Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Ursus marijanus
Shh!! You might scare the children ;)

Damn thought you said kazoo and got all excited for a moment. Can't beat a kazoo band.

And yet...... I see nothing of you mentioning showing your best side to us :)
It speaks for itself, no? It's always been my finest feature.

"Draw me like one of your French girls", lol. cn



New Member
yep,my yard is white again.WTF WTF WTF
It looks like another year with no summer.At least when its cold out,I have a reason to have a high electric bill


Well-Known Member
Got some new dress shoes for work they were awesome in the store now after standing On them for ten hours my feet kill. They have a gel insert I thought would be a good thing turns out its hard as a rock now I literally have the impression of it in my heel now.

on a positive note its beautiful and I'm three hours away from getting lifted


Well-Known Member
Cancel my subscription to the resurrection
Send my credentials to the house of detention
I got some friends inside

The face in the mirror won't stop
The girl in the window won't drop
A feast of friends, alive, she cried, waitin' for me outside


Well-Known Member
I was wrong. 2.5 ounces, plus the 5 grams previously enjoyed. Still, not too shitty. Each of the mains weighed between 12 and 16 grams (12 being the lightest, 16 the heaviest, of course) I can't weight until I can get an HPS!:bigjoint:


New Member
I was wrong. 2.5 ounces, plus the 5 grams previously enjoyed. Still, not too shitty. Each of the mains weighed between 12 and 16 grams (12 being the lightest, 16 the heaviest, of course) I can't weight until I can get an HPS!:bigjoint:

I was just gifted a tiny air cooled hood.Now I can enjoy my little guy hps during the warm months also.So nice~


Well-Known Member
I was just gifted a tiny air cooled hood.Now I can enjoy my little guy hps during the warm months also.So nice~
I should be finished up before we get alot of heat here. It will be nice to have one less a/c on come electric bill time. I recenlty got my tent exhausted up into the attic. Before I just had the heat exhausting into the same room my tent was in causing my a/c to work harder.


Ursus marijanus
Sweet pistol. I had a S&W 29 and it was too hard on this old guy, can't imagine firing thru a box with this cannon.
I have two 629s. They're my "medium" guns. My worst offenders of carpal integrity are a .500 Linebaugh (a true Fifty, not like those ~mumble~ 49-bore pretenders from Action Arms and S&W) and my not-quite-stock Contender in .45-70. HeeeeWACK that's a sinus-clearer. cn