"Ancient Aliens" and the Ancient astronaut theory.

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guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I just got super cooked and watched it and thought it all made sense LOL. I'm not preachin anything or trying to prove it right. I'm just saying the theories make the most sense to me and it blew my fucking mind.

I DO, however, believe that extra terrestrials have been here before and some shit went down.
I have a sneaking suspicion that is also how the theory was created.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
They called em burning chariots of fire. Because the word airplane and spaceship didn't exist. The quotes in the bible are speaking of aliens. It was the only way to be explain it in their context. What's wrong with RIU??? Someone always looking discredit another. A lot of peeps getting trained to give misinformation without knowing it.
Can't wait til the day where I can say..."fuckin told you"
I welcome it. Poke holes in my logic, double check my math, and try to discredit me and anything I say. If you succeed then I was wrong and will thank you for correcting me.


Well-Known Member
I welcome it. Poke holes in my logic, double check my math, and try to discredit me and anything I say. If you succeed then I was wrong and will thank you for correcting me.
This is the distinction between rational and irrational people.

Rational people want critics to pick apart what they say because they might have missed something, or might have something completely wrong. The truth is more important than their feelings, and views are changed based upon new, and convincing evidence.

Irrational people just want others to listen to them and agree with what they say, but if that doesn't happen they accuse the critics of being close minded, or unenlightened. They can't come to grips with the cognitive dissonance that comes from holding two contradicting ideas, so new and convincing evidence is rejected and their original ideas stand.

Imagine an 'idea' spectrum. Where on the far left we have ideas that we know to be true, e.g. The earth is round, Water is H2O, etc., and ideas we are unsure of are placed on the far right, e.g. Multiverse theory, alternate dimensions, etc. We have everything else in between at varying points in the spectrum.

If someone were to hold an idea like water is H20 to be false, how would that ripple down the spectrum and affect their perception of ideas further to the right? It would be impossible to conceive more advanced ideas if someones basic ideals were false, or you would have to use some other false idea to explain it.

People who posit 'atoms don't exist', would have a very difficult time in learning chemistry. People who deny evolution would have difficulty with biology.

It also makes it difficult to present evidence to irrational people. What chemistry or biology based evidence can you present to someone who doesn't believe in atoms? Virtually all schools of science rely on the principle that atoms exist, so for someone who rejects that claim, there is virtually no evidence you could present that would be compelling.

This is one reason I get upset when pseudoscience and woo-woo get thrown around. One false idea can have a ripple effect down the spectrum of ideas, and the person with that false idea, could also have the nuclear codes.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
This is the distinction between rational and irrational people.

Rational people want critics to pick apart what they say because they might have missed something, or might have something completely wrong. The truth is more important than their feelings, and views are changed based upon new, and convincing evidence.

Irrational people just want others to listen to them and agree with what they say, but if that doesn't happen they accuse the critics of being close minded, or unenlightened. They can't come to grips with the cognitive dissonance that comes from holding two contradicting ideas, so new and convincing evidence is rejected and their original ideas stand.

Imagine an 'idea' spectrum. Where on the far left we have ideas that we know to be true, e.g. The earth is round, Water is H2O, etc., and ideas we are unsure of are placed on the far right, e.g. Multiverse theory, alternate dimensions, etc. We have everything else in between at varying points in the spectrum.

If someone were to hold an idea like water is H20 to be false, how would that ripple down the spectrum and affect their perception of ideas further to the right? It would be impossible to conceive more advanced ideas if someones basic ideals were false, or you would have to use some other false idea to explain it.

People who posit 'atoms don't exist', would have a very difficult time in learning chemistry. People who deny evolution would have difficulty with biology.

It also makes it difficult to present evidence to irrational people. What chemistry or biology based evidence can you present to someone who doesn't believe in atoms? Virtually all schools of science rely on the principle that atoms exist, so for someone who rejects that claim, there is virtually no evidence you could present that would be compelling.

This is one reason I get upset when pseudoscience and woo-woo get thrown around. One false idea can have a ripple effect down the spectrum of ideas, and the person with that false idea, could also have the nuclear codes.
Don't they have pictures from electron scanning microscopes of single atoms and atomic structures? I swear I have seen it before...


Well-Known Member
Don't they have pictures from electron scanning microscopes of single atoms and atomic structures? I swear I have seen it before...

