Obama's Skin Color ...


New Member
or does it prove that racism, used by those on any side of the separation, is still one of the most powerful tools in the political arsenal? in spite of his glib demeanor, obama barely beat out an opponent who more despise or pity than admire and those who do admire her do so mostly because of her gender. their platforms were basically alike, the standard democratic party line, and they were equally inexperienced in the art of being solely responsible for the operation of any government entity. the democrats have none too subtly played the bias card, bias based on both gender and skin color, and this well orchestrated drama continues to unfold. their agenda is unchanged, the uncontrolled growth of government to the point where its citizens have no hope of ever restraining it and the perpetuation of the nanny state. all that has changed is the face of the monster. in a country sickened by an increasingly unpopular war and struggling beneath the weight of an ailing economy, the democratic machine still needed something to prop up its rather transparent agenda. hence was born the obama phenomenon.

with a power base grounded in the young, the poor, minorities and the pseudo-intellectual elite, the "party of the people" has steadily been bleeding as the face of success has become darker and darker. with more of black america succeeding in the marketplace, the mantra of disenfranchisement has carried less and less weight. as their last successful campaign for the white house was labeled "the first black president", why not add a face to the rhetoric? a fresh face darkened by heritage, but still spouting the same tired half-truths of socialist change. a face that just might reawaken in even the most successful black business owner the echoes of righteous rage and the memory of discrimination and disenfranchisement. he would surely carry traditionally democratic groups and might very well be able to stem the flood of defections with a tide of racial pride and white middle-class guilt.

could it be that obama is merely a political hack that truly believes in that tired perversion of marxist theory that has become the democratic party line? of course. could it be that his nomination is a carefully crafted ploy to use race to bring the democratic machine into even greater power? quite likely. am i a disillusioned old hippie, sick unto death with the betrayals and posturings of political animals? probably. stay tuned for further developments - or my institutionalization, whichever comes first.

the preceding rant is merely the opinion of the voices in my head and does not necessarily represent the views of my friends, family or sponsors. this station cannot be held responsible for any hurt feelings, righteous indignation or loss to property that may result in the wake of its posting.
so....you think Hillary got 18 million votes because folks pity her??


New Member
I very rarely make it past the first paragraph of your ramblings....:mrgreen:
And that's really a shame bongspit. You can hide your head in the sand if you want, but that post that undertheice made was brilliant. You could learn a lot here in this forum if you would just take the time to read through the posts with an open mind.

Med sez ...

I'd sure like to know where he got these "facts" from especially the highlighted ones, they look like downright lies. Maybe you could back these statistics up with some "facts"

On the other hand, Med ... maybe you could prove the statements false by doing your own research.

And finally, bongspit sez ...

Vi...are you black??

I'll answer that by saying, I am neither Black nor White. I'm much closer to the soul of Black folks though, as I'm Italian. Now, don't laugh. You probably would consider Italians to be "White," right? Well let me assure you, we have WAY too much "soul" to be White. Look, White people make Ugos; Italians make Ferraris. White people have Spam and fried potatoes; Italians make Lasagna, Raviola, pizza and great wines. White people have Twiggy and Britney Spears; Italians have Sophia Loren and Gina Lollobrigida . White people have Birkenstocks; Italians have fine, hand tooled, leather shoes and boots. White people have Triumph motorcycles that leak oil all over the garage floor and only run on a part time basis; Italians have Ducati, Parilla, MV Agusta and Moto Guzzi. White people have Bruce Springstein; Italians have Puccini, Andre Bocelli, Luciano Pavarotti and Giuseppe Di Stefano.

Ok, I'll give you Rita Streich, but I've always suspected that Streich's mother was visited by an Italian opera fan somewhere along the line. Germans just can't sing like that without a little Italian injection. ~lol~

And lastly, White people grow weed like that White Widow that Med grows ... crumbly, dry, harsh tasting and paranoia inducing. I, on the other hand, being Italian, grow tasty, covered in crystals, happy, smiley, motivational, time-warping, mind-releasing, ultra-snob appeal cannabis of first quality. :mrgreen:

So, to answer your question ... hell no I ain't no White Guy. No-Um sayin, Bro? :blsmoke:


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Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Sigh, though this is off the topic...why does race, or ethnicity matter? Can't we all just be people first?:peace::mrgreen:
And that's really a shame bongspit. You can hide your head in the sand if you want, but that post that undertheice made was brilliant. You could learn a lot here in this forum if you would just take the time to read through the posts with an open mind.

