Am I in the right thread? LoL..
Ok guys, thank you for all the info, but I think I'll just stick to what works for me, I'll still use that soil mix of plant tone and perlite but I don't think I will go full organic, brewing teas etc. that shit ain't for me, beside I'm doing only 2 plants at a time so a bag of FFOF + plant tone + perlite it's all I need for now, maybe in the future when I get a bigger place then I can start thinking a bit bigger
For now I think I'm good, my plants are looking healthy, growing nicely what else can I ask for?
Matt 90 gallons of soil?? shit you got that right where in the hell would I fit that? haha so any kind of mixing, baking or any other stuff ain't happening hehe
I live in a middle of BIG ASS city haha
Plus my schedule is getting full with my sons swimming classes, soccer practice we're getting a bit over our heads hahaha. So I got to keep this grow KISS