They certainly do, but we have pictures of Neil Armstrong on the moon, and video of planes hitting the WTC too. Vestigial bones in fossils, and a virtual Kaleidoscope of other evidence to support the various theories that are still subjected to various forms of quackery and scrutiny from pseudoscientists and conspiracy theorists! :D


Well-Known Member
Prove it. Make a video, un-cut, un-edited, of someone throwing bricks up in the air while you hit them with throwing spikes while wearing a full face mask and blocked-out goggles.

I think you watch too much anime.
Shit, I'd be amazed if he could do that without obstructing his vision ;)

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Worthy opponent lol just stating truths I know. This mentality is why riu sucks to a point.
Its not RIU's fault, its people thinking they know reality better than someone else so they attack differing viewpoints because their ego tells them too, and a tiny bit of them thinks that they are doing the world a favor by trying to stop the spread of this information.

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Honestly, your depiction of prior civilizations are based on something that sounds cool, but your idea is much more supportable than aliens. We know so little about our past now, dates are continually being pushed back, and we know so little of mankinds history before 30-40,000 years. We were still human 200,000 years ago. Did we ever build civilizations that were completely destroyed? What if early civilizations were destroyed by a global cataclysm and only a few survived by living in caves and underground?

I'm open to speculation. I just cringe when I here it put forth as a theory, as if it was equivalent to how the term is used in science. Now speculating that the older civilization was somehow more advanced spiritually is pointless IMO. It is beyond speculation, but no one can honestly claim there could never have been earlier, advanced civilization that has left no traces, or some that we have yet to find.
Now you agree with me. :clap: I mentioned this in post #8 page 1 as a possibility. Just another young buck taking pent up aggression out on the internet.

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Prove it. Make a video, un-cut, un-edited, of someone throwing bricks up in the air while you hit them with throwing spikes while wearing a full face mask and blocked-out goggles.

I think you watch too much anime.
Choson ninja does it on YouTube I mentioned this lol its not hard if you practice. I don't watch enough anime. If I did I would recognised the funny characters on this board.


Well-Known Member
Its not RIU's fault, its people thinking they know reality better than someone else so they attack differing viewpoints because their ego tells them too, and a tiny bit of them thinks that they are doing the world a favor by trying to stop the spread of this information.
I attack differing viewpoints when they come into conflict with what I believe is right, an example would be gay bashing.

It seems you are arguing in favor of tolerating intolerance. I disagree with that. I feel you do not have the right to openly and freely object to the lifestyle decisions or choices of another individual so long as that individuals lifestyle decisions or choices don't infringe upon anyone else's rights. If something offends you, you have the right to walk away. That's how it works.


Well-Known Member
Ninjutsu isn't used for riches. Wear a blindfold for a month and you will then understand what I'm talking about.
Ninja were mercenaries with the ability to act as spies, saboteurs, and assassins. Their primary purpose was to make money. So I'd say you're contradicting recorded history a bit there.


Well-Known Member
Choson ninja does it on YouTube I mentioned this lol its not hard if you practice. I don't watch enough anime. If I did I would recognised the funny characters on this board.
LOL - that guy claims to have fought in over 100 kumites, and was pretty much quoting bloodsport. Yeah, the JCVD movie.

Seems legit.


Well-Known Member
Choson ninja does it on YouTube I mentioned this lol its not hard if you practice. I don't watch enough anime. If I did I would recognised the funny characters on this board.
Chosonninja? I couldn't find the video you mentioned. But I did find this one. (Warning, choson has no clue what he's doing; this may offend some of our viewers with any degree of combat training):


Well-Known Member
Chosonninja? I couldn't find the video you mentioned. But I did find this one. (Warning, choson has no clue what he's doing; this may offend some of our viewers with any degree of combat training):
While watching that, all I was thinking was this guy has never been in an actual fight..

Shit doesn't work out that way in a real fight. You can prepare all you like, things will happen that you just won't expect. The real martial artist is equipped with the kno
wledge to defend himself in whatever situation comes up. THAT is what is taught in real martial arts. Not this bullshit, Hollywood style fighting. If you listen to Joe Rogans podcast, he'll be the first one to tell you as a black belt in taekwondo, it's bullshit;



Holy shit does the man explain it great in that second clip, straight up cult mentality.


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever seen the show? Shit is crazy, bro. I'm a believer in the ancient astronaut theory. There is some crazy shit on there like underwater and underground cities, the moai, puma punku, the mayans? I mean wtf seriously? how else can you logically explain that shit?
Using the least likely explanation possible isn't logic. FAIL
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