Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
Probably not, I've seen threads like that all over the place.

"why is my plant dying? I water it 9 times a day and I'm using 20 strands of xmas lights. they cover all the color spectrum's and there has to be like a 800 lights on each strand, that should be plenty."

"I though it might be an N deficiency, so I gave each seedling an entire box of miracle grow powder."
Lmao . . . yup. That pretty much covers it. The one that tops the cake . .
Can I grow using candlelight? How many candles do I need?

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
I don't even know who you are or why you're catching so much flak. I just enjoy a good fight. And don't talk like that. Could you imagine how horrible you would feel if someone took you seriously and came to your house? The first person to get hurt would be your mom because she's on the main floor. After you heard all the ruckus I bet you would just curl up and stay in the basement until it was your turn. I suggest you hold back the threats until you at least get your own place.


Staff member
what part of "i dont really do morning shifts" are people NOT getting?


(and it is not because i am ungrateful for my clients , it is because i cannot sleep at night very well and i generally feel not right in the morning for the first 5 hours after waking up)
so i am running on 3 1/2 hours of sleep

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
what part of "i dont really do morning shifts" are people NOT getting?


(and it is not because i am ungrateful for my clients , it is because i cannot sleep at night very well and i generally feel not right in the morning for the first 5 hours after waking up)
so i am running on 3 1/2 hours of sleep
Customer is always right.


Well-Known Member
What!? First 5 hours after you wake!? Maybe that Vegan diet isnt all its cracked up to be dear. Are you missing B vitamins?


Well-Known Member
I'd call them at 6:30, they'd show up at 7 (when the ordinance ends), and give me a ticket for calling them wrongfully. lol
I could see that happening which to me is a sad state of affairs, when you can't speak your mind without the fear of retaliation, you pay taxes just like him so why isn't your voice being heard...oh ya right the lawn mower :bigjoint:

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
I could see that happening which to me is a sad state of affairs, when you can't speak your mind without the fear of retaliation, you pay taxes just like him so why isn't your voice being heard...oh ya right the lawn mower :bigjoint:
Exactly. Whenever they first moved in I was a little nervous because of my grow. It's legal but we all know how that is. I had one window that I didn't get time to finish blocking off so all it had was black plastic over it and they drive right next to it everyday. So here I am thinking 'black plastic makes it look a lil' fishy, I need to hurry and get something nicer put up'. Before I had the chance to, he started using tin foil to cover his house windows. Made me feel a lot better about the situation. lol mows his lawn at 6:30 am, covers his windows with foil . . . he might be a tweeker. haha