Will America fall eventually?


Well-Known Member
I'm by no rights a gun advocate or a millitia advocate. Tell me if I'm wrong but the original intent of the 2nd was for the right to bear arms for protection against government as well as for personel. So the government alone making restrictions is kind of violating the original intent by restricting are rights. Same as the U.S. telling other countries they can't have the same weapons to protect them selfs as we do. I'm a very peace loving person. Just thought I should throw that in.


Well-Known Member
The NSA began building a multi billion dollar spy center in Utah over a year ago. It will record EVERY cell phone call, EVERY landline call, EVERY text, EVERY email, EVERY everything you do. They can also liten to you using your cell phone while it is not in use. There is nothing you can do that is private anymore.


and every day it is getting crazier. Even the private sector is in on it. http://washington.cbslocal.com/2012/12/04/they-can-hear-you-now-verizon-patent-listens-in-on-customers/


Well-Known Member
The NSA began building a multi billion dollar spy center in Utah over a year ago. It will record EVERY cell phone call, EVERY landline call, EVERY text, EVERY email, EVERY everything you do. They can also liten to you using your cell phone while it is not in use. There is nothing you can do that is private anymore.


and every day it is getting crazier. Even the private sector is in on it. http://washington.cbslocal.com/2012/12/04/they-can-hear-you-now-verizon-patent-listens-in-on-customers/
And don't forget they have a way to watch you thru your TV set....


Well-Known Member
I'm by no rights a gun advocate or a millitia advocate. Tell me if I'm wrong but the original intent of the 2nd was for the right to bear arms for protection against government as well as for personel. So the government alone making restrictions is kind of violating the original intent by restricting are rights. Same as the U.S. telling other countries they can't have the same weapons to protect them selfs as we do. I'm a very peace loving person. Just thought I should throw that in.

Back then, the gun was a way of feeding your family too. Takeing that away made life very difficult in winter, Places like Alaska rely on the gun for food and security more than the law and Government handouts. Durring a civillian militia, your 30 round clips would be availible at your town hall or meeting place. You don`t need one to hunt or even for security, it has been shown the 30+ round clip and full auto weapons do more harm than good.


Well-Known Member
The NSA began building a multi billion dollar spy center in Utah over a year ago. It will record EVERY cell phone call, EVERY landline call, EVERY text, EVERY email, EVERY everything you do. They can also liten to you using your cell phone while it is not in use. There is nothing you can do that is private anymore.


and every day it is getting crazier. Even the private sector is in on it. http://washington.cbslocal.com/2012/12/04/they-can-hear-you-now-verizon-patent-listens-in-on-customers/

We can opt out by not haveing those electronics. They are takeing advantage of our convineintcies and when they did away with air broadcasting TV, kinda forced them upon us !! If no-one buys, they can`t hear or see !!


Well-Known Member
We can opt out by not haveing those electronics. They are takeing advantage of our convineintcies and when they did away with air broadcasting TV, kinda forced them upon us !! If no-one buys, they can`t hear or see !!
I know people that won't buy an iphone because it doesn't have a removable battery.


Well-Known Member
I know people that won't buy an iphone because it doesn't have a removable battery.
i make peeps take their batteries out of their phones in my garage anyways no pics or anything allowed in or near the grow area. plus it pisses me off when people keep fucking with the damned things every 10 seconds while we have a circle going... iphone users get to leave them in the car. lmao. mind you it not a bunch of people. just those special few over the years ive grown to trust and respect. i have like 5 close friends that know where i live. everyone else i meet places or go to their houses.


Ursus marijanus
Back then, the gun was a way of feeding your family too. Takeing that away made life very difficult in winter, Places like Alaska rely on the gun for food and security more than the law and Government handouts. Durring a civillian militia, your 30 round clips would be availible at your town hall or meeting place. You don`t need one to hunt or even for security, it has been shown the 30+ round clip and full auto weapons do more harm than good.
Reference to a credible source? cn


King Tut
Back then, the gun was a way of feeding your family too. Takeing that away made life very difficult in winter, Places like Alaska rely on the gun for food and security more than the law and Government handouts. Durring a civillian militia, your 30 round clips would be availible at your town hall or meeting place. You don`t need one to hunt or even for security, it has been shown the 30+ round clip and full auto weapons do more harm than good.
Wrong. Hunting was a necessity, sure. SO was defense against wild animals and drifters. The intent was to keep the government from being tyrannical without having to answer for it.


Well-Known Member
Reference to a credible source? cn
I don`t think a credible source is needed, on the battlefield put`n rounds down ragne against an enemy is good, spraying a school or movie theater does alot of harm before you can be stopped. You can double them up with tape and re-load very fast, giving a troop a formidable weapon, and a murderer alot of rounds in a short time.

