skywalker og from seed


Well-Known Member
Picture 042.jpg:mrgreen:Picture 046.jpghey james thanks for the compliment yeah those trucks are hell on the back & solid tire forklifts on concrete is unforgiving as well i love my job but at times its hard on me especialy driving an empty truck on old slab highways can get down rite jarring i haul ready mix concrete im 5'7'' & 155 lb i used to weigh 235 but have lost about 80 pounds i dont know how many years in the saddle i got left but a little more fishing time would be nice especialy on week days when you can launch the boat & have your pick of the prime fishing holes [ha ha] & enjoy your product yeah just daydreamin now have you kicked off your grow yet ??? sometimes i get too wrapped up in my own delimma & neglect to ask others how they are doing i use the schultz cloning powder with pretty good results & rootriot & rapid rooters work good but my favorite is the rockwool cubes here is another pic of the bottom structure of this skywalker im considdering not topping for my next grow which is gonna be 6 plants instead of 4:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
no herk i haven't started them yet, they are still in the butter drawer of the fridge. I have another month and a half, two months before my current grow finishes. Towards the end of my working life the part I hated most was waking up to the alarm and driving to work. Once I was there it was okay.
I bought a little oxycloner at my growshop on impulse, so I just plugged it in, took random cuts from my plants and 9 of 10 got enough roots to plant in 2 weeks.
The way you trimmed the bottom is just how I will be doing mine, cleaning up below the canopy. My grow area is just 3x5x8 so 8 plants is about as many as I can crowd in but at 2 oz per that's plenty for me every 2 months. I'm stoked about how your plants are gonna be looking in a month.....


Well-Known Member
hey james i got your friend request & tried to add you to my friends im not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to computers so if it dont go through re send it & ill try again my grow area is 3x4x8 tall i used to do 9 plants but 6 works good for me


Well-Known Member
Picture 047.jpgPicture 049.jpgPicture 048.jpgPicture 050.jpgPicture 051.jpgno major changes my clones are really showing me some growth & all in all things are healthy here is todays pics i unplugged the light & gave them a day of total darkness to see if i can get this kicked off today is 35 days since i flipped the light theyre trying just not fast enough:cuss:


Well-Known Member
Picture 076.jpgPicture 079.jpgPicture 084.jpgPicture 023.jpgPicture 034.jpgi notice a big difference between the clones & the skywalker from seed the clones have more narrow sativa like leaves where the seedlings had short fat indica style leaves with lots of 3-finger sets the 2 pics on left are from seed the others are clones


Well-Known Member
i live in an area where hydro shops are competetive on pricing & prefer doing business with them because if there is a problem you can walk in & return it if you get a good one & take care of it it will last a long time some of the internet places have them try


Well-Known Member
Picture 052.jpgPicture 053.jpgPicture 054.jpgPicture 055.jpghey redeye i have a few laggers in my clones but for the most part theyre doing good thats why i always clone more than i need & select from the best ones for my grows i number each one to its parent plant so as my grow finishes off i can readily identify the babies that are gonna have the best growth charactaristics thats why im gearin up so intent for my next grow & im hoping to have 2 good phenos & so far #3 is different & #1#2#4 are pretty much the same here is last nights pics #3 is the one budding the others are teetering on the brink of bud production i wish i knew where i went wrong so i could correct it:leaf::wall:


Well-Known Member
Picture 056.jpgPicture 057.jpgPicture 058.jpgPicture 059.jpgPicture 060.jpgplants are now 50'' tall & my light almost on the ceiling my clones are almost a foot tall its been 38 days since the flip i have no choice but to see this through i topped my clones to slow them down a bit untill this stuff can finish:neutral:


Well-Known Member
wow, is that 50" from the top of the bucket or the floor? The big girls still look real branchy even though you gave em the poodle cut....I've been following along and can't see anything you did wrong, maybe they all grow that way? Have you ever super cropped? I do it regularly with my girls......saves on vertical issues and gives secondary buds more light....don't know if it's fact but i read somewhere long ago that the top of the plant gets hormones the middle and lower branches dont get so when you bend em over the secondary branches think they are the top and sometimes explode with growth..


Well-Known Member
hey james hows it going??? these are 50'' from the base of the plant to the top leaves i read the same thing about the hormones on the mid & bottom growth these have been supercropped thats how i even out my canopy i think thats how i got this last growth spurt & im wondering if the poodle cut didnt trigger the plant into putting the growth hormone into the only remaining place it could & that would of been the top growth because i had trimmed everything else off this ,pineapple chunk & g13 haze are the only strains i have that have gone this tall i can raise my light 1 more time so i guess another round of supercropping is in order my clones will soon fill those r/w blocks with roots i might have to put them into containers if this stuff dont finish one of these days i look for the clones to grow different my room is about 8' tall but i have the homemade 3x3 e&f tub & a reservoir under that leaving me with about 51/2 ' to work with im looking at possibly returning to coco &hydro if my next soil grow dont pan out

Redeye Bri

Well-Known Member
What temps are you running in there these days? Mine is usually in the mid 80's and the stretch on these is crazy. I have to top them more than I want, later in flower than I want to keep them from getting into my lights. They definitely like cooler temps, but I can't get them lower than 80's in the summer.


Well-Known Member
my daytime temps are 85-88 [lights out] outside daytime temps 95-100 at night [lights on] im averaging 80-85 with outside temps 58-65 winter time is considerably cooler some nights in low 20s i use a heater in the winter


Well-Known Member
HH, just found your thread, subbing up too if you don't mind. I got the RP Skywalker OG growing from seed now too (link in sig). ....wondering if I'll outgrow my tent...mine is 38" above the coco @day13 flower.


Well-Known Member
Picture 061.jpgPicture 062.jpgive got people wanting my babies & im hesitant to recomend them based on the results im getting from the parents but im convinced the problem has been created by me somehow & no fault of the strain/breeder im this far in ive got to see it through i burned a few top leaves as they got too close to my light


Well-Known Member
Picture 063.jpgPicture 064.jpgim still baffled i consulted my 2 most trusted associates but they arent saying much theyve been in on this & every other grow from the start my version of home security