What's For Dinner Tonight?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You dont have fish mongers? Say what???? I don't think i could continue living if there wasn't fresh fish readily available.

And yup, briney taste. Crunchy sweet and salty. I'll eat it with anything. Very good with skate, black butter, capers. Nomnomnom :)


Staff member
You dont have fish mongers? Say what???? I don't think i could continue living if there wasn't fresh fish readily available.

And yup, briney taste. Crunchy sweet and salty. I'll eat it with anything. Very good with skate, black butter, capers. Nomnomnom :)
the only fresh fish would be lake fish , and that would be at those fancy grocery stores

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
That's the one thing i actually do like about where i work. I get to fillet, cook, and serve brown trout from a lake 2 miles from the kitchen. A very good feeling. Take pride in your produce :)

Got a 7 hour straight drive tomorrow to pick up the gf and bring her back home so just finished cooking this up for when i get home. everything in it but the kitchen sink. Beef and mushroom casserole with red wine, shouxing wine, ginger, chillies, cumin, and half the rest of the spice cupboards. Plan is bowl of casserole, bath, joint of blue cheese, collapse.


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Can't complain :D Few things bring me as much joy as slaving over some good food in the kitchen, so if the family want feeding, i'm gonna do it right! :) The tuna and bass was an early birthday present for me ma, and i didn't even have to buy the ingredients, she did lol. Kuroi is over for a week so we're both gonna bake her up a cake or two as a late birthday present as well. Thinking one cake with lots of decoration and a champagne jelly center, and well, for shits and giggles, we're gonna cook up a bacon and apple cake. Kinda sweet take on a bacon and apple sauce sarnie :D


Well-Known Member
You cook some damn fine looking vittles there tip top!
This was tonight's dinner:Grilled Everything:):):):):):)
Baby new potatoes brushed with garlic butter
Zucchini and yellow squash
Sweet corn on the cob
Shrimp brushed with garlic butter
Bacon wrapped shrimp w/jalapeno
Bacon wrapped filet mignon


Well-Known Member
You cook some damn fine looking vittles there tip top!
This was tonight's dinner:Grilled Everything:):):):):):)
Baby new potatoes brushed with garlic butter
Zucchini and yellow squash
Sweet corn on the cob
Shrimp brushed with garlic butter
Bacon wrapped shrimp w/jalapeno
Bacon wrapped filet mignon
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Cant see the pic darnit, kinda wish i could, all that bacon wrapping and grillin sounds pretty stellar to me :):):)


Well-Known Member
Sorry about that Ninja:bongsmilie:Forget it!!!!I tried making the picture bigger but I don't know how,im using a kindle fire,it sucks for forum usage:)peace