Over 300 Treaties were written and broken in North America and not one has been honored to this day .. They figured that the trade trinkets would keep us amused once our Chiefs touched the quill pens or drew there Ndodem or name .
The American Govt to this day along with the BIA has done nothing positive in all reality , one look at the Pine Ridge reservation will share that reality and to be honest the China men making Nike Mocs for the N7 Native Aboriginal Health Awareness program have done more positive for us than the Govt .
Bro, not sure you're gonna change things.
I'm a little over 50% Crow (I hope we don't have to fight, but if we do - give me a heads up please) and I've seen my share.
I've seen the direct result of terminal alcoholism & honestly don't know what the answer might be but just a casual drive through the res will get a man to thinking.
I've lived in Alaska for over 25 years and I've seen the HUD housing built for our Athabascan brothers & I must say burning porches/siding/furniture &whatever'shandy trumps heading into the nearby woods for a bit of firewood for many of them.
It is inconceivable to burn your own house to stay warm when it's 40 below but that's the thinking for some.
I'm sure there must be some special gene that causes the alcohol (or apathy/both?) to make one lean into a "short term resolution" (damn the torpedo's) attitude.
Long and short of this is I wouldn't hold my breath expecting the Govt to admit complacency.
But I'd be happy to offer you a really cool (FDD crafted) peace pipe.