Med sez ...

I'd sure like to know where he got these "facts" from especially the highlighted ones, they look like downright lies. Maybe you could back these statistics up with some "facts"

On the other hand, Med ... maybe you could prove the statements false by doing your own research.

And finally, bongspit sez ...

Vi...are you black??

I'll answer that by saying, I am neither Black nor White. I'm much closer to the soul of Black folks though, as I'm Italian. Now, don't laugh. You probably would consider Italians to be "White," right? Well let me assure you, we have WAY too much "soul" to be White. Look, White people make Ugos; Italians make Ferraris. White people have Spam and fried potatoes; Italians make Lasagna, Raviola, pizza and great wines. White people have Twiggy and Britney Spears; Italians have Sophia Loren and Gina Lollobrigida . White people have Birkenstocks; Italians have fine, hand tooled, leather shoes and boots. White people have Triumph motorcycles that leak oil all over the garage floor and only run on a part time basis; Italians have Ducati, Parilla, MV Agusta and Moto Guzzi. White people have Bruce Springstein; Italians have Puccini, Andre Bocelli, Luciano Pavarotti and Giuseppe Di Stefano.

Ok, I'll give you Rita Streich, but I've always suspected that Streich's mother was visited by an Italian opera fan somewhere along the line. Germans just can't sing like that without a little Italian injection. ~lol~

And lastly, White people grow weed like that White Widow that Med grows ... crumbly, dry, harsh tasting and paranoia inducing. I, on the other hand, being Italian, grow tasty, covered in crystals, happy, smiley, motivational, time-warping, mind-releasing, ultra-snob appeal cannabis of first quality. :mrgreen:

So, to answer your question ... hell no I ain't no White Guy. No-Um sayin, Bro? :blsmoke:




New Member
Sigh, though this is off the topic...why does race, or ethnicity matter? Can't we all just be people first?:peace::mrgreen:
Skin color doesn't matter. In fact, I am VERY proud that this country we live in has finally come to the point that a Negro is a serious contender for the highest political office in the nation. We've come a long way from the police attack dogs and the fire hoses of Selma. Yes, I'm very proud of my fellow countrymen/women. With that said, I will not be voting against B. Hussien O'Bama because of his skin color ... I will be voting against him because of his already failed ideas.




Well-Known Member
I trust what he says about as much as i trust that fucking redneck Bush. and that ain't saying much considering i trust bush about as far as i can spit!!! i don't care if he's white black or purple he's just another lying politician!!! and people will probably find that out next year unless mcbush upsets the apple cart;)


Active Member
I'll answer that by saying, I am neither Black nor White. I'm much closer to the soul of Black folks though, as I'm Italian. Now, don't laugh. You probably would consider Italians to be "White," right? Well let me assure you, we have WAY too much "soul" to be White. Look, White people make Ugos; Italians make Ferraris. White people have Spam and fried potatoes; Italians make Lasagna, Raviola, pizza and great wines. White people have Twiggy and Britney Spears; Italians have Sophia Loren and Gina Lollobrigida . White people have Birkenstocks; Italians have fine, hand tooled, leather shoes and boots. White people have Triumph motorcycles that leak oil all over the garage floor and only run on a part time basis; Italians have Ducati, Parilla, MV Agusta and Moto Guzzi. White people have Bruce Springstein; Italians have Puccini, Andre Bocelli, Luciano Pavarotti and Giuseppe Di Stefano.
What shite are you on about. Your acting like white people are trash and don't have culture. What about French food? German engineering? Dutch architecture? British literature? Irish poetry? Italians have some great things but your not giving balanced comparisons. Throwing around some quality brand names does not make you sophisticated nor does it make Italians more sophisticated.
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Well-Known Member
And that's really a shame bongspit. You can hide your head in the sand if you want, but that post that undertheice made was brilliant. You could learn a lot here in this forum if you would just take the time to read through the posts with an open mind.

Med sez ...

