Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
If it's WEP, change it to TKIP or better.. WEP can be passively cracked by packet sniffing in well under under 24 hours if the one doing it has a quad core processor setup with a good amount of ram in a laptop, and the connection they're sniffing is being used a good amount. More usage = more packets for the analysis.
Fig...what the fuck!!! What planet are you from LMAO Good call bro!!


Well-Known Member
I went outside..ummm...it's been more than a few weeks, I went outside to help bring groceries in. A couple/few months ago I took a walk with my wife around the block. I'm just one of those weirdos.


Well-Known Member
I went outside..ummm...it's been more than a few weeks, I went outside to help bring groceries in. A couple/few months ago I took a walk with my wife around the block. I'm just one of those weirdos.
You would like working at a Fire Lookout on top of a Mountain some were. I have some Vet. Buddys that do it.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Remember how I take mental snapshots of shit? Yeah, that's why the military loved me when I was in. :P
In my pryor profiling of you....LOL I assumed that was a strong possibility.....as I to have that background......Like I said once before...only these boots know where they have walked and these eyes know what they have seen......The military loved me to but my love for it deminished as time took its toll on me.......these days I stay in the woods .....I like my solitude....


Well-Known Member
So it's not everything, it's what you deem usable?
Yes, and no... I can be going about my day and notice that there's 3 shirts out of place in a clothing rack in a store, and later identify them by color(s) and the order they were in.. it's semi-controllable if I have complete quiet in that I can definitely absorb more, but random shots of crap I can't control for some reason... and that includes memories that I would like to forget sometimes. PTSD is a major bitch when you can't flush thoughts.


Well-Known Member
In my pryor profiling of you....LOL I assumed that was a strong possibility.....as I to have that background......Like I said once before...only these boots know where they have walked and these eyes know what they have seen......The military loved me to but my love for it deminished as time took its toll on me.......these days I stay in the woods .....I like my solitude....
I am in the sticks, and it's the sticks I will stay - may even move closer to the south, at some point, jury is out on that currently.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
You would like working at a Fire Lookout on top of a Mountain some were. I have some Vet. Buddys that do it.
If your serious....I might be able to hook you up....I have contacts. But its a long haul.....talk about solitude....I like my solitude but I like being in control of it as well. Those posts are seasonal and very remote.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
I am in the sticks, and it's the sticks I will stay - may even move closer to the south, at some point, jury is out on that currently.
Thats my position on it as well.....I am isolated to the max....but I love it ...its ....well its awesome bear country and where I need to be right now. I do get out when I feel that need.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Why would you wish the evil bright-bringing daystar on me? I'm nocturnal. LOL!
Are you serious Orthil..... maybe I need to get you out here into bear country.....cant nobody fuck with you here.....sept the bears and I carry an equalizer on my hip...sooooo no worries mate!! and usually they dont want to scrap.....unless you run into mama bear with cubs...then its best to vacate the area ASAP....usually walking backwards while you shit your drawers lmao....hey its good for the heart to have a little fear flowing thru the veins its the natural Lipitor


Ursus marijanus
You must have a pretty good night sky where your at ha Cn
Oh I do wish.
Ten years ago, when I moved here, the skies were good to excellent. Much local development, and the great light smear from the Great Central C̶e̶s̶s̶p̶i̶t̶ Valley have pretty much ruined things. Five years ago i could trace the zodiacal light from horizon to horizon and detect NGC 147 in 20x90s. Now its brighter neighbor NGC 185 is lost in the skyglow. And going farther upslope is a no-go. Damned pines. cn

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Oh I do wish.
Ten years ago, when I moved here, the skies were good to excellent. Much local development, and the great light smear from the Great Central C̶e̶s̶s̶p̶i̶t̶ Valley have pretty much ruined things. Five years ago i could trace the zodiacal light from horizon to horizon and detect NGC 147 in 20x90s. Now its brighter neighbor NGC 185 is lost in the skyglow. And going farther upslope is a no-go. Damned pines. cn
Oh that sucks.......night sky out here is tremendous......you would go apeshit.....without any moon....its pitch black and the night sky is brillant....you would love it


Well-Known Member
When I lived in Arkansas, we were (my step dad measured it because he was anal retentive like that) 6.2 miles from the nearest town border. No street lights, no skyglow, just an acre and a half surrounded by trees, with nothing between you and the stars except the occasional cloud.

That's why Arkansas is on my short-list for possible places to move to.

EDIT : I can still remember the first time I saw a satellite in orbit, you could see it with your naked eye, watched it go all the way across the sky.


Ursus marijanus
When I lived in Arkansas, we were (my step dad measured it because he was anal retentive like that) 6.2 miles from the nearest town border. No street lights, no skyglow, just an acre and a half surrounded by trees, with nothing between you and the stars except the occasional cloud.

That's why Arkansas is on my short-list for possible places to move to.

EDIT : I can still remember the first time I saw a satellite in orbit, you could see it with your naked eye, watched it go all the way across the sky.
Watching satellites track across the sky has done more for my familiarity with the constellations than any one other thing. The website heavens-above is a wonderful resource. I used to make a game out of lying in wait (with my 10x70s) for satellites emerging from shadow. You can put your coordinates into the site, and it'll generate maps with location and time. That inspired me to keep a wristwatch accurate to within a second. cn