Is there a gender pay gap?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
it's not too late, you've still got time to do what you said you were going to do last year and show us how cheap and easy it is.

go ahead, you might actually learn something instead of just bleating whatever glenn beck and yahoo blogs are talking about.
For the sake of argument, let's say it costs me ten thousand dollars to grow twelve pounds and I then turn around and get reimbursed ten thousand dollars. How would I retire at 30 in such a business? I am no accountant but it seems to me as if there is no profit in such a business.


Well-Known Member
none of my hookers have mustaches. A few with dongs... but im into that.
Im cool with not paying for boner pills as well. Or condoms.


Well-Known Member
For the sake of argument, let's say it costs me ten thousand dollars to grow twelve pounds and I then turn around and get reimbursed ten thousand dollars. How would I retire at 30 in such a business? I am no accountant but it seems to me as if there is no profit in such a business.
dude you obviously dont understand big business. You have to make it up in volume ;)


Well-Known Member
For the sake of argument, let's say it costs me ten thousand dollars to grow twelve pounds and I then turn around and get reimbursed ten thousand dollars. How would I retire at 30 in such a business? I am no accountant but it seems to me as if there is no profit in such a business.
it would be a pretty boring retirement if you didn't have a gig on the side for walking around money, wouldn't it?


Well-Known Member
so wait what are we arguing about?
desert dud feels i should go to federal prison for accepting reimbursements as allowed by state law.

well really, he'll wish federal prison on people just for not loving rawn pawl, he just has to invent excuses so he doesn't seem so childish.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
dude you obviously dont understand big business. You have to make it up in volume ;)
Buck's business plan is X dollars in expenses to yield X dollars in revenue. He retired at 30 and is "rolling in it" on that plan. Pure genius. Move over Bill, Warren, and Carlos, there is a new tycoon in town.


Ursus marijanus
CN, There is nothing about this thread that is a troll attempt. I would be very interested in somebody explaining how this topic is either spam or trolling?

I presented a legitimate news story from Yahoo that linked to a study that shows that the pay gap for women is a myth, despite being a cherished belief by the "there is a war on women" side, witness UB's rant. The results of the study cited correspond to my own real-world experience. Women are paid as well as men for the same work.

Buck was sputtering about the "lean in" comment, which cracks me up. "Lean in" is a term popularized by the CEO of Yahoo, a woman. She was advising women to be more aggressive if they want to become CEOs.

I fully expected UB to pop a vein in his forehead at this topic as it is right at the heart of the progressive victimhood claims.
Desert Dude, it seems to me that you are trying to extend this Yahoo article into a claim that there isn't a sex-based glass ceiling of any consequence in the USA. Even cursory research shows this to be incorrect. I can tell you from my field (science/engineering) and in that of a friend (high-acuity nursing) the wage gap is present and pretty damn blatant. So the question is: do you believe that this Yahoo article is a fair representation of the bigger picture? If so, you are trolling at the very least yourself. Jmo. cn–female_income_disparity_in_the_United_States


New Member
empirically false, even according to OP's yahoo blog post.

these are the same women paying for your boner pills on their lower wages because you are an impotent limp dick and somehow that's their problem.

the only difference is that the birth control is preventive medicine and saves everyone money in the end, your limp dick fixer uppers only serve to coddle your delicate ego while you're feverishly trying to achieve an erection while fucking a hired mustachioed hooker.
You seem to know a fair bit about working girls... I suppose spending $7k on all sorts of educational strange would do that. Does that intimate knowledge go "hand-in-man-hand" all puns intended, with the sweet sixteen sugar momma?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
it's not too late, you've still got time to do what you said you were going to do last year and show us how cheap and easy it is.

go ahead, you might actually learn something instead of just bleating whatever glenn beck and yahoo blogs are talking about.
When it is legal, I plan to grow ten plants to maturity and record my expenses. The first year I expect to have bad results because I am new to gardening. The second year I expect to nail it because I learn fast and I am not lazy. I expect my costs to be around five dollars per pound. I will send you a pound when it is legal.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Desert Dude, it seems to me that you are trying to extend this Yahoo article into a claim that there isn't a sex-based glass ceiling of any consequence in the USA. Even cursory research shows this to be incorrect. I can tell you from my field (science/engineering) and in that of a friend (high-acuity nursing) the wage gap is present and pretty damn blatant. So the question is: do you believe that this Yahoo article is a fair representation of the bigger picture? If so, you are trolling at the very least yourself. Jmo. cn
CN, I am a working software engineer and have been for many years. There has been no difference in pay between male and female software types anywhere I have worked. Marissa Meyer, a female and the CEO of Yahoo, wrote a book about the glass ceiling gender problems facing women, titled "Leaning In". If women think they are going to make CEO after taking five years off to raise their children up to kindergarten age then it is them that are being unrealistic.

This 23% pay gap crap is spewed as if a journeyman woman electrician earns $30 per hour and an identically qualified male electrician earns $36.90 per hour. That is pure bull shit but it has become dogma.

Women get the majority of baccalaureate and post bacc degrees in the US.

Lest you think I have some sort of dislike for women let me point out that I am married to a woman who earns nearly as much as me. I also have a 24 year old daughter who is just starting out in a job where she earns about $14 per hour. She only works part time because she has two daughters. I have a vested interest in women doing well because I want my wife, daughter, and grand daughters to be well paid. I am not willing to drink the Kool aid, though. If you want to, that is your business.


Ursus marijanus
CN, I am a working software engineer and have been for many years. There has been no difference in pay between male and female software types anywhere I have worked. Marissa Meyer, a female and the CEO of Yahoo, wrote a book about the glass ceiling gender problems facing women, titled "Leaning In". If women think they are going to make CEO after taking five years off to raise their children up to kindergarten age then it is them that are being unrealistic.

This 23% pay gap crap is spewed as if a journeyman woman electrician earns $30 per hour and an identically qualified male electrician earns $36.90 per hour. That is pure bull shit but it has become dogma.

Women get the majority of baccalaureate and post bacc degrees in the US.

Lest you think I have some sort of dislike for women let me point out that I am married to a woman who earns nearly as much as me. I also have a 24 year old daughter who is just starting out in a job where she earns about $14 per hour. She only works part time because she has two daughters. I have a vested interest in women doing well because I want my wife, daughter, and grand daughters to be well paid. I am not willing to drink the Kool aid, though. If you want to, that is your business.
I otoh know someone who worked at the top levels of software engineering. A man doing her job was paid almost double. Big-name firms. cn

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I otoh know someone who worked at the top levels of software engineering. A man doing her job was paid almost double. Big-name firms. cn
Sounds like she should have changed jobs. Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Apple would happily pay top dollar for a top level SW engineer. I just don't buy it, CN.


Well-Known Member
what would you say if anyone else on the site posted 60+ threads in the last two weeks?

it's fucking spam, promotion of an agenda, advertising of a viewpoint, spam.

Says the person who puts their two bits in 30 TIMES A FUCKING DAY for the last 3 years. Seriously, other than in your own mind, when did your fucking opinions become supreme?

Cry a fuckin river, bucky.