FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Well-Known Member
Man, you guys are being optimistic.

His plants have upcoming feeds with bizarre chemicals, an impending crucifixion, and who the hell only knows what else that Shiva voice in his head will make him do to them.

He's gonna yield zero grams. His plants won't make it.
ya your probably right


Well-Known Member
This grow is for hash, not bud:dunce::dunce::finger:.

I think High Times or some other pot magazine should feature his grow in April. Put his pic on the cover, takes pics of grow, and do an interview on his thoughts about growing. He can be the April Fool, it would be so funny that it would sell.


Active Member
I can't wait for harvest time...

Judging by this how to video made by fin I could learn a thing or two from this boy

Especially about when to harvest.... look how ready those buds were.... mmm mmm ..... the perfect harvest



Well-Known Member
Holy Brownies stuffed with Bear Feces!

I stumbled on this thread last night, and had a hard time going to sleep because I was laughing too hard.
In the time that Fin has grown these plants, my friends have harvested two crops with about 2lbs of output.
And if those are the buds he's FINALLY harvested, it is a travesty.
Seriously, I've gone to the garbage dump and found trash bags full of throw-away cuttings and immature popcorn that looked (and probably smoked) better than his "Dank dank dankity dank" (I hope that is the correct term).

Now I haven't read the whole thread (waaaaaay too long... hell, it took me over 5 hours to read--and cross-reference--the first 135 pages of the Astir LED thread, but that one is WORTH reading); however, after seeing stuff about spraying milk on the plants and "Adventure Time", I can only imagine what sort of monstrous chemical "stressing" was done to these poor, innocent vegetables.

But this thread is so damn funny, I had to subscribe... KEEP THE COMEDY ROLLING, TROOPS! Cramping belly laughs are good for one's health!


Well-Known Member
how did he manage to reach 10k posts?
I can field this one, he spams posts to develop himself as a sort of online mj personality, and doesn't focus on his plants, learning, or anything else critical to having solid bud... hence his post counts are through the roof, and his videos look like a 9 year old is growing their first plant or tree for earth day.. (it may survive, and if it does.. it's in need of critical care and much more in the way of phytology/horticulture skills than he could amass in his next 3 lifetimes(specific to him, not the 9 year old who's outgrowing him no matter the species in question))


Well-Known Member
how did he manage to reach 10k posts?
I suspect fantastic quantities of trendy pharmaceutical amusements, and responding to every message posted, helped him to achieve that goal.
Which in retrospect is a Herculean task,
unless one is a jibbering fool to begin with.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
His female update.

[video=youtube;PwRSqizVMQk] UnUJxvAAkK1Wg[/video]

That one in the back is HELLA stretched!

The two in the front don't even seem to be growing.

He is such a lazy ass. Won't even turn the HPS off for videos.


Well-Known Member
His female update.

[video=youtube;PwRSqizVMQk] UnUJxvAAkK1Wg[/video]

That one in the back is HELLA stretched!

The two in the front don't even seem to be growing.

He is such a lazy ass. Won't even turn the HPS off for videos.
Did I hear him say he was going to clone them??

So he's going to use the top for clones, and the bottom for pollination?

He's not going to have any he did all of these experiments for nothing??


Well-Known Member
if he turned off the HPS we'd be able to see what a spectacular failure he has going on.
Am tempted to d/l the photos, use a few photoshop filters to try to fix the pic, adjust the color to some semi-sane set.. and see what they really look like.


Active Member
His female update.

[video=youtube;PwRSqizVMQk] UnUJxvAAkK1Wg[/video]

That one in the back is HELLA stretched!

The two in the front don't even seem to be growing.
Yep, those are the traits he looks for in breeding stock. Apparently he wants a huge supply of shitty plant genetics.

I've seen plants grown in PC cases that look better than those.
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