I'd sure like to know where he got these "facts" from especially the highlighted ones, they look like downright lies. Maybe you could back these statistics up with some "facts"

On the other hand, Med ... maybe you could prove the statements false by doing your own research.

And finally, bongspit sez ...

Vi...are you black??

I'll answer that by saying, I am neither Black nor White. I'm much closer to the soul of Black folks though, as I'm Italian. Now, don't laugh. You probably would consider Italians to be "White," right? Well let me assure you, we have WAY too much "soul" to be White. Look, White people make Ugos; Italians make Ferraris. White people have Spam and fried potatoes; Italians make Lasagna, Raviola, pizza and great wines. White people have Twiggy and Britney Spears; Italians have Sophia Loren and Gina Lollobrigida . White people have Birkenstocks; Italians have fine, hand tooled, leather shoes and boots. White people have Triumph motorcycles that leak oil all over the garage floor and only run on a part time basis; Italians have Ducati, Parilla, MV Agusta and Moto Guzzi. White people have Bruce Springstein; Italians have Puccini, Andre Bocelli, Luciano Pavarotti and Giuseppe Di Stefano.

Ok, I'll give you Rita Streich, but I've always suspected that Streich's mother was visited by an Italian opera fan somewhere along the line. Germans just can't sing like that without a little Italian injection. ~lol~

And lastly, White people grow weed like that White Widow that Med grows ... crumbly, dry, harsh tasting and paranoia inducing. I, on the other hand, being Italian, grow tasty, covered in crystals, happy, smiley, motivational, time-warping, mind-releasing, ultra-snob appeal cannabis of first quality. :mrgreen:

So, to answer your question ... hell no I ain't no White Guy. No-Um sayin, Bro? :blsmoke:


YouTube - Eddie Murphy - Raw (Italians & Rocky)


New Member
And that's really a shame bongspit. You can hide your head in the sand if you want, but that post that undertheice made was brilliant. You could learn a lot here in this forum if you would just take the time to read through the posts with an open mind.

Med sez ...

I'd sure like to know where he got these "facts" from especially the highlighted ones, they look like downright lies. Maybe you could back these statistics up with some "facts"

On the other hand, Med ... maybe you could prove the statements false by doing your own research.

And finally, bongspit sez ...

Vi...are you black??

I'll answer that by saying, I am neither Black nor White. I'm much closer to the soul of Black folks though, as I'm Italian. Now, don't laugh. You probably would consider Italians to be "White," right? Well let me assure you, we have WAY too much "soul" to be White. Look, White people make Ugos; Italians make Ferraris. White people have Spam and fried potatoes; Italians make Lasagna, Raviola, pizza and great wines. White people have Twiggy and Britney Spears; Italians have Sophia Loren and Gina Lollobrigida . White people have Birkenstocks; Italians have fine, hand tooled, leather shoes and boots. White people have Triumph motorcycles that leak oil all over the garage floor and only run on a part time basis; Italians have Ducati, Parilla, MV Agusta and Moto Guzzi. White people have Bruce Springstein; Italians have Puccini, Andre Bocelli, Luciano Pavarotti and Giuseppe Di Stefano.

Ok, I'll give you Rita Streich, but I've always suspected that Streich's mother was visited by an Italian opera fan somewhere along the line. Germans just can't sing like that without a little Italian injection. ~lol~

And lastly, White people grow weed like that White Widow that Med grows ... crumbly, dry, harsh tasting and paranoia inducing. I, on the other hand, being Italian, grow tasty, covered in crystals, happy, smiley, motivational, time-warping, mind-releasing, ultra-snob appeal cannabis of first quality. :mrgreen:

So, to answer your question ... hell no I ain't no White Guy. No-Um sayin, Bro? :blsmoke:


I looked up guido in the dictionary and there was a picture of Vi..



New Member
What shite are you on about. 1. Your acting like white people are trash and don't have culture. 2. What about French food? 3. German engineering? 4. Dutch architecture? 5. British literature? 6.Irish poetry? Italians have some great things but your not giving balanced comparisons. 7. Throwing around some quality brand names does not make you sophisticated nor does it make Italians more sophisticated.

1. Culture? New Age music? Celtic Harp? Those famous lyrics by Eminem ... "Pussy residue on my dick?"

2. French food? The best comes from just south of France