Israel calls Polish ban on ritual slaughter (shechita) ‘totally unacceptable’.


Well-Known Member
The difference between Australia and Israel is...
...that jews have always lived in the land we now call israel, whereas the australians came in and displaced the natives.

...that jews have not killed or relocated anywhere near as many palestinians as australians have done to the aborigines. what australia did to its natives was borderline genocide.'s OK for you to live on land stolen by force and genocide, but it's not Ok for the jews to live on land acquired by a resolution after WWII.

...australia was populated by descendants of emigrant pedophiles, whereas israel was populated by survivors of a genocide.

were any of those what you were looking for? :)


Well-Known Member
that is true, but of course the population has risen after 700,00+ Palestinians were slaughtered by jewish & Zionist groups, a plan penned by Ben-Gurion. If they'd killed more do you think then anyone would care? is close to 1million not enough?
you said "killed or relocated", now you say they were all slaughtered.

make up your mind, captain dumbass.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
Buck you admitted to living on stolen land as well stop being a hypocrite.

for all you know the native Americans migrated from Australian as aboriginals

so when you going to be handing that land over?


New Member
...that jews have always lived in the land we now call israel, whereas the australians came in and displaced the natives.

No they haven't... Religious texts aren't history books moron... How could Australians displace the natives when the British colonised this country... :dunce:

...that jews have not killed or relocated anywhere near as many palestinians as australians have done to the aborigines. what australia did to its natives was borderline genocide.

Wrong again feltcher, frontier wars cost the lives of somewhere between 20,000 and 40,000 aboriginals. Jews have killed or expelled over a million since 1948, but nice try foxxman!'s OK for you to live on land stolen by force and genocide, but it's not Ok for the jews to live on land acquired by a resolution after WWII.

Changing the goalposts again moron? Resolution didn't include killing or displacing the populace and justifying war crimes for 50 odd years. Yet that resolution is okay to abide by but not the 100 UNSCR condemning Israels actions... Fucking religious zealot...

...australia was populated by descendants of emigrant pedophiles, whereas israel was populated by survivors of a genocide.

Oh again you excel at failure. Populated by survivors.... LOL... More than half the population are not holocaust survivors or is this more 400% maths? 200,000 out of 8million!

were any of those what you were looking for? :)
you're a flailing failure of a "man"... Going full buck with NO facts as per usual...


Well-Known Member
Buck you admitted to living on stolen land as well stop being a hypocrite.

for all you know the native Americans migrated from Australian as aboriginals

so when you going to be handing that land over?
Land won in battle is hardly stolen. Someone can always come to take it.


Well-Known Member
Buck you admitted to living on stolen land as well stop being a hypocrite.

for all you know the native Americans migrated from Australian as aboriginals

so when you going to be handing that land over?
the only difference is that i'm not flapping my gums at israel for the same.


Well-Known Member
No they haven't... Religious texts aren't history books moron... How could Australians displace the natives when the British colonised this country...*
jews have been in the land we call israel for as long as anyone else has.

and when the british colonized australia, they became....wait for it......australians.

Wrong again feltcher, frontier wars cost the lives of somewhere between 20,000 and 40,000 aboriginals. Jews have killed or expelled over a million since 1948, but nice try foxxman!
i just looked it up and you guys decimated the aboriginals, took them down from hundreds of thousands to about 70,000 before their populations recovered. that's a 90% rate of genocide among the natives. just disgraceful.

your numbers about israel keep changin too. better pick a number and settle on it, captain dumbass.

Changing the goalposts again moron? Resolution didn't include killing or displacing the populace and justifying war crimes for 50 odd years. Yet that resolution is okay to abide by but not the 100 UNSCR condemning Israels actions... Fucking religious zealot...
so it's OK when you kill 90% of the aboriginals, but the palestinians who keep lobbing bombs at israel and sending suicide bombers to blow up women and children see their populations grow and it's not OK?

some logic there.

