Avoiding the PH game, noob

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New Member
Not you baby gurl ;p, it seems to me more people are posting information that is either A) not enough info and lacks supportive evidence or B) they are throwing ideas out there that they know little about.

I was stating irrelevancy towards how It doesnt aide in really anything the poster asked for, the Information was not stupid I just feel as if it wasnt enough information regarding ph and that it wasnt directed at he was hoping to understand. All the information being posted is not nearly enough, we are just giving him specific answers when he needs to do a lot of research on these topics, there is just to much information being left out that would help him a lot.

I dont mean to come off as a prick but theres so many replies that barely help this guy.
You're Alaskan, your prickish nature is excused as long as mine is excused :)

Yes, I see a lot of information that is wrong. When I actually post "quality posts" they always include references that are typically pulled right off of RIU. A lot of people lack reference material when posting. I rarely take peoples advice unless some literature is involved.


Well-Known Member
Not you baby gurl ;p, it seems to me more people are posting information that is either A) not enough info and lacks supportive evidence or B) they are throwing ideas out there that they know little about.

I was stating irrelevancy towards how It doesnt aide in really anything the poster asked for, the Information was not stupid I just feel as if it wasnt enough information regarding ph and that it wasnt directed at he was hoping to understand. All the information being posted is not nearly enough, we are just giving him specific answers when he needs to do a lot of research on these topics, there is just to much information being left out that would help him a lot.

I dont mean to come off as a prick but theres so many replies that barely help this guy.

yup, tons of useless information hiding great information on the net.

tbh i stick to the basic rule. If my plant looks healthy and is growing at a healthy rate then she is indeed healthy. I norm only check my ph water lvl once a week (when im Changing water/nutes -i use DWC) and i hardly ever check my soil ph.


Well-Known Member
You're Alaskan, your prickish nature is excused as long as mine is excused :)

Yes, I see a lot of information that is wrong. When I actually post "quality posts" they always include references that are typically pulled right off of RIU. A lot of people lack reference material when posting. I rarely take peoples advice unless some literature is involved.
+1 cause you called me an alaskan :D


Well-Known Member
:p, gotta stick together in this cold ass place haha, shame it hasnt been cold though -.- sweat my ass off when its 20f out.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
..so getting back to the question in regards to relevancy..

Got my first DWC in, PH was a touch high (around 6.5 - 7.0) so i dropped it, a little too far i think, its probly around 4.5 - 5. Now im using canna classic A for vegging with an EC around 1.0-1.2, plant is a 8 week old clone so its well established. Need a few more inches and it can go to flower.

If i leave my PH at its current level and just let nature do its thing (over time my PH will rise slowly??) it will correct its self. I really dont wanna play this PH game, 35 litres in the res, and Canna aint cheap.
I assume that you understand that in DWC (which I don't grow in so have no real experience in -- I grow in coco/perlite (full disclosure)) you want to have your ph between 5.5 and 5.8, or up to 6.0.

Based on the relevancy of my contribution to this thread, I hope that you understand that ph 4.5 is OVER TEN TIMES MORE ACIDIC THAN WHERE YOU WANT TO BE. Ten times of anything is a lot. That's the relevancy.

The question is, will it rise slowly? Yes.

How fast will it rise? at a 40ppm tap water, prolly not super fast. If your water was 300ppm, it would prolly self-correct in 24 hours.

Will the plant die at ph 4.5? Yes, eventually. However it will take some time. Prolly weeks. You might even make it to harvest fine, if you're using humic and fulvic acids. However, you will likely stunt it. You're still in veg, so stunting in veg isn't as big of a deal as during flower.

Nutes are cheap, and if they're not, use something else. Dyna-Gro works out to something like 14 cents to a gallon of nutrient solution. We're talking about a flower we're growing that can buy a gallon of concentrated nutes with a gram or two. I don't think it should be a big deal to dump your res and refresh.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Weeks? at 4.5? No. Days. 4.5 is bad news.
I fucked up once and didn't calibrate my meter for months. Then I finally decided it was time to do it, and discovered I was measuring my 7.0 calibration solution at fucking 8.6! That means I was prolly feeding at 4.5 or below! I use humic acids which makes the nutrient availability range wider and fulvics which helps the plant optimize nutrient levels uptake, so I'm sure that helped. However I did make it to harvest with green leaves and super crystal buds. The buds were airy and fulffy though, and I didn't understand why since I had grown identical genetics before. Then when I realized my meter was way off it all made sense. Again, this was coco, so perhaps in dwc and no humic/fulvic acids, you would be correct by saying days.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
I do have 300+ ppm water, so an upward drift is pretty steady which likely helped my case as well.


Well-Known Member

@ Pj Daiz (and sorry for directy the convo elsewhere but) On the subject of
  • humic/fulvic acids​

Do u have any additional information on that subject? Ive never heard of them before, How much do they improve the range by? Is it expensive? Is it contained in any popular nutes?


Well-Known Member
Lol, diablo dont listen to p j, the info he stated is shit and has no supporting evidence, also its just wrong flat out. Pj plesse do research before you post, you stated a lot of invalid information without explanation and theres to much for me to have to correct. Im done posting, I normally only help those whos threads dont get posts.

Also kron i have a flight for the 17th to cali for a few weeks, wanna chill sometime before then?


New Member
Lol, diablo dont listen to p j, the info he stated is shit and has no supporting evidence, also its just wrong flat out. Pj plesse do research before you post, you stated a lot of invalid information without explanation and theres to much for me to have to correct. Im done posting, I normally only help those whos threads dont get posts.

Also kron i have a flight for the 17th to cali for a few weeks, wanna chill sometime before then?
I'm down. I'll save some nuggature for the occasion. Just lemme know when.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member

@ Pj Daiz (and sorry for directy the convo elsewhere but) On the subject of
  • humic/fulvic acids​

Do u have any additional information on that subject? Ive never heard of them before, How much do they improve the range by? Is it expensive? Is it contained in any popular nutes?
I don't have any specific data, but I can tell you it's some good shit (pun intended). It's basically compost. You can get it in things like earthworm castings, or decomposed kelp.

There's all kinds of studies, just google: humic acid nutrient availability range

Look at wikipedia for fulvic acid and humic acid. All kinds of good info.

I use Botanicare Liquid Kharma, which has both.
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