All you gotta do is compare war footage to mass murder news clips. The battlefield troop is fighting someone that shoots back,..the mass murderer isn`t, so harm can be done alot quicker and wars take alot of time.


Well-Known Member
Wrong. Hunting was a necessity, sure. SO was defense against wild animals and drifters. The intent was to keep the government from being tyrannical without having to answer for it.

I`m not sure wrong is a good way to put that considering at the time the 2nd was written, they also took into consideration and banned cannon and armor. they drew a fine line with what you may keep and how you may bare down your weapon.

Kinda like we can`t have primed artillery or armed aircraft, missles, and explosives today.


Ursus marijanus
I don`t think a credible source is needed, on the battlefield put`n rounds down ragne against an enemy is good, spraying a school or movie theater does alot of harm before you can be stopped. You can double them up with tape and re-load very fast, giving a troop a formidable weapon, and a murderer alot of rounds in a short time.

All you gotta do is compare war footage to mass murder news clips. The battlefield troop is fighting someone that shoots back,..the mass murderer isn`t, so harm can be done alot quicker and wars take alot of time.
So you've replaced your implied proven correlation (you said "it has been shown." Show me or be honor-bound to retract.) with a scenario limited to battlefields and spree shootings. A scenario backed not with fact, but essentially an elaboration of what you believe.

THIS is why i am loath to accede to any gun regulations. I do not wish to be beholden to what someone believes about guns. cn


Well-Known Member
So you've replaced your implied proven correlation (you said "it has been shown." Show me or be honor-bound to retract.) with a scenario limited to battlefields and spree shootings. A scenario backed not with fact, but essentially an elaboration of what you believe.

THIS is why i am loath to accede to any gun regulations. I do not wish to be beholden to what someone believes about guns. cn

Do you want me to shoot a deer with a thirty round clip, and then another with a five round lever action to actually show you ? Both will be dead !i Someone has yet to show why you need a thirty round clip at home. They are clearly man killers, when you recieve a military issued Ar15 full auto or M16 full auto, it has a lable that reads, for personel only on it that you must read.

I am forced to be beholen to what one believes when they say they should have a thirty round clip too.


Well-Known Member
Do you really need a round the shoots the intruder and continues over to your neighbors house across the street ?

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Do you really need a round the shoots the intruder and continues over to your neighbors house across the street ?
Yea but what happens when like 5 Chinese people force there way in? There skinny u know? I might miss them with a few shots at first. I don't need any one doing any Kung fu on my ass. Then they would tie up my wife and try and have there way with her. No thanks ill take the 30 rounds. It would brake my heart to have my wife ravaged by 5 Chinese dudes.


Well-Known Member
Fuck you and your anti-gun rhetoric!

Don`t jump to conclusions, I am not anti gun anything and will fight for my 2nd Right. I own guns and have since my childhood, but I do see a need to manage weapons and ammo. I see nothing but anarcy when everone is armed with Springfield chambers fire`n M2 rounds so to speak.

My personal choice is my Winchester lever action and single action sidearm !! Don`t give me that name calling, not knowing BS.


Ursus marijanus
Do you want me to shoot a deer with a thirty round clip, and then another with a five round lever action to actually show you ? Both will be dead !i Someone has yet to show why you need a thirty round clip at home. They are clearly man killers, when you recieve a military issued Ar15 full auto or M16 full auto, it has a lable that reads, for personel only on it that you must read.

I am forced to be beholen to what one believes when they say they should have a thirty round clip too.
No. What I want is for you to either provide supporting evidence for this claim presented as fact ... or for you to own up to having made something up on the spot.

... it has been shown the 30+ round clip and full auto weapons do more harm than good.
To even be able to say that you must have or subscribe to a methodology of valuating harm and good. Without that the concept "more" loses value. If you are arguing that high-capacity clips have been shown (data, not surmise or principle) to lead to greater social cost (I am interpreting the word "harm" to be more accurately represented thus) you need to make with the data that allow that deduction. My opinion. cn

<add> I don't care much for leverguns, but I positively dote on my small herd of single-action wheelguns.


Well-Known Member
Yea but what happens when like 5 Chinese people force there way in? There skinny u know? I might miss them with a few shots at first. I don't need any one doing any Kung fu on my ass. Then they would tie up my wife and try and have there way with her. No thanks ill take the 30 rounds. It would brake my heart to have my wife ravaged by 5 Chinese dudes.

12 Ga. buck shot pump or auto, clear a room real quick. If you have that kinda opposition you are safer leaving your house, in my opinion.

Sleep with a sidearm, not a long gun or "Assault" weapon,..it`s more comfy !i