I get you want Zimmerman to pay, and you don't like guns. There is nothing to completely remove any reasonable doubt.
edit: emotional pleas and propaganda are not going to work with me.
i'm perfectly fine with competent people having guns for self defense, i'm not OK with zimmerman profiling and then following martin with his loaded gun, and then lying about it over a dozen times.
innocent people have no reason to lie, much less over a dozen times.
the fight didn't happen as zimm said it did, we know that. we know he lied about everything that happened in the struggle, especially about how and when the gun came out.
go ahead and put a gun in a holster and put it inside your waistband towards your right buttocks, have someone straddle you, and tell me how it goes trying to retrieve that gun.
there's your reasonable doubt right there, blowing away into the wind.