Not much to add to Hiker's comments. Good post.
Above are a couple of pics showing the kief that just fell out of the bud. That's right, it fell out. You can see by its color that we're essentially dealing with first sift quality.
What are we looking at here? Is that your piece of glass resting over the screen tray?
I'm still many weeks away from needing this stuff, but I better start thinking now about what system I want to use![]()
hey SimonD, I was wondering if the box you have was something you built yourself, and if youve ever written a diy for it
I mean, i know i have to burp it every 12 hours for about 2-4 hours, but is there a way to tell when it's moister level is optimal for smoking? some kind of discoloration, or textural difference that might help me out??
But how do I know I haven't waited too long? after this plant, I'm gonna set aside some cash for a hygrometer, but in the meantime I gotta work with my eyes I guess lol. This is medicine for me, so I want it to be as perfect as possible, to get the affects I need, so I don't have to go back to the hospital lmaoWait as long as you possibly can.![]()
if their was a way to tell how much moister leaves the plant during burping, like say, at first the buds start with 70% moister after drying, and say, 5% dissipates during a 2 hour burping session, then I could just gauge from that...I guess it'd be optimal if I had one of those hygrometer things, but it's just not in the budget -.-
Without a device to measure that #, how can you know? Everyone's situation will be different because we all have different levels of RH. You will never get it below the RH of the air obviously. If you're in a more humid environment, I would err on the side of a little extra dry before jarring. If it's dry there, like it was for me in socal, I would err on the side of slightly less dry when jarring.
This is one of those things that experience will be your best teacher. You will get a "feel" for when they are ready to go into jars. Once in the jars, I stand by my original statement. It sounds like you're doing a very small grow for a personal stash. If so, then as long as you can let it cure, the better. Problem is, in this situation, you usually can't wait too long!![]()
Simon, could we see pics of the whole setup you're using?
I apologize if you already posted them somewhere.
I love your boxes! I concur with the others who have posted.
Would you please give us some insight into how to make these? Possibly take some more pictures for us? I am sure I could figure it out from there.
i use a simple way for dryin n curin .. hang upside down for 11-15 days , put into tupperware box for 6 days (no burpin) on the 6th day burp for 1 hour back into tupper ware box for 4-5 days and BOOOOM! job done .. smoke that makes ya eyes bleed when ya toke it. not saying thats the best way by any means .. but works for me everytime.