Impeach the so called President?

Should President Barack Obama II be impeached for treason?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 57.4%
  • No

    Votes: 16 34.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 8.5%

  • Total voters

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
The Bush version of the Fast and Furious program was called Operation Wide Receiver

Wide Reciever:

less than 200 guns, with GPS trackers in em, WITH the participation of the mexican government.
BOOSH's program turned out to suck since the criminals found the GPS devices and removed them,. the plan was scrubbed, and was NOT restarted, bush himself too the responsibility for the scheme's failure which resulted in the cartells getting ~$10k worth of guns at a discount

Fast N Furious:

Unlimited numbers of guns, NO tracking devices, NO participation from mexico's government, kept secret, blamed on the bottom rung of the bureaucracy despite having gone at least has high as Erci Cockbreath Holder who has the (Gigantic) ear of Il Douche Obama, and nobody above the level of janitor at the ATF is taking responsibility for the schemes ridonkulous failure/success/who can say for sure which resulted in the cartels getting ~$2 Million in guns at fire-sale prices

what does this have to do with anything?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Most of those started under Bush. The Fast & Furious started under Bush and his gun walking program. What is so different about Obama?
"gun walking" is a misnomer, under obama the ATF was participating in GUN RUNNING

this had ZERO to do with BOOOSH, it was started by Cockbreath Holder who in fact only has the job because Holder's wife and Il Douche's wife are pals.

BOOOSH"s program was in co-operation with the mexican government and the federales, obama's plan was a complete surprise to mexico, had no GPS trackers and even the ATF isnt sure how many guns were SOLD to the cartels throught their "program" or where the money the cartels paid for those guns might have gone.

you're an idiot looking for excuses for the Brahmin in Chief's own failures.

Bwana Obama appointed cockbreath to the position of AG, has maintained him in that position despite Cockbreath's incompetence and refusal to lay off off medical marijuana states, and still hasnt sacked the fucker so we must assume The One approves of the job Cockbreath is doing.

and since you approve of BHO tremendously, one can only assume you too approve of selling guns to drug ganmgs in mexico, busting granny for he glaucoma medicine, and lobbing hellfire missiles at anyone Il Douche decides may be a threat to his regime....

nice one.


New Member

Wide Reciever:

less than 200 guns, with GPS trackers in em, WITH the participation of the mexican government.
BOOSH's program turned out to suck since the criminals found the GPS devices and removed them,. the plan was scrubbed, and was NOT restarted, bush himself too the responsibility for the scheme's failure which resulted in the cartells getting ~$10k worth of guns at a discount

Fast N Furious:

Unlimited numbers of guns, NO tracking devices, NO participation from mexico's government, kept secret, blamed on the bottom rung of the bureaucracy despite having gone at least has high as Erci Cockbreath Holder who has the (Gigantic) ear of Il Douche Obama, and nobody above the level of janitor at the ATF is taking responsibility for the schemes ridonkulous failure/success/who can say for sure which resulted in the cartels getting ~$2 Million in guns at fire-sale prices

what does this have to do with anything?
In the post before yours, someone mistakenly credited Bush for starting the Fast and Furious Program. That person was then attacked for being incorrect. I posted a link to the previous administrations version of that program. If you had bothered reading the article, many of your facts are wrong by the way, rather than try to goad me into some sort argument, you would see what this has to do with anything. Both sides do stupid shit like this all the time. To think one administrations crimes are better than another's because they are smaller, is at the very least naive, if not absurd.


Undercover Mod
Fast and Furious was a smoke screen. The Feds were supplying the cartels with weapons to fight the Zetas.


Well-Known Member
In the post before yours, someone mistakenly credited Bush for starting the Fast and Furious Program. That person was then attacked for being incorrect. I posted a link to the previous administrations version of that program. If you had bothered reading the article, many of your facts are wrong by the way, rather than try to goad me into some sort argument, you would see what this has to do with anything. Both sides do stupid shit like this all the time. To think one administrations crimes are better than another's because they are smaller, is at the very least naive, if not absurd.
Fast and Furious was a smoke screen. The Feds were supplying the cartels with weapons to fight the Zetas.

haha this is entertainment at its finest. I am surprised they can operate a computer. Do you two know who the president of the united states is?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
In the post before yours, someone mistakenly credited Bush for starting the Fast and Furious Program. That person was then attacked for being incorrect. I posted a link to the previous administrations version of that program. If you had bothered reading the article, many of your facts are wrong by the way, rather than try to goad me into some sort argument, you would see what this has to do with anything. Both sides do stupid shit like this all the time. To think one administrations crimes are better than another's because they are smaller, is at the very least naive, if not absurd.
youre right i missed a page

but youre wrong, "wide reciever' was not a criminal enterprise

it was a joint program between the atf, fbi, the mexican federal police and ICE, with a plan to use GPS trackers to trace the movemnment of black martket guns in mexico, and hopefully nab some big weapons caches.

