Tobacco Companies Taking Over Cannabis?


Well-Known Member
Well. I think yes. And yet, even today, you can buy premium pouch tobacco or grow it yourself. You didn't have much choice. And yet, now you do, but you still stick to your brand.

Smoking is a culture, a physical and mouth habit, as well as a drug. There is so much S^^T in there now, though, right?

I'm thinking ciggies and tobacco are two different things.

So, if Weird #3, RJ Rynolds is so messed up it's a slow addicted poision. Well, forwarned. We can still have tobacco and ganga and ignore Big Bakkie. It is not going away.

Consider however what you propose. A culture shift that has big tobacco sponsoring da kine, in our life time is GOLD> I can't welcome it enough. The culture I mean. Will they screw it up? Sure. But, a pot culture along side cigarettes? I'm for it.

The actual product is a different matter, of course.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
the article makes clear that the big tobacco companies have no interest in marketing weed.

further, they are interstate companies so they fall FIRMLY into the federal regulations, so without federal legalization they cannot touch a spliff with a ten foot crutch.

small local growers and local tobacco retailers will certainly be ready to sell all the green they can shift, but tobacco sellers are already equipped, licensed and regulated for the sale of baccie, so why not add a new product to the lineup?

thier suppliers however will have to be INTRA STATE or the feds will be longdonging anyone who tries to shift a truckload of hemp across the borders.

dont panic bro. when smoking dope is legalized and regulated you can still grow your shit, and the smell of burning jazz cigarettes and reggae music will no longer be probable cause for kicking in your greenhouse door.

things are looking up in washington (state) as long as washington (dc) keeps their noses out of your swag bag.


Well-Known Member
Shit ain't gonna stop me from growing my dank. Don't see why it should stop anyone else. I'm not too concerned, breeders will always be out there, and so will people buying and growing them.


Well-Known Member
and you know what, it will happen no matter what.

However These flowers are like a fine wine, and so far everybody has already tasted the good stuff.

Big MJ wont be able lowball nasty shit. There will always be people that smoke premium & and discount shit.

MJ is so much easier to grow then tobacco. If you can grow tomatoes you can grow MJ, so they will have to sell high quality shit if they want to keep customers

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member


New Member
That's the thing though. They're going to buy out everyone, while still trying to take out every grower in the state and make it so there's no where to get it but them. Once this happens one out of two things is going to happen 1) were going to be buyin hay weed for a high price 2) were going to be buying the tits for a REALLY high price.

The only people I see this not effecting are patents.. But what about civilians? Were all screwed


Well-Known Member
That's the thing though. They're going to buy out everyone, while still trying to take out every grower in the state and make it so there's no where to get it but them. Once this happens one out of two things is going to happen 1) were going to be buyin hay weed for a high price 2) were going to be buying the tits for a REALLY high price.

The only people I see this not effecting are patents.. But what about civilians? Were all screwed

what you don't understand is that tobacco is so much harder to grow the people didn't care and let the bills pass. It is still easier to buy from big tobacco then to grow your own & cure it for a full year.
probably the hardest part is curing it right

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
That's the thing though. They're going to buy out everyone, while still trying to take out every grower in the state and make it so there's no where to get it but them. Once this happens one out of two things is going to happen 1) were going to be buyin hay weed for a high price 2) were going to be buying the tits for a REALLY high price.

The only people I see this not effecting are patents.. But what about civilians? Were all screwed
How ca you keep something ban ''c1 drug'', and sale it at the same time?


New Member
My main concern is that they will add these chemicals just like tobacco to get us addicted, and then selling it at extremely high prices. This was what the government had been planning since 06 they have been taking weed, growing it, and stashing it away. Once legal, they say okay, you can smoke it but only if you buy it from us. Now they want to sell tue rights so they don't have to deal with...paper work? Media? Who gives a shit

So the tobacco company comes in has everything, still is not legal to grow, the Feds are taking out dispensaries and patients houses, while everyone is feared from the white market so they go to the smoke shop. And BOOM! They make all the profits


Well-Known Member
That's the thing though. They're going to buy out everyone, while still trying to take out every grower in the state and make it so there's no where to get it but them. Once this happens one out of two things is going to happen 1) were going to be buyin hay weed for a high price 2) were going to be buying the tits for a REALLY high price.

