Push or Pull through hood

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Why not do both? In my setup I've got 2 inline can fans. I've only had to use one so far but the weather isn't hot yet. Here's my order from inside out as air would flow. Carbon filter, can fan(backup), duct, cool tube, duct, can fan(running with lit timer)and exhaust. My temp currently stays at 78 during lights on but that will go up with spring/summer.


Well-Known Member
That is some funny shit. Gotta luv RIU for pure entertainment value. Forget the pull or push, I curse you OP for starting this thread, again.
Curse me?? What is this, the wizzard of oz?

I've been on this site for almost two years and never saw/heard anybody talking about this topic.

Gotta go now however, I'm celebrating a friends birthday at a strip club tonight. Maybe I'll ask some of the dancers what they think about the push/pull dilema. I bet they pull.


Active Member
DAmm,,, I'm pulling on one side of the wall and pushing through to the other making a full loop with the bypass. This means I'm both wrong and right at the same time and one will cancel out the other using the formula the dumb ass effect. Never burn't anything out doing this yet, but there is a first. I admit after using a blower for a few years 24 hrs a day they do seem to make a little bit more noise. does this mean for all those years I ran it i ruined it? Well It's not ruined yet any of them in fact. Hope they do it soon before the 5 year gaurantees run out. and I can get them replaced for FREE. Just shows to go ya people will argue about almost anything as long as there is a somebody across the table to argue with. Also has anyone ever noticed The "KNOWITALL like myself is always the last to know he or she is one"? This is a joke folks so lighten the hell up!!!!! Remember, WAvy GRayvy said it best,," Laughter is like the valve on a presure cooker, Ya got to do it, or end up like beans on the ceiling!!!"" peace all. The melungeonman.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
pulling air you risk pulling in dank smelling air from any possible leaks in lines or seals, not wise in my neighborhood for certain. Keeping lines and hoods pressurized positive prevents any room air from being sucked into unfiltered hood line. I use a seperate blower to pull thru a carbon filter and exit dank co2 enriched air several times a day.
True, but pushing air will make those same leaks far worse. Pressurizing your room and possibly pushing unfiltered dank air out of your room. If you are drawing your air from outside.

Looking at it like benchflowing heads or figuring exhaust pipe length and configuration. Plus the lack of heated air over your fan has to make the bearings last longer. Alternator bearings usually last longer than those on the shafts of turbochargers.
Apples and oranges hotrod. The operating temps in an engine are far higher than what you will experience in a exhaust duct with proper air flow, But yes the cooler a mechanical device runs the longer it should last.

I would suggest pushing the air through your lights for one main reason. If your hoods are not completely sealed you could be sucking smelly air through any cracks or gaps in your hoods. If you push the air through your lights, hot air might leak out but i'd rather have that happen then to exhaust smelly air.
Same response as to sargenthops post.

Done both. Pulling burnt out my bearings I had to buy more from ebay. Turns out they're only rated at 180 degrees F. While I have an IR thermometer the cool tube glass is at 210F I'm sure the lamp is much hotter. So now I use a fan like it was designed for and that is to push air.

Also, as blaze stated when you are pulling air you better hope you have every leaked sealed. Pushing will just push hot air back in the tent which I'm ok with.

btw the temp at the plant is 73.
I believe you when you say you burnt your bearings. I see you are pulling from within your room. The operating temps of your fan when installed past the hood was probably quite high. If your exhaust air is anywhere near 180 degrees you are not moving nearly enough air period, or cooling your hood effectively. If you are running your light this hot you will also see decreased life of your bulb. One thing to remember when pulling through a carbon filter is the resistance from the filter. You will move substantially less air when going through a filter.

Pictures of your setup? Do you have a degree in fluid mechanics or did you just make all of that up on your own?
No need to be a jerk here. It is obvious to any who know about hvac the guy knows what he is talking about.

I do have a college degree but you can go ahead and assume otherwise. What he(jrainman) was saying kind of goes against the basics of how air flows, but I don't care enough to explain it. Google is your friend.

Did you even read his posts? How about my other posts in this thread? I'm not saying either way is right or wrong. I said pulling burnt my bearings, I bought some more have been pushing ever since with no issues.
Ok, someone who has a degree and says google is your friend vs. someone with infinitely more experience on the subject. mmmm. Ok my money is on the tradesman. Not trying to be a dick here but everything jrainman posted is spot on.


Active Member
Hot rod Harley ,I have lots of formal education, and practical hands on , In HVAC/R ,but the ones that apply here are SMWIA , Skecher/Ductwork design) CAD, also SMWIA Cert in AIr balancing and testing. all of my work is in building trades . extensive design stuff for big Pharma Co. like Novartis, Roach, shering plough , Phizer, lots of Hood work in the big Pharmas, but the other half of my work is in large corp new constuction , lots of financial building ,like Jp morgan , Goldman Sachs,Merril lynch , USB , nothing under 30 storys high. Retired because got sick from 9/11 just found out recentlythat cannabis gives me real good relief thats why Im here to learn to grow meds. Never really talk about this but this might be Good for me , I was there that day about 1500 ft away working on a new building ,Stayed and cut iron for about 1 an half days they needed guy who had oxy/accet cutting exp,anyhow after the day n a half got booted by the FDNY,no prob there saw enough, heard enough and felt enough,So any how the Sheet meatla co ,I was workling for got the bid on 3 metro north line tunnels that crossed under the hudson river from Jersey Cite NJ to the grand concorse in the WTC ,see all the water used on the rubble flooded a lot of train tunnnels it was a main hub area, anyhow these 3 tunnels were pumped out for weeks then I had 16 man crew to get in ther and install temp exhaust and fresh air supply to ,So other tradesmen and myself and my crew can begin work to get these tunnels up and running again, So you see moving air is in my blood and I really do know what im talking about .

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I can't rep. you again but I would for your work on 9/11. I hope you get feeling better.

You should break long posts up into paragraphs. They are hard to read like that.


Active Member
Ya just got rambling and really am not sure about my feelings on talking about that subject, kinda weird but it had to do with my work exp and also a link why Im here,, when you do something for over 30 yrs its in your blood and I am just tryin to help people out here with the venting questions, I dont care if they choose to agree or not.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Most of us will benefit from your experience. Some argue just to argue. Some have to make it personal. It is hard for me to stay professional at times. I have to stop and consider I am dealing w/a bunch of stoners.:roll:

I have a little less than 10 yrs exp. in the field myself. Mainly commercial installation. Some residential.
Still many things I do not know. It never hurts to have a senior tech around.:joint:


Active Member
,The first thing that catches my eye is you not only have more bends (elbows) plus Over 90 deg bends ,So what does this do when you add 1 90 turn to air , well its equal to running 40 ft of straight duct (lots of resistance) , so the way you are ducted in now is much better see how you are going straight with no bends, but those reducers are still hurting your fan, So why did a problem arise in your old setup it was not weather you pushed or pulled add 90s caused this, believe it or not but thats what happened


Active Member
doniboy the reason of neg and pos exp is due to lack of understanding what it take to mover air Properly, The fan You are buying is a Exhaust Fan , 9 times out of ten it will be marked with a single arrow or say inlet -outlet, the outlet side of a exhaust fan can not or should not be obstructed (resistance) (static pressure) why because the pitch of the fan blade s were set on a excact angle (pitch) for free flowing air.