IT FAILED but was not a secret or a crime.

Fast N Furious WAS a crime. in fact it looks a lot like some low level aft stooges were making a lot of money selling guns to the mexican cartels with only a figleaf of a "program" and a cool vin diesel movie code name to cover their entirely ordinary gun running, just in case they got caught.

over the YEARS of Fast N Furiousing guns into mexico, the "program" was discussed all the way up to the AG's office, and despite no clear goal, no limitations on how many guns were "walked" or any controlls on who what when where and even why the money was being handled, cockbreath decided to let it play out.
maybe next time the toilet backs up in the executive washroom you can blame BOOOSH for eating too much tex-mex too.


Well-Known Member
Fast N Furious:

Unlimited numbers of guns, NO tracking devices, NO participation from mexico's government, kept secret, blamed on the bottom rung of the bureaucracy despite having gone at least has high as Erci Cockbreath Holder who has the (Gigantic) ear of Il Douche Obama, and nobody above the level of janitor at the ATF is taking responsibility for the schemes ridonkulous failure/success/who can say for sure which resulted in the cartels getting ~$2 Million in guns at fire-sale prices
You forgot to mention how everyone in Holders office knew of the operation except Holder so he claims. Obama also used executive privilege to seal information for shits and giggles.


New Member
youre right i missed a page

but youre wrong, "wide reciever' was not a criminal enterprise

it was a joint program between the atf, fbi, the mexican federal police and ICE, with a plan to use GPS trackers to trace the movemnment of black martket guns in mexico, and hopefully nab some big weapons caches.

IT FAILED but was not a secret or a crime.

Fast N Furious WAS a crime. in fact it looks a lot like some low level aft stooges were making a lot of money selling guns to the mexican cartels with only a figleaf of a "program" and a cool vin diesel movie code name to cover their entirely ordinary gun running, just in case they got caught.

over the YEARS of Fast N Furiousing guns into mexico, the "program" was discussed all the way up to the AG's office, and despite no clear goal, no limitations on how many guns were "walked" or any controlls on who what when where and even why the money was being handled, cockbreath decided to let it play out.
maybe next time the toilet backs up in the executive washroom you can blame BOOOSH for eating too much tex-mex too.
I was never blaming anyone for anything. My point was Obama has fast and furious and Bush had wide receiver, the Medrano Case, and the Hernandez Case. All of them are dirty. I am not going to debate the legality of what happened on either side with you, it is entirely to close to what I do for a living. If I wasn't stoned, I never would have wondered over here. I know how rabid people can be in these parts. I am going back over to the grow boards. You guys can go back to blaming Obama for everything and yelling at Uncle Buck. I never intended to get involved in any pissing/trolling matches with anyone. Have a nice life.


Active Member
Well you have to have some sort of opinion that he should be impeached or you would not have started this asinine thread. So again whats your reasoning why you feel your POTUS should be impeached...or is it that you just don't like your President because of who he is ???
So you're trying to say that Obama has done no wrong, has never misled the people? LOL fucking moron.

You do realize that Bill Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about getting a BJ, correct? You don't think Obama should be impeached for lying under his oath of office on numerous scandals? The moron has been caught in so many lies it's hilarious. His best act being "Hope, Change", "I will turn this economy around with hard work and diligence!". Yeah right, we now know he meant diligently sucking at golf. I don't even need to mention the fact Obama as POTUS went the longest ANY president EVER HAS to get a budget built and passed, all the while our economy is in a dismal state. He has been a detriment, not a savoir.

Seems like you are the asinine one, retard.

Learn a little relative perspective before you go flapping your ignorant yapper. Looks like you are just defending the POTUS with no real reasoning. Racist fuck

Exactly how many presidents have been impeached? Like 2? Bill Clinton was impeached but he still is a celebrity and his wife's political career is just fine. So what exactly did that accomplish?

