The Draft?


Active Member
Poverty draft seems to be working well now. No need for draft really. Just brain wash the red, white, and flu in public school, allow jobs to go away and there ya go.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Poverty draft seems to be working well now. No need for draft really. Just brain wash the red, white, and flu in public school, allow jobs to go away and there ya go.
apparently it's true, some people really do use only 10% of their brains.

i must inform the good people at Snopes immediately.


Ursus marijanus
Where is the threshold for bringing out the steel?
I am afraid that there are at least as many thresholds as there are people who might take to arms (either for offensive or defensive tasks) multiplied by their available states of mind. The Fuck You sentiment applies to classification as well ... people tend to resist being cubbyholed to the point of contrariness, even rebellion. In far fewer words: I can't say. cn

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Great example of a red, white and flu zombie right here.
im sure that idiotic phrase has some deep meaning for you, but for everybody else it just sounds like what it is, another attempt at a forced meme, and a failed slogan.

you're really not good at argument or debate. you're supposed to make a point.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You mean a point like this one? Mission accomplished!!!
no, thats still completely off the topic.

i understand that you cannot take your morning shit without first screaming that it's all bush's fault, but that still does not make it true.

the draft is the subject at hand, not your mania and bizarre psycho-sexual fixation with George W Bush.

and fyi that was like 7 years ago. you cannot still be butthurt over that.

and in fact the mission was accomplished at that point since "major combat operations" were finished. all that was left was the occupation and mopping up the insurgents.

but then i guess youre unaware that after ww2, american troops were still engaged in frequent firefights with insurgents in germany too...

yep, it's true. some nazi holdouts still dreaming of the return of the third reich, some marxists, some anarchists, some old school pre-marxist communists, even some radical monarchists trying to reestablish the german aristocracy.

10 motherfucking years after VE day.

i guess FDR and eisenhower were also premature in their declaration of victory too.

where's your venom for them?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
no, thats still completely off the topic.

i understand that you cannot take your morning shit without first screaming that it's all bush's fault, but that still does not make it true.

the draft is the subject at hand, not your mania and bizarre psycho-sexual fixation with George W Bush.

and fyi that was like 7 years ago. you cannot still be butthurt over that.

and in fact the mission was accomplished at that point since "major combat operations" were finished. all that was left was the occupation and mopping up the insurgents.

but then i guess youre unaware that after ww2, american troops were still engaged in frequent firefights with insurgents in germany too...

yep, it's true. some nazi holdouts still dreaming of the return of the third reich, some marxists, some anarchists, some old school pre-marxist communists, even some radical monarchists trying to reestablish the german aristocracy.

10 motherfucking years after VE day.

i guess FDR and eisenhower were also premature in their declaration of victory too.

where's your venom for them?
Did you know Japan didn't completely surrender until March 9, 1974?


Well-Known Member
Do you know that Japan, and Germany are not allowed to have an army, and protect their own country, so in essence we are still occupying their country's...
Since WWII ? And we do not charge them for this service ? On a side note, it looks like we have come far as a country since the last draft, maybe we now draft equally... women also...
If they do that who will do this ? From your Grandpa's era...
"I aint gonna go to VietNom... I'd rather stay home fukk your Mom...."

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Do you know that Japan, and Germany are not allowed to have an army, and protect their own country, so in essence we are still occupying their country's...
Since WWII ? And we do not charge them for this service ? On a side note, it looks like we have come far as a country since the last draft, maybe we now draft equally... women also...
If they do that who will do this ? From your Grandpa's era...
"I aint gonna go to VietNom... I'd rather stay home fukk your Mom...."
really? germany doesnt have an army?

thats gonna be news to germany's army.

i wonder if they know.

i guess when they send nato troops from germany they actually dispatch platoons of busty bierfraus and teams of professional beer gamers instead of those guys you see up there^^^^

japan doesnt have any military at all, since we promised to protect them.

they DO have an army, the baddest army in the world, ours. and they get it for free.

what the hell are you smoking that you think this is BAD for japan?

also, thanks for more 1960's idiocy. i bet you were super popular at the love-ins in haight ashbury.

nah. youre probably 12.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Tell that to us and

Cuba and

Panama and

Afghanistan and


Cuz we're that special.
i think he means japan isnt at war with anybody just because one badass motherfucker in the jungles of the philipines never got the order to stand down and he just kept fighting for the emperor like the goddamned 47 Ronin all rolled up into one dude.

but that is awesome.


Active Member
no, thats still completely off the topic.

i understand that you cannot take your morning shit without first screaming that it's all bush's fault, but that still does not make it true.

the draft is the subject at hand, not your mania and bizarre psycho-sexual fixation with George W Bush.

and fyi that was like 7 years ago. you cannot still be butthurt over that.

and in fact the mission was accomplished at that point since "major combat operations" were finished. all that was left was the occupation and mopping up the insurgents.

but then i guess youre unaware that after ww2, american troops were still engaged in frequent firefights with insurgents in germany too...

yep, it's true. some nazi holdouts still dreaming of the return of the third reich, some marxists, some anarchists, some old school pre-marxist communists, even some radical monarchists trying to reestablish the german aristocracy.

10 motherfucking years after VE day.

i guess FDR and eisenhower were also premature in their declaration of victory too.

where's your venom for them?

HAHAHAHAHAH WTF are you even babbling about? Who said anything about Bush? Who needs Bush when you can have Obama do it and it's all kosher? Tell me again about staying on topic while going off topic. FAIL

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHAHAH WTF are you even babbling about? Who said anything about Bush? Who needs Bush when you can have Obama do it and it's all kosher? Tell me again about staying on topic while going off topic. FAIL
youre the one whop brought up bush you blithering twat.

or was your "mission accomplished whinge related to some other stupidity that only you know.

your dogwhistles are not properly pitched. everyone can hear them and they sound like this:

*Toot* im a dumbass who cant stay off bush's nuts. *Toot* as much as a i cry and bitch about bush, i still love that dickride *Toot*


Active Member
youre the one whop brought up bush you blithering twat.

or was your "mission accomplished whinge related to some other stupidity that only you know.

your dogwhistles are not properly pitched. everyone can hear them and they sound like this:

*Toot* im a dumbass who cant stay off bush's nuts. *Toot* as much as a i cry and bitch about bush, i still love that dickride *Toot*
1 point for staying on topic. Minus 2 for for the bush reference. Maybe this will help. Obaaaaaaama sucks as much as Bush. Leave mission accomplished alone. Or is every word bush said tainted?

Ps Obama is a long leg MAC daddy.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
1 point for staying on topic. Minus 2 for for the bush reference. Maybe this will help. Obaaaaaaama sucks as much as Bush. Leave mission accomplished alone. Or is every word bush said tainted?

Ps Obama is a long leg MAC daddy.
so you are intimating that you were NOT referencing BOOOOSH! and his notoriously demagoggued use of that phrase to indicate that organized iraqi resistance was over?

are you now pretending that you meant something else?

do you actually think anyone will believe that?

PS, "MAC" is incorrect.
he has nothing to do with the apple product line or their shitty software.

the phrase you are butchering is "Obama is a Long Legged Mack Daddy." this phrase implies that Barry is a pimp. a panderer, a procurer. but you are insufficiently legit to come correct up in this heezie.
Fo Sheezle. Ya dizzle ma nizzle?


Active Member
so you are intimating that you were NOT referencing BOOOOSH! and his notoriously demagoggued use of that phrase to indicate that organized iraqi resistance was over?

are you now pretending that you meant something else?

do you actually think anyone will believe that?

PS, "MAC" is incorrect.
he has nothing to do with the apple product line or their shitty software.

the phrase you are butchering is "Obama is a Long Legged Mack Daddy." this phrase implies that Barry is a pimp. a panderer, a procurer. but you are insufficiently legit to come correct up in this heezie.
Fo Sheezle. Ya dizzle ma nizzle?

When tush used "Mission Accomplished", I don't think he used any exclamation points. I did cause I'm a mac daddy, with long legs,unshaved tho(pubic region is clear). So, to answer your question, no I wasn't. But your so butt pounded over him, you can't get over it. Love doesn't die easy, but you gotta let it go. Besides, that was soooooooooooooooo 3 presidential elections ago.


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
When tush used "Mission Accomplished", I don't think he used any exclamation points. I did cause I'm a mac daddy, with long legs,unshaved tho(pubic region is clear). So, to answer your question, no I wasn't. But your so butt pounded over him, you can't get over it. Love doesn't die easy, but you gotta let it go. Besides, that was soooooooooooooooo 3 presidential elections ago.
typical of the kind of self-serving and useless waffle i am accustomed to hearing from you.

make idiotic statement using half-assed dogwhistle --------> walk back previous statement pretending dogwhistle referred to "something else" but that "something else" is a secret --------> smugly declare ultimate victory through vagueness