It seems you have a rudimentary grasp of the principle of relativity, you seem to misunderstand the fundamental concept that the laws of physics are identical in ALL frames.
You are conflating isolated systems with frames of reference. They are different concepts entirely.
You should take your own advice.
-snip quantum theory -snip-
This theory was published in 2011, it generally takes a few years for other physicists to test the theory before it becomes feasible to call it a law.. And Im sorry I dont have the time to spend 2 hours writing out feild equations in this thread for you to check out... I have however.. provided a video of Nassim Haramein laying out these caluculations in laymans terms. If you would actually watch the video.. you would see the math.. you would see that it works.. and you would see that your WRONG... but.. I guess 2 hours of your time to learn something about the universe is just too much to ask.... Afterall.. Ive been asking for over a week now! Here is the math.. yet again.. Come proove me wrong please!
Well said... you're arguing with something that's not a scientific law - why isn't it a law? That question sort of answers it self, I do believe. I can make up math where numbers fit too, but since there is no standardization or real acknowledgement or proof (see: Law) it's all heresay anyway. Volley, your turn on how this 'theory' is proven, yet it's not a law.
E=MC2 is a law, not a theory.
E=MC2 is an equation not a law.
Judge Dredd is the Law.