The only people I see this not effecting are patents.. But what about civilians? Were all screwed
not a single thing you just said is even remotely possible.


Well-Known Member
My main concern is that they will add these chemicals just like tobacco to get us addicted, and then selling it at extremely high prices. This was what the government had been planning since 06 they have been taking weed, growing it, and stashing it away. Once legal, they say okay, you can smoke it but only if you buy it from us. Now they want to sell tue rights so they don't have to deal with...paper work? Media? Who gives a shit

So the tobacco company comes in has everything, still is not legal to grow, the Feds are taking out dispensaries and patients houses, while everyone is feared from the white market so they go to the smoke shop. And BOOM! They make all the profits
that is just silly.


Well-Known Member
and you know what, it will happen no matter what.

However These flowers are like a fine wine, and so far everybody has already tasted the good stuff.

Big MJ wont be able lowball nasty shit. There will always be people that smoke premium & and discount shit.

MJ is so much easier to grow then tobacco. If you can grow tomatoes you can grow MJ, so they will have to sell high quality shit if they want to keep customers
Big tobacco will roll over home growers not only with better weed but with regulations they get in place to make sure that unless you have a license you cannot sell. Maybe even grow. I dont care what a great grower you are. You dont have access to millions in research and lobbyists that have the ear of congressman.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Big tobacco will roll over home growers not only with better weed but with regulations they get in place to make sure that unless you have a license you cannot sell. Maybe even grow. I dont care what a great grower you are. You dont have access to millions in research and lobbyists that have the ear of congressman.

I can see that happening, but growing bud is different than tobacco. mary can be grown in most enviornments, including indoor wich tobacco cannot. wich means a wicked supply(keep supply and demand in mind). and im sure if more tobacco fiends could grow there own it wouldnt be 7$ for a pack. And im sure the only demand from marlboro marijuana would be big citys where theres no garden space to grow your own..It would really come down to quality and price. If they come out with some good mids for 20$ an ounce and chronic for 150$ an oz. (i think they could produce it for alot less with there resources) then they might just get away with it. But like i said those who can homegrow will be ok. and the market should decide the rest.


Well-Known Member
I can see that happening, but growing bud is different than tobacco. mary can be grown in most enviornments, including indoor wich tobacco cannot. wich means a wicked supply(keep supply and demand in mind). and im sure if more tobacco fiends could grow there own it wouldnt be 7$ for a pack. And im sure the only demand from marlboro marijuana would be big citys where theres no garden space to grow your own..It would really come down to quality and price. If they come out with some good mids for 20$ an ounce and chronic for 150$ an oz. (i think they could produce it for alot less with there resources) then they might just get away with it. But like i said those who can homegrow will be ok. and the market should decide the rest.

Tobacco is 7 - 15 bucks a pack due to the taxes and regulation that government places on the product. If they left it the fuck alone it would probably cost about a buck a pack...


Well-Known Member
My main concern is that they will add these chemicals just like tobacco to get us addicted, and then selling it at extremely high prices. This was what the government had been planning since 06 they have been taking weed, growing it, and stashing it away. Once legal, they say okay, you can smoke it but only if you buy it from us. Now they want to sell tue rights so they don't have to deal with...paper work? Media? Who gives a shit

So the tobacco company comes in has everything, still is not legal to grow, the Feds are taking out dispensaries and patients houses, while everyone is feared from the white market so they go to the smoke shop. And BOOM! They make all the profits
It's quite a lump from the article you linked, to "tobacco companies will run the weed market soon.". As the article quoted: "tobacco companies are in the business of manufacturing and marketing tobacco products"; a multi-national company with sales and distribution to multiple states cannot afford to delve into weed distribution while it is still federally illegal and a generally serious crime in many countries where it sells cigs. It seems more likely to me that they would start investing in large-scale growers to get in on the profits, but maintain their ability to retain separation between the weed and tobacco business. When you're dealing with something that still bears a stigma in many countries; it seems wise to not risk your current, and immense, profits on something that may cost you a distribution market because of the fact that your company sells weed and cigs under the same corporate banner. Until weed becomes more acceptable internationally, I don't think too many multinational sellers will jump on that bandwagon directly; there's too much money to be lost in more legal ventures.