and not sure if you have checked out my grow or not. the link is in my sig. im going to be harvesting my first 2 plants from this setup tonight. I am currently using 1 1000w HPS for a 4x6 room and i feel that i dont have enough light..
you want to be able to spread your plants out so they are not crowding each other, this is only going to make them block light from each other. i would suggest going out today and buying your buckets, your going to need them no matter what. then take them and place them on the floor and space them out so they have a good amount of room. then you can see how big your room should be and you can figure out what you want to do for lighting.
it your going to want to be able to walk around them without brushing up on them too much (only applies for flower room) because once they start producing buds and your rubbing on them buds your knocking trichomes off and your gonna stink like high hell.
and as far as the clones go, i recomend just spending 100 bucks on seeds from attitude seedbank, you know your getting what you order and you get to pick what you want out of an array of selections instead of being subjected to taking whats on hand from your friends friend.
you will also get a bunch of freebies to test run if you want. besides that people charge redicules prices for clones, for the price your gonna pay for 12 clones you could get 12 different strains and a bunch of seeds, with 5 packs of seeds you get to pick which pheno you like best out of each pack and clone from that.
if you dont know what pheno means you can google phenotype. but basically its like if you have a set of triplets, they all are identical fraternal which means the mother dropped 3 eggs instead of 1. same deal with seeds the mother plant produces many different seeds each carrying the same genetics.
well of the triplets one has blue eyes and blond hair, one has green eyes and brown hair and the other had brown eyes brown hair, these three children are of the same mother but cary different phenotypes...meaning different genetic traits are more dominant in each child. kinda a crappy explanation but i hope you get the point.
i have had good luck with this seedbank. seeds germinate and produce a great quality product. they ship discreet and if you opt to get gaurenteed shipping for the price of 10-12 bucks you also get a T shirt. (basically if you buy a souvineer from them to package the seeds in they will gaurentee the shipment arrives at your door and in tact.)