6 cfl, 100 watts equ)
Strain: Plant 1,2,3 - White Widow; Plant 4 - LR2
Temperature: 85-100
Humidity: 25%
Watered: flood them tonight
Nutraints: none
Inside Smell: none
Outside Smell: none
Other: none

So I've decided to give you guys a bunch of shots of how all 4 plants are doing... if anyone wants to give them names lemme know lol

White Widow 1

White Widow 2

White Widow 3




Well-Known Member
I did a test and added nutes at 1/8 strength last night to 2 of the 4 plants... looked at them today and they have really shot up which is great... with no nute burn on the leaves