Random Jibber Jabber Thread


New Member
Went into south Boston to the st partys day parade, against my will.. Between Saturday night and Sunday I blew 600 on looking back on it NOTHING. Had to listen to every dude in Boston purr and meow at my girlfriend because she is hot and was wearing a cat spirit hoodie, walked ten miles in dress shoes and never met up with her friends which were the reason we went in town in the first place.... I'm residualy pissed today at work.. I just wanna get home and talk to my plants is that so much to ask for???

what no pics ?......MEOWWWWWW:D


Well-Known Member
See4 when we opening the garden center?
good question man. thats really been tossing around in my mind lately. i did some market research on it last year... and there is a market for it.. but i need to do research for the area Im in... there are only a handful of distributors i will be able to deal with..


Well-Known Member
Got picture in the picture of yourself thread with her as a peacock if your really that interested... I would highly recommend looking for her


Well-Known Member
Got picture in the picture of yourself thread with her as a peacock if your really that interested... I would highly recommend looking for her
Somebody is really fucking baked right now... I won't name any names.. but his name begins with the letter I, and end with the letter W, and has the letters ndagro in the middle.....


Well-Known Member
I'm baked with fury if anything, I'm already pissed at people purring at her just due to the situation so if you guys wanna see pics go looking for them they are on here somewhere thrown up two of her


Well-Known Member
I'm baked with fury if anything, I'm already pissed at people purring at her just due to the situation so if you guys wanna see pics go looking for them they are on here somewhere thrown up two of her
im so confused right now. i haven't a clue as to what you are talking about.. but that's not for me... im easily confused..