Shiney side or Dull side


Well-Known Member
I love it, you cant even see wires coming out of it! Beats the hell out of those flimsy tents they sell, not to mention a tent is pretty heatscore lol im amazed atthe stealtness you have there, did you do okay? And much better after the upgrade?
thanks man and yeah, i did ok, ...i learned an awful lot in that box!

...but it's being used as storage right now, lol, i upgraded again into a DR120 4 x 4 with a 600HPS and i'm rockin' it barebulb vertical style.

...i got real tired of taking care of 50x 1liter pots so now i care for 11x 6liter pots which means my grow has never been easier, workload wise, except for the trimming, because my grow is way more productive now so there's just so much more trimming to do, lol.

peace, bozo

...oh yeah, here's a picture of a couple White Rhino's i grew under that 400CMH and you'll note that they are in coco hempy-buckets made from 2liter Coke bottles. ...these weighed in at just under 2 zipz each, not bad for 4 liters of coco, lol.



Active Member
Not to jack anyones thread but one ive ready alot of what bozo has said in threads and I must say he knows his stuff, so idc listen to his advice,, and two bozo idc love if you followed my journal ima a complete noob first time every cfl grow stealth and its just some reg bagseed my plants are doing a lil bad and I think I need a lil help from someone who knows how its done
My first ever grow was barebulb, it went really good actually, those look great for a 400 watt for sure! , i hear what your saying its hard dealing with, well alot of pots, i try to make everything auto so i dont have to do much, and ya, trimming is the worst! I do it all alone and it takes forever, its all good once its bagged but a real hassle prior lol ive tried the trimmers but wasnt very happy with the results
Id like to show you some pics, once i get them into flower, i just got busted a couple months ago and just setting up again, i have some pics but there pretty lame, id hate for you to get the wrong idea


Well-Known Member
Not to jack anyones thread but one ive ready alot of what bozo has said in threads and I must say he knows his stuff, so idc listen to his advice,, and two bozo idc love if you followed my journal ima a complete noob first time every cfl grow stealth and its just some reg bagseed my plants are doing a lil bad and I think I need a lil help from someone who knows how its done up a link to your thread grasshopper and i'll stop in and take a look.

...also, thanks for the props man but i'm just an old stoner taking care of himself and most of what i know i've learned by studying threads, that's why i post up so many links, and by trial and error.

...keep in mind that marijuana is a weed so it can tolerate a shitload of abuse and still finish and produce bud, probably won't be much or great your first time out but i promise you it will taste better than any bud you had to pay for, lol

anyway, like i said, post up a link to your thread and i'll come by and take a look and i'll share some links for you to study, links that changed my life and so could change yours also.

peace, bozo