Short question


Active Member

Me and my mate are growing some lovely Spontanica plants ;) and at the moment we have germinated them and have them in some plastic cups at the moment, in my house and on my windowsil.

I was thinking of letting the plants grow some leaves before transporting them outside... to prehaps give them a better chance in the wild, especially since British weather is sooo bad at the moment (lots of rain).

Is this a good or bad idea? Can people post some thoughts about this???

Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
I went ahead and put mine outdoors once they came above the soil even though the weather was still fairly cool. However, I may have paid for it by significantly reduced growth (even though everyone tells me not to compare mine to others). Cooler weather does slow them down, but sunlight through glass tends to make them stretchy.


Well-Known Member
if you are going to grow inside for a while you will need to put some lights and a small fan with them, lights to stop the stretching and the fan to strengthen the stems ready for the outdoors.


Active Member
Ive got about 3 plants indoors - and I have a small breeze coming in at the moment

They havnt sprouted above the surface yet, however, (tell me if this sound crazy)...

I was thinking of hanging like an ordinary like Lava Lamp bulb above the pots

Is this cool yeh? ;)

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
Its not a good idea to use your lava light idea, most lava lights are either incandescent or halogen which are very inefficient and also they are the wrong spectrum of light needed. any florescent light would do for your needs, most efficiently a compact florescence.


New Member
Yes i agree with this guy. For the main reason just to make sure they have a good start.
Also more animals are interested in nibbling sprouts more so than seedlings.

The fan will strengthen the stems preparing them for the wind.
if you are going to grow inside for a while you will need to put some lights and a small fan with them, lights to stop the stretching and the fan to strengthen the stems ready for the outdoors.


New Member
Yes you need some kind of light system. If they are sitting on the window sill they are going to stretch to hell. even a small cfls light will do the trick


New Member
wonderful. Yes keep them in for a while them cliomatize them to the temp. Let them get used to the weather before plopping them in the ground.

and yes that will work
Thanks for the pic and good luck :)


Well-Known Member
I alway let my babies get strong before I send them on their way....A light like that (pssst..move about 1' away from plant) will help them grow without all the risks of being outside defenseless...Better to get a head start..

Our weather is also pretty grim this year...