Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I used to date a beautiful puerto rican girl, huge boobs. She would cut you oh yes she would. She once broke my acoustic guitar over my head and shoulders.

my first love, a beautiful girl from Ecuador, awoke me one morning. It was dark, and I felt her plop on top of me, naked and just awakened by a dream. I felt something against my neck and tried to move, she warned me not to (it was my straight razor. LoL) she had a DREAM that I had cheated, and was trying to force a confession.


Well-Known Member
props kinetic. im around that age and have got an 8yo bro and idiocy like that annoys the shit outta me. i put it down to them not having great enough relationships that they have to involve the world in their sad, crass entertainment


Well-Known Member
The only thing I don't love about Colombian and Brazilian women are how quick they are to anger. Any chica that's quicker to the knife than I am is scary.

The boss lady shocked me the other night, when the popo knocked. I had my knife in my hand as I got outta bed, when she walked out, she had three things on: A look of rage, a small blanket, and my straight razor. So sexy, so scary.
i dont know what it is but i love chicks who are quick to anger... maybe i get a sense they might do something and thats a rush... especially when im balls deep and they are crying out for me to not go so hard...

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
All of our unique strains will finally prove the downfall of the patent system, as we allow the jurists and Judge sample each, to see that the prior art is in fact viable.
I wish I could agree but I have my doubts as the GOV is to greedy and power hungry.....with lobbiests in thier pockets....the Pharma companies stand to make billions upon billions of dollars....I just started a new thread on Tolk and talk discussing this very issue...I posted a link to a article that was posted on the COTO REPORT back in 2010......its worth checking out . You can make up your mind up from there.....

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
I was wondering in regards to patenting of Cannabis {stoner thoughts coming}, at the heart of evolution is mutation, so even if you were to patent a specific genome {seed} , that does not negate the fact that a mutation may occur in the future making your patent moot and your product static, progress is an inherent byproduct of evolution, so I'm curious how exactly big companies are going to enforce this type of control.
Read the article Im talking about...

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
i still have some of the knives in my back.

something other then the obvious is wrong with my brain. i'm in the kitchen making coffee and i hear obama giving a speech. he was talking about a tragedy. i had no idea what he was talking about and it wasn't until he said "Boston" did i remember the bombing yesterday. and i wasn't even high yet. :eyesmoke:
I can relate to that statement!!!!!


Well-Known Member
As far as the comment of Boston girls not being hot I tend to disagree newbury st will give you a neck spasm keeping your head on a swivel


Well-Known Member
As far as the comment of Boston girls not being hot I tend to disagree newbury st will give you a neck spasm keeping your head on a swivel
Oh for sure man. I used to work on Newbury st. down near capital grill..

tons of hotties on newbury st and boylston.. but thats about it.. well at least wear I am, there arent many.. cambridge is filled with MIT and Harvard dorks.


Well-Known Member
i still have some of the knives in my back.

something other then the obvious is wrong with my brain. i'm in the kitchen making coffee and i hear obama giving a speech. he was talking about a tragedy. i had no idea what he was talking about and it wasn't until he said "Boston" did i remember the bombing yesterday. and i wasn't even high yet. :eyesmoke:
I can relate to that statement!!!!!

Umm, nothing personal, sorry. Could I get those knives back, though? I'm going back in for another round! :bigjoint: