Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
anyways you will have more chance of a medical pandemic and no i aint talking zombies, before the us allows Korea to blow up their country lets be real us is more of a shoot first ask questions later kinda people

What do you mean by that?


Active Member
actually theres an interesting article on why zombies would die out after a bit
1. too cold, theyd freeze to "death"
I know, people talk zombies but I'm over here thinking... I basically live next to a glacier and I'm the highest house on the hill... I'm not too worried about zombies lol


Active Member
I think today I will take some pictures around the house and show you the view from my place :) Too bad it's cloudy and overcast today though =/


Well-Known Member
I know, people talk zombies but I'm over here thinking... I basically live next to a glacier and I'm the highest house on the hill... I'm not too worried about zombies lol
I'd probably head your way (would be the safest bet) , prolly make a quick stop around sunni's area to jack her of her supplies (since she is anti-american) HAHA j/k j/k


Well-Known Member
I know, people talk zombies but I'm over here thinking... I basically live next to a glacier and I'm the highest house on the hill... I'm not too worried about zombies lol
I had similar thoughts when zombies were brought up in a discussion I had recently. First off, as long as you're careful they aren't much of a threat, easily survivable as things go if you keep your wits about you. Secondly, with the continued decomposition of the zombies it would only be a matter of time before they decayed into useless lumps. Third, without the pumping blood and internal heat regulation that that system provides, one winter up here in the North would freeze them solid, making them once again very little if any threat. I am not afeared of a zombie apocalypse.


Staff member
yeah either dogs or other animals would attack them out of hungry and prey, they would decay in the heat, they would freeze int he cold, they would fall apart from day to day damage since we speculate they would just blindly walk around into shit they would constantly be breaking bones, severing limbs ect, not to mention falling off of cliffs, or walking into say niagra falls ,


Well-Known Member
I've been wanting to go to Canada for a while, scope out some of the areas and see if maybe I could live there. Maybe I'll get a passport and head that way this summer or something.


Staff member
I've been wanting to go to Canada for a while, scope out some of the areas and see if maybe I could live there. Maybe I'll get a passport and head that way this summer or something.
if you want secluded, theres a few option butt fuck no where Nunavut, PEI, or way up in the rockies, Canada itself aside from its few major cities is very rural

its survival of the fittest~ don't worry, ill share wormholes snickers with ya.. haha
i dont eat snickers im a fucking vegan!


Well-Known Member
if you want secluded, theres a few option butt fuck no where Nunavut, PEI, or way up in the rockies, Canada itself aside from its few major cities is very rural

i dont eat snickers im a fucking vegan!
snickers is made of meat!? oh yea, no dairy right? sheesh.. guess you can have a granola bar then your highness~


Well-Known Member
I talk about this kind of stuff all the time, going and seeing and maybe moving, but to be 100% honest I don't think I have it in me. I mean seriously, I've been out of the house like 4 times over the past 6 months. I'm really awful at that going out in public thing, so I have to work on that first...which isn't easy since now I have no friends to go hang out with, I'd have to be out there among the masses on my own...and I don't see that happening very easily.


Staff member
snickers is made of meat!? oh yea, no dairy right? sheesh.. guess you can have a granola bar then your highness~
actually most granola bars have milk products or honey in it. LOL but no if it was a survival situation i would eat the shit out of a snickers bar, hahahah


New Member
if you want secluded, theres a few option butt fuck no where Nunavut, PEI, or way up in the rockies, Canada itself aside from its few major cities is very rural

i dont eat snickers im a fucking vegan!

maybe thats why you are so grouchy? Somebody pass this lady a steak:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Survival kit...

1 hammer,
1 thumb-sprung 4" pocket knife
1 combo bow, 1 recurve bow, a dozen arrows
10# whole rice,
10# dry beans and legumes
10# dry pasta
lots of canned tomatoes and peppers.

I figure... Invasion, I get to let my "good side" shine; it'll be GTA, I'll start with a hammer and 5 star that bitch before I've cleared my parking lot. Local marshal law, same thing, except less flamboyant killing spree, medical pandemic. I'm good, thanks. Fresh air supply very easy to make from compressor, and existing water purification system. Large house, with set-back access, the previously mentioned compressor filtration system, and new windows/seals. Easy to seal off and only pump "purified" air in. While not "doomsdayers" my family does have a "national meltdown" gathering plan, and it's been modified to include the boss lady's family. I'm going straight Warlord if shit hits the fan.