Vertical Grow 400 Watt Hps. Blueberry Dutch Passion


Well-Known Member
what do you mean totally vertical. What are you going to change. I think mine is pretty dialed dude. Circular grow areas with one step all the way around is the best. This way you could have plants on the floor and top of the step, the ones on the step get the best light. So you need to rotate, this is why I like having three seperate cycles going at once. You like move the plants into each of the three areas of your grow room, so floor is weeks 1 and 2, step on the right weeks 3 and 4, then move to the step on the left for weeks 5 and 6 rotating the plants acordingy.

Phat looking buds there :)

I nearly did a similar thing, but instead went totally vertical, going to change a few things next time around, but I'll never go back to growing flat gardens again!


Well-Known Member
I dont have spider mites, I did on my last grow, dont know how I got them, but dont have them this time, cleaned out my grow room when I changed my lighting system and sprayed all my plants down with a organic product Ihave.


Well-Known Member
i have 12 plants with the same set up but i have two step as i can not use the floor. now what i am thinking is put anther 400 hps right next to it to the right or left. then one row would get light from both sides.the hole plant top to bottom. i am liking this better as i just did this 3 months ago.

i felt the light the light on the top of the light that was hitting the reflctor i thought it was wasted. altho i do know it was getting reflected but how much was lost


Well-Known Member
hey where did you get the wrap that you used for youre set up i want some for my grow room


Well-Known Member
i have 12 plants with the same set up but i have two step as i can not use the floor. now what i am thinking is put anther 400 hps right next to it to the right or left. then one row would get light from both sides.the hole plant top to bottom. i am liking this better as i just did this 3 months ago.

i felt the light the light on the top of the light that was hitting the reflctor i thought it was wasted. altho i do know it was getting reflected but how much was lost
Any pics? well how about lowering one hps and putting one directly above it then add a step


Well-Known Member
yeah the problem is i dont have a hydro store around here and does any internet store might have it so i can order some


Well-Known Member
ok if your still wondering about tgetting ur blueberry to change colors my idea i came up with that i will try soon is to a. make the room very cold cold as u can get it like mid 50s for the last week....that will do it if not possible i figure u can dry slightly for a day or 2 then chop buds off and set them in a little cooler with a bag of ice to keep them at about45 50 this should turn them colors since they are still alive for a bit...not 100 percent but i bet either of these will work ive seen it in other posts


Well-Known Member
Never thought of that, thanks. I think I will just let them do what they want its too hard to get the room that cold. Its hot where I live. In can wait until winter.

ok if your still wondering about tgetting ur blueberry to change colors my idea i came up with that i will try soon is to a. make the room very cold cold as u can get it like mid 50s for the last week....that will do it if not possible i figure u can dry slightly for a day or 2 then chop buds off and set them in a little cooler with a bag of ice to keep them at about45 50 this should turn them colors since they are still alive for a bit...not 100 percent but i bet either of these will work ive seen it in other posts


Well-Known Member
yeah the problem is i dont have a hydro store around here and does any internet store might have it so i can order some MYLER


Well-Known Member
It came with a hood, I just took the hood off. Got it at a local hydro store. didnt trust the ebay stuff. Its a Hortilux bulb