States Rights!!!! States Rights!!!!!
get rid of the dept of education let local school boards decide
States Rights!!!! States Rights!!!!!
Everytime I hear it I see a bigot or a racist
I don't believe in states rights, there's only one morality. One's duty towards morality doesn't change based on distance.
I also don't believe in government education. You risk turning your kids into Buck. All you end up with is a mindless drone who has no idea what the Constitution says nor what the words really mean.
I personally hate Lincoln and rate him as one of the worst "Republican" presidents, right behind Nixon. But he said one truth,"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
What better way to destroy ourselves than to brainwash the masses with mandatory brainwashing to our most vulnerable, children. Therefore, the only way to stop such, is to make sure parents who know better, teach their children to know better also.
Some retard pinko isn't ever teaching my kids.