How many of the presidents committed treason, bribery, or high crimes? I am betting at least a third. Kthanks.
Assuming and knowing are two completely separate entities... We aren't assuming that Obama has been caught. Clinton can be impeached for merely lying about receiving sexual favors under oath, but when Obama lies about innocents being slaughtered, or about the IRS, or about what he will do with his oath of office, he should get the benefit of the doubt. Makes perfect sense! Sure many presidents may have been corrupt, and surely Obama is not the first, but that doesn't refute the fact that Obama is the current president, and we live in the now, not 8 or 20 or 50 years ago.

It's comical the low standards we hold the highest position in this country to. As an engineer, if I were to say I would complete something within 4 years, and then do absolutely nothing during that time to do so, I would be fired and blacklisted. If I were to build or design something that individuals died upon, I would be fired, possibly jailed, and again blacklisted. Why should everyday individuals like myself be held MORE accountable than the POTUS, who by the way receives a much larger salary, which will last forever? The POTUS is a position of honor, not a promise or guarantee of salary and power without any results or justification.


Well-Known Member
Clicked on this thread thinking it was a joke, didn't realize it was serious. Talk about an epic double standard.


Active Member
Clinton was under oath when he lied.

When did they put Obama under oath? Like in a courtroom?
When you take the position of POTUS, you take an oath of office...

Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:— “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

I don't understand how that can be any more clear.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

I am not holding him to low standards.

I am saying that Obama has not lied under oath. Clinton was giving sworn testamony and lied.

He may of broken his oath of office, but that has to be proven by enough senaters/congressman to have any chance.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
When you take the position of POTUS, you take an oath of office...

Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:— “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

I don't understand how that can be any more clear.
That is not an oath to be honest and speak the truth. It is merely an oath that says he will take on the duties of the president.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I was never blaming anyone for anything. My point was Obama has fast and furious and Bush had wide receiver, the Medrano Case, and the Hernandez Case. All of them are dirty. I am not going to debate the legality of what happened on either side with you, it is entirely to close to what I do for a living. If I wasn't stoned, I never would have wondered over here. I know how rabid people can be in these parts. I am going back over to the grow boards. You guys can go back to blaming Obama for everything and yelling at Uncle Buck. I never intended to get involved in any pissing/trolling matches with anyone. Have a nice life.
an agreement to work together with a foreign government to track arms sales and movement is NOT criminal.

only the criminals targeted were violating the law. Wide Reciever was in NO WAY a violation of law, nor was it secret after the plan was scrapped (it was of course quite secret while in operation...)

Fast N Furious is however merely a WHITEWASH over serious criminal misdeeds, and if the atf agents in question had been caught in mexico they would still be in the dank festering hellhole outside tijuana waiting for their chance to try and bribe a judge for their freedom.

if a cop dresses up like a hooker and waits around for some dumbass to proposition her, thats police work.

if she sucks 29 cocks for money and then it turns out the 30th john is also a cop trying to catch hookers, she cant claim she was trying to set up her 30th john as an undercover cop with john 1 through 29's semen still clinging to her chin and her tube top stuffed with ill gotten $20's

or is that too complicated?


Active Member

I am not holding him to low standards.

I am saying that Obama has not lied under oath. Clinton was giving sworn testamony and lied.

He may of broken his oath of office, but that has to be proven by enough senaters/congressman to have any chance.
I can prove it easily by stating the fact that it took him a record long time to pass a budget, while our country is economically failing. Instead, he decided golf was more important. That, by definition, is not faithfully serving your position as POTUS.

The fact is, and I didn't mean just you, that for the last few presidents, the accountability is just not there.

I don't understand why you think Clintons left hand on the bible is worse than abusing an oath administered by the Chief Justice....

That is not an oath to be honest and speak the truth. It is merely an oath that says he will take on the duties of the president.
Purposely misleading and lying to the American people about terrorist attacks on US soil is not fulfilling his oath, in fact, it is the exact opposite. Take 5 years to pass a budget is not fulfilling your oath. Using subsidies like the IRS to spy on Americans is not part of the oath. Attempting to push gun bans, which directly tie to the 2nd amendment of our constitution is not part of the oath.

If I remember correctly, democrats were up in arms when Bush waited 7 minutes to respond to 911, yet can wait 5years for a budget to get passed. Hysterical really.
We don't finish our work on time, we get fired. Obama doesn't finish his work on time, he throws more golf parties.