Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
My Bella's eyes aren't swollen anymore! And she's acting way better. She's going to be OK. My vet filled out an affidavit for me with lab results included that show she has had rat poisoning, and he even included the time frame for when he believes she was poisoned based on her labs. I filed them with my police report today.


Well-Known Member
My Bella's eyes aren't swollen anymore! And she's acting way better. She's going to be OK. My vet filled out an affidavit for me with lab results included that show she has had rat poisoning, and he even included the time frame for when he believes she was poisoned based on her labs. I filed them with my police report today.
Great to hear! I assume Bella didn't like the activated charcoal regimen? Or was Bella held at the vet for all of it to make it easier? Did they use something different?


Well-Known Member
im so confused right now. i haven't a clue as to what you are talking about.. but that's not for me... im easily confused..
I was commenting on the response to my rant about st. Shittyday asking for pictures of my girlfriend after all of south boston hit on her came here for I dono what I was thinking but condolences and got basically the same reaction as a bunch of drunk Irish kids

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My Bella's eyes aren't swollen anymore! And she's acting way better. She's going to be OK. My vet filled out an affidavit for me with lab results included that show she has had rat poisoning, and he even included the time frame for when he believes she was poisoned based on her labs. I filed them with my police report today.
Glad to hear Bella is better. I can't even fathom the mindset that would poison helpless innocent animals. Sick bastards.


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear Bella is better. I can't even fathom the mindset that would poison helpless innocent animals. Sick bastards.
School shooters in training some people are just tapped really but yeah tv has taught me if you kill animals when your young you kill humans when you grow up.. We need to arm our fluffy counterparts


Well-Known Member
Today my daughter announced she has her first boyfriend (awwww). He's in Kindergarten and she's in first grade, so he's a "younger man" lol. They held hands today, she was all rosy cheeked with smiles when I picked her up :) Cherry on top: It's pick up time, she starts to walk to the truck...he stops her. I'm wondering what the heck...when he bends down...and ties her shoe. :clap: If I can teach my son's to treat women right and my daughter's to pick men who will, i'll die a happy woman.


Well-Known Member
I was commenting on the response to my rant about st. Shittyday asking for pictures of my girlfriend after all of south boston hit on her came here for I dono what I was thinking but condolences and got basically the same reaction as a bunch of drunk Irish kids
what were you thinking going to southy with your girl? and how did you not get into a fight?


Well-Known Member
I didn't want to go at all... There are claw marks in the road from Brighton all the way to Southey from me pleading not to go hahha, but yeah I would have had to fight literally all of Southy after the parade and everyone was drunk it just was not worth it.. Had anyone touched her I might not be able to type right now due to broken hands. I kept telling myself its not worth it not worth it.. Plus I make money off of my prettyboy face and those Irish can fight, don't think anyone would buy a car from me all banged up the day after st.pats day..

in other new scituate was names the most Irish town in America that's right on your way to work exit 14


Well-Known Member
I didn't want to go at all... There are claw marks in the road from Brighton all the way to Southey from me pleading not to go hahha, but yeah I would have had to fight literally all of Southy after the parade and everyone was drunk it just was not worth it.. Had anyone touched her I might not be able to type right now due to broken hands. I kept telling myself its not worth it not worth it.. Plus I make money off of my prettyboy face and those Irish can fight, don't think anyone would buy a car from me all banged up the day after st.pats day..

in other new scituate was names the most Irish town in America that's right on your way to work exit 14
yea man, southey up through faneil hall and quincy market is just stupid on st pattys, so is fenway.. i was on the cape on sunday.. so it was so bad.

last time i made it out to boston on st pattys was like 3 years ago.. lucky no fights, but i was told i was hooking up with a mutual friend, she was very drunk too.. neither of us remember that.. and none of our friends talk about it.. her boyfriend wouldn't be pleased.. and im not that type of person..

i love brighton.. well brookline.. i used to live on St paul.. that big condo building behind the CVS right there on comm ave.. if i could move back there i would..


Well-Known Member
Random: recently I've been quite moved by how the general public have acted towards eachother with such humanity and empathy. As I walked through the centre briskly I saw a beggar leave his spot (it was 7pm) and as he approached the public astray to look for a few butts, a woman out of nowhere held out a fresh cigarette to him. I could see his face light up as he accepted it. She didn't have to, he didn't ask for it either. I thought that was an incredibly kind gesture from a stranger. The look on his face was worth the whole packet!