Do you feel sorry for Hitler and Stalin??

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Then again, George Santayana put it most succinctly with "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it".

There are lots of history I hope won't repeat itself, but knowing mankind - we're just dumb enough to do stupid shit more than once.
~I'll bet that will never make it to Wikkiquote's~
...agreed. These days dictators look like little electronic devices telling people what to do and how to act. Was just about to call it mind control, 'cept one of the two components is missing :razz:


Active Member
What in the world?
Been away for a while and then a whole bunch of posts....
This reminds me of my other thread--"Will America Fall?"--I come back and there's like 15 more pages of posts, most of it about guns and ammo, LOL!


Active Member
Did you know that Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin were both beaten by their fathers when they were children? In fact, both of them ended up in the hospital in a coma, after being beaten up very badly by their father. Both Hitler's and Stalin's mothers were also beaten by their fathers. Both Hitler and Stalin hated their fathers with a passion, as you can imagine. Both were incredibly heartbroken when their mothers died fairly early in their lives. They both had incredibly horrible childhoods.

I "almost" felt sorry for them when I learned about this. Notice I put "almost" in quotes, because I believe that no matter how hard your childhood was, that just does NOT justify killing millions of people, literally, in some kind of twisted revenge against the world. I was lucky that I had loving parents, and there is no way I can ever know exactly what it is like to be abused by one's parents. But I just cannot condone them for what they did, no matter how hard their childhood was. I think most people would feel the same, I think.

Having said that....if I didn't have loving parents, if I had a horrible abusive father like Hitler and Stalin had, would I have come out the same as them?? If you had a father like Hitler and Stalin had, would you end up like them?

What do you guys think?
No. They were horrible, horrible people. Period.