A right way and a wong way.


Active Member
Kramer your a hypocrite, period. There is a right and a wrong way to disagree with someone. Bash me for stating what I have heard directly from the mouths of CO residents. Again this is what I have been told. These are not my opinions. Please quote how my posts have not been kind or respectful. I say subpar and you paraphrase into trash or garbage. As for chewberto, you child, why don't you ask True if I know how to spell? Here is one link from like yesterday, I can dig and post more but Im done wasting my time on you. https://www.rollitup.org/colorado-patients/659142-colorado-springs.html
So bluntm8, this thread you speak of that is Colorado res. bashing Colorado green is a ridiculous one. So in my opinion it was a couple kids talking shit to me for suggesting a dispensery to someone. Now I still believe they don't even know which one I'm talking about and if they do these kids must have hater issues cuz the place I'm talking about has good medicine and has a great atmosphere. Bluntm8, so you find the one thread that has really any trash talk about the C and that's your only argument, why don't you go back and see how childish they were about the whole thing and come back tell us this shit again. Peace.


Well-Known Member
lol I find it funny you guys have to go on like some kids in kindergarten

"no teacher he took the flash cards!"

"but I was learning first mother fucker!"


Well-Known Member
You all really shouldn't feed the trolls you know. Fin spermy is kind of the troll mascot around here, we really don't need anymore....

Kramer Chids

Active Member
I thought the ops' post was a bit pretentious, arrogant and topped of with a bit of sucking up leading to a flame bate waiting to happen :)
I would have almost expected more trolling then thusfar >_>

You can't just say everywhere in a some place is good weed (well, you do, but anyway), maybe, just maybe, your hanging around witht he right crowd, and that the colorado connections you uphold are of bit higher standards then certain others.
Everywhere is good and bad stuff.
For you to experience your eneviroment and connections as high quality maybe says more about RIU then it does about colorado.
Seems to be the good one's have been uniting here hehehe.

Great to see the colorado folks sticking together though.
But this is just a forum section with most likely is just a ~0,005% representation of Colorado's herb smoking and growing population and it is not an accurate estimation of the quaility indicating figures..

Salute to them colorado growing and smoking fanatics here, keep it up you, I've been hearing good things ^_^

Aaanyway ...

I wanna see that bong too.
Pretentious? Yeah, I'll own that one. Sucking up and arrogant? Nahhh. That's just not me. This thread was started because I've seen folks come into the forum as well as send me personal IMs looking for and almost demanding information about Colorado weed. First off I'm certainly not the best one to talk to about good weed as I'm VERY small time. Maybe its because I have a post actually stating I have a grow in CO (a small menial grow). I've seen the folks here help out strangers who are kind and inquisitive. That's all just statements around fact at identifying kindness, not sucking up.

Also if you notice I don't target anyone originally at all and even in the end I don't solely target the behavior of one person. As a parent and middle aged person the behavior I discussed about right and wrong are things in my house that are expected and I see that isn't the case all the time with kids coming into the forum. So that's probably what made me sound pretentious.

Your post was good and I appreciate it, and you're right this group is a small percentage, but a very good one. No sucking up, just fact.

Have a good day.


Well-Known Member
Me too! Since 5-25-13 Unfortunately I believe it was all a lie, most likely a high school kid trying to act cool. What individual outside of grade school smokes out of a gravity bong?