Oh again you excel at failure. Populated by survivors.... LOL... More than half the population are not holocaust survivors or is this more 400% maths? 200,000 out of 8million!

so israel wasn't originally set up for holocaust refugees?

brool cory, sto.


Well-Known Member
Ad hominem tu quoque. I might be retarded about body language, but you're an idiot liberal savant when it comes to logic.
of course it's a tu quoque. the argument is only to point out his hypocrisy.

he thinks it just dandy to sit himself down on some land stolen by genocide, but Dog forbid that the jews relocate the palestinians.


Well-Known Member
Uhm, so, pretty much, "I know you are but what am I."
it's pointless to try to "win" a debate online, so all i do is point out the mental retardation of the person i disagree with.

that's why i never have to say much to you, you do my job for me.


New Member
the only difference is that i'm not flapping* my gums at israel for the same.
*fapping failure would be apt description of a complete imbocile like yourself. If the Palestinians were black you'd be all over the issue like white on rice, Ms. Corey... But no, a religious textbook says it's our land... GMAFB zealot...

jews have been in the land we call israel for as long as anyone else has.
According to what? the same book that contains a "how to" guide on child molestation? :dunce: no thanks outsider

and when the british colonized australia, they became....wait for it......australians.
~No, they were still British in 1787, the name "Australia" didn't come about until 1899, captian derro...

i just looked it up and you guys decimated the aboriginals, took them down from hundreds of thousands to about 70,000 before their populations recovered. that's a 90% rate of genocide among the natives. just disgraceful.
I'm amazed you look anything up cosidering you're wrong >90% of the time (see above~)... It's is disgracfull the way colonial settlers treated the natives. We've learned from our shamefull past. when is Israel gonna wise up? it's 2013 for fucks sake...

your numbers about israel keep changin too. better pick a number and settle on it, captain dumbass.
Words have meanings; grammer nazis should know better...

so it's OK when you kill 90% of the aboriginals, but the palestinians who keep lobbing bombs at israel and sending suicide bombers to blow up women and children see their populations grow and it's not OK?
With all those ricket attacks the jewish population is growing. With all those rocket attacks israel seems to unjustifiably kill 10x the amount of palestinians than they take casualties... Steal and occupy land that isn't yours will have that effect. So will funding terrorists.

so israel wasn't originally set up for holocaust refugees?
yeah probably the stupidist idea ever. WTF did the arabs have to do with the Nazi final solution? and pre 1967 borders was "given" (read: bought) for the establishment of israel. anything past those borders has been demmed illegal and is in violation of UNSCR. Add in war crimes, ethnic cleansing and genocide - all that's missing in the ovens and gas chambers.


Well-Known Member
*fapping failure would be apt description of a complete imbocile like yourself. If the Palestinians were black you'd be all over the issue like white on rice, Ms. Corey... But no, a religious textbook says it's our land... GMAFB zealot...

According to what? the same book that contains a "how to" guide on child molestation? :dunce: no thanks outsider

~No, they were still British in 1787, the name "Australia" didn't come about until 1899, captian derro...

I'm amazed you look anything up cosidering you're wrong >90% of the time (see above~)... It's is disgracfull the way colonial settlers treated the natives. We've learned from our shamefull past. when is Israel gonna wise up? it's 2013 for fucks sake...

Words have meanings; grammer nazis should know better...

With all those ricket attacks the jewish population is growing. With all those rocket attacks israel seems to unjustifiably kill 10x the amount of palestinians than they take casualties... Steal and occupy land that isn't yours will have that effect. So will funding terrorists.

yeah probably the stupidist idea ever. WTF did the arabs have to do with the Nazi final solution? and pre 1967 borders was "given" (read: bought) for the establishment of israel. anything past those borders has been demmed illegal and is in violation of UNSCR. Add in war crimes, ethnic cleansing and genocide - all that's missing in the ovens and gas chambers.
i could have consumed a large pizza and a box of laxatives and shat a more coherent reply than that.