My First grow


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After my mentioning last night that she was looking to be somewhat sad from the watering and molasses, today after i woke up she looked up be very nice and perky.

Update picture after some trimming.

Removed some of the inner higher fan leaves to allow morelight. I have one shoot thats getting sorta long.
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Well-Known Member
Just thought i'd add this picture after i did a little more removing of fan leaves, and tucking, and tying. Everything is on an even growing surface a good 4" below my plexi glass, though there are some areas that are slightly behind, hopefully it'll all fill out and more hairs will expose themselves.....As there aren't very many showing on any given head.

Did count how many tertiary growths i have, looks to be around 40 from 6 heads. top pair of heads have 9 pairs of fan leaves each, growth at each fan node. The next two heads down the height of the plant both have 6 pairs each, theres a pair or two much much lower down at the very bottom of these heads, did not count them in this number. The lowest 2 heads have 6 and 5 pairs respectfully with any growth being shown, i might hvae acidentially cut or pulled off some early growth to make it an odd number. All heads are grown to 10-11 pairs, the very lowest 2 have no growth. Any idea how many more pairs i'll get?

Plant measured height is 20". though its wrapped on a scrog.

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Well-Known Member
Some Nice Pic's Mister. Bookmark Bump....!!! Still Catching Up On Reading Will Be Up 2 Date Soon. Db.~tlb.!'


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Thank you very much for visiting and commenting. Its generic bagseed, should be intresting to see what kind i get, andhow much. My next try will be some sativa directed genetics, and mabey an indica as well in a more perminent housing and grow enclosure.

This picture is one from yesterday i took of the side, notice 6 offshoots coming off of the main stalk, those are trained up top, then notice my 2" long nub at the top. when i first topped my plant well over a month ago i accidentally cut too much and my secondary growth at the top was taken off, of i would have had 8 heads, and upped my bud count more.


Well-Known Member
Well just watered her 1/2 gallon with:

.75 Teaspoon Flower Nutes
2 Teaspoon Simply Apple

We'll see how she reacts to upping the apple .75tspn and Nutes .25tspn.

I have been watering with small incremental doses at .25tspn twice during the first 2 nute waterings, .5tspn the last and now at .75tspn for nutes. Have been upping apple juice as well. First time .5tspn, 2nd time 1tspn 1.5tspn and now at 2tspn.

We'll see how she much is too much?

Also added another Red 40w in place of a daylight, so 2 daylight 23w blue, 4 40w reds.
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Well-Known Member
To Much The Plant Will Start To Yellow Or Burn Her Leaf Tips. We Want Just Before That. If Any Yellow In The Next Couple Starts, Go Back To What She Liked And Re Water, Kinda A Flush For Damage Control, But U Should Be Fine.db.~tlb!:)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the suggestions, no negative effects yet from the watering 3-4hrs ago, I have all of my leaves tucked pretty good so no clue if shes holding in a bit of water right now.

As far as the burning or yellowing of leaves, is this primarily a result of too much AJ, or is this based on nutrients.

As the Fert i'm giving is 10-52-10 (essentially weighted 10-20.8-.8, NPK respectfully), and when i give AJ, i give the two together, molasses at a seperate watering, on the off. 2 waterings a week, thought about bumping her up to a 12" pot, with more soil to hold more water, but this will give me a buffer as well as the possibility to push more nutes, ie smaller soil volume for root ball currently.

Any other suggestions on what i could do up top?? to speed things up i feel growth has slowed today and yesterday, possibly due to removing fan leaves, canopy temps rose a little to 88-89F, low of 78 at night, as ambient outside temp is i need to water slightly earlier, instaed of an even 3 days, water at 2 to keep nutes going into the plant, plant is always same weight felt when i water, and 1" deep finger test is rather dry.

Very much enjoying my grow......suprised it go larger than i had intended.......but thats all part of the unknown, patience is a virtue, and still a long way to go, i figured i'd be farther into flower by now, but it'll be done when its done.....:D
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Well-Known Member
judge that plant's acceptance of the food over days, not hours.

growth will speed and slow periodically, it is just part of the cycle... a lot of that plant lives where you can't see it and that has to develop too.

keep being patient and use care and things will come out nicely :)


Well-Known Member
I can be very patient, just starting to wear thin, and ready for some type of buddage to begin, how long does a plant usually bud for, not flower, as i guess im at 28days flower, but actually start filling in on the stems, i'm getting some alternate nodeing at the very ends of my 6 heads, and some of the longer tertiary growths......but nothing even closely resembling a final product.

But i do know i have alot of sites available to fill in when it does start filling..........i just really wonder how much its going to fill and how dense.....That'll be intresting to see.

Anyway this is just another daily shot of the top of my screen......really hoping that the lower offshoots that arn't filling in too well will start picking up a little.......Give me a more even canopy.

Forgot to dim the camera some, so everything on the left looks very yellowish green.

I'm thinking i may repot into a 12" pot that i have, what advantages would this give me over the 8" pot that i have, i feel that the lower main stalk is somewhat thick, mabey .5", but my heads and tertiary groth could have a little more girth for bud formation, as all heads are about .25" in diamater. How thick do the tertiary stems need to be, to get and be able to hold a considerable bud formation >1g per site?
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Well-Known Member
truthfully i wouldn't worry about re potting this late in the game man... it may stress it a bit much and 8" should be enough for the rest of the grow especally since you're getting impatient


Well-Known Member
Impatient, only slightly, i'm 2 months in, whats another 1 or so, nothing really in the greater scheme of things......

As far as the pot size thats good to know, my next grow i'm going to gradually up the size of the plant sequentially over a process 6-12" pots, 2" increments to maximize root potential and nutrient absorption potential.

Any clues on how full a root ball will get based on size of plant?? and upping K enough to get close to root bound before upping to the next size, each time it would have 1" of exterior pot room all around it to fill in, then up another size. If not to make things easier, start with a 4" pot, up it to an 8" pot then to a 12" pot.

I'm also throwing around the idea though of just bitting the bullet and buying a scale, i figure a decimal scale to the tenths is plenty.......Digital would be ok, but the cheaper the better, i'm more than happy to weigh out shot in tenth of a gram increments, where would i get something like this though? Manual or digital.....ive smoked for awhile, never owned a scale. I'd hate to blow my cover by asking a friend to use theirs, probobly in their presence, then have to figure up a way of explaining 1+ oz i figure, on the tops 3oz as i've seen at most from people with similar scrog sizes.

I have awhile to go, and i do plan on harvesting in stages, i'd like to get a good idea of what harvesting at different times at tric color and what it can do as far as overall high, i'd like to have both a energetic daytime smoke and a more relaxed night time smoke before bed. Or atleast thats what i gather i can do depending on harvest time.

I'm very appologies. Though i do hope people are taking away from my thoughts, if anything its just a drunk/high ramble, those are always fun.
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Well-Known Member
Impatient, only slightly, i'm 2 months in, whats another 1 or so, nothing really in the greater scheme of things......

As far as the pot size thats good to know, my next grow i'm going to gradually up the size of the plant sequentially over a process 6-12" pots, 2" increments to maximize root potential and nutrient absorption potential.

Any clues on how full a root ball will get based on size of plant?? and upping K enough to get close to root bound before upping to the next size, each time it would have 1" of exterior pot room all around it to fill in, then up another size. If not to make things easier, start with a 4" pot, up it to an 8" pot then to a 12" pot.

I'm also throwing around the idea though of just bitting the bullet and buying a scale, i figure a decimal scale to the tenths is plenty.......Digital would be ok, but the cheaper the better, i'm more than happy to weigh out shot in tenth of a gram increments, where would i get something like this though? Manual or digital.....ive smoked for awhile, never owned a scale. I'd hate to blow my cover by asking a friend to use theirs, probobly in their presence, then have to figure up a way of explaining 1+ oz i figure, on the tops 3oz as i've seen at most from people with similar scrog sizes.

I have awhile to go, and i do plan on harvesting in stages, i'd like to get a good idea of what harvesting at different times at tric color and what it can do as far as overall high, i'd like to have both a energetic daytime smoke and a more relaxed night time smoke before bed. Or atleast thats what i gather i can do depending on harvest time.

I'm very appologies. Though i do hope people are taking away from my thoughts, if anything its just a drunk/high ramble, those are always fun.
moving the plants from pot to pot isn't smart

look at books like Seemorebuds... he has it in one 12 inch pot the entire time and if you water it right then it gets perfect rooting


Well-Known Member
Alright thanks for clearing that up for me, moreso just throwing my ideas out there and seeing if they hold water...

Will look into the book.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, It Is Late In The Game, A Little Surprised At The P" In Your Nutes, Must Watch This, Results Are Poss. So Nice. U Got Enough Gerth, If U Want To Put Her In Blm. I Dont Realy See A Prob. Db. Just My Thoughts.:)


Well-Known Member
A Little Surprised At The P" In Your Nutes, U Got Enough Gerth, If U Want To Put Her In Blm. :)
I know i need better nutes, i'd preforably like some fox farm bloom products, but these will do till my next grow, when i'll be using top shelf sativa genetics.

I'm using expert gardener 10-52-10, which i beleive equates to 10-20.8-0.8 (FAQmentions this), but i've been on 12/12 for 1 month today, during my first week-week.5 i did check it during its first 2hrs and 2hrs before waking, and i lost a little time during the first weekend with switching from a day on, to night on, then back to day on by that tuesday.......But has been on 12/12 for awhile now.......

This was a little over a week after i threw it on 12/12. Screen is in a fixed position.

I dunno what you talkin bout throwin her into bloom :hump:, just waiting for her to be ready and do her thing.

All i'm doing now is just rearranging the new tertiary growths that come up to get an even canopy. Top 2 heads on the main stalks tips fan leaf sites are starting to alternate, the other 4 heads are still having paired fan leaves. Majority of the tertiary growth also has alternating ends.

Temps are averaging 86-89F during the day now......


Well-Known Member
My Bad On The Blm:(, Stoned And About 20 Grows Going Thru My Head. Hehehehe!!! Apg.s'... Is The Temp Guage Correct? On The High End Saved Temp.?


Well-Known Member
Not a problem B :D Tis all good.

High of 94F, low of 73F, which is probobly why growth has slowed some. Its sitting at 84F right now but apt ambient temp is cooler today than yesterday or the day before due to outside temp. I've also looked at it every hr or so since its waken up at 10am, so ambient inner temp is rather low and hasn't built up over time yet.

No change in color from nutes given yesterday.

Could humidity be an issue, its rather low and i know flower is preferred in the 60% range. How can i add humidity for VERY cheap?


Well-Known Member
For Fast A Pot Of Boiling Water In The Room... For Slow A Pot Of Cold Water In The Corner Of Thr Area The Plants Are In,,,, Too Much Means Mold, So I Would Not Sweet This To Much.!! And The 94 Temps Yes Sir And Big Issue That Deff. Needs Some Thought, To The Point Of Cureing The Prob. I Grew In A Townhouse Commin Wall, And Had Some Simm. Security Issues As Well As Temp. Controlling! Fans And A Tricky Cracked Blaced Out Window May Help...!!! Allways Here. Db.~tlb!:)


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i have found that unless i fuck up, the root ball is ALWAYS the size of the pot... if i use a teeny pot, it is root bound... if i use a big bucket, it is root bound... i bet if i used a Buick it would get root bound ;)

bigger pot means bigger plant means bigger buds.

but save that for future knowledge ;)

i dont repot in flower unless i MUST.


Well-Known Member
i have found that unless i fuck up, the root ball is ALWAYS the size of the pot... if i use a teeny pot, it is root bound... if i use a big bucket, it is root bound... i bet if i used a Buick it would get root bound ;)

bigger pot means bigger plant means bigger buds.

but save that for future knowledge ;)

i dont repot in flower unless i MUST.