Lazy Susan 600w Hempy Scrog Beeeeeyatch!


Well-Known Member
After at least a day of data the kill-a-watt is reporting a $9.46 monthly charge on the AC. I gave my soil plants some more secret ingredient today, they didn't die from the last dose so lets go again!
That Kill-A-Watt is on my list of things to buy...has been for about a year.
It keeps getting pushed back for more pressing things.
It would be cool to show my girl what my grow really puts toward the monthly elec bill though.


Well-Known Member
Kinda long, kinda boring. LOL I didnt realize I wasnt gonna do much pruning at all prior to this and that was the original intention of this video. So its just me rambling a bit and spinning my table :)


Well-Known Member
Im actually kind of sad you flipped to 12/12 :-( that screen could do a hellova lot more filling in, imo.
Either way you'll be getting buds though :-)


Well-Known Member
My lights are finally on! I can go in now! I'm not actually into flower yet, I'm transitioning there... By Friday though.


Well-Known Member
Ive just had a brainstorm for a new grow system. Im excited :) I didnt stick around long enough to get credit for the flooded tube, but this one will be mine alone!


Well-Known Member
Ive just had a brainstorm for a new grow system. Im excited :) I didnt stick around long enough to get credit for the flooded tube, but this one will be mine alone!

That makes two of us :-) I hope we dont build the same system lol Im too scared to say what it is because someone will be able to build it sooner than me lol
I love brain stoning, puff puff, storming. Cant wait to see your new system!


Well-Known Member
That makes two of us :-) I hope we dont build the same system lol Im too scared to say what it is because someone will be able to build it sooner than me lol
I love brain stoning, puff puff, storming. Cant wait to see your new system!
In my head it works fucking awesome with results like no other system before it! LoL in reality, well I have no clue what it will do! I will say that my current grow is what put it in my head, although it has nothing to do with it whatsoever!


Well-Known Member
90% of the time I think about growing. Everything I look at in a store I think what could I use that for in growing? My wife even knows it now, she'll see me looking at something- or that look in my eye and she dont even fucking ask anymore HAH! Thats how we learn stuff, constantly trying something different then you have all this shit to pull from, X from that grow, Y from this one, Z from the next. Shit starts coming to you! I havent googled it yet either, not even sure how I would, but if someone has already done my idea- Im going to hunt them down and kill them.

The Supchakatron 3000


Well-Known Member
LoL I keep editing my posts cuz the brain juice is goin... I was originally thinking soil, but now Im leaning more towards hydro. It can go either way really. Which is already PRO number one of the system!


Well-Known Member
My shits so George Jetson I cant even find the terminology to google it. LOL Im just gonna say no ones done it!


Well-Known Member
The suspense is killing me bongsmilie when will you be building Supchackatron 3k? "WhoDats flying circus" will be released around end may/ early june. bongsmilie
I aint seen anyone do this, Iv read people talk about it but never seen it done.

The hazy susan is a big part of it actually :-)


Well-Known Member
I can probably mock up a single plant prototype just to test the concept easily enough. I have whats needed for the most part. Maybe I can just do a plant, show the results as they're happening but not actually how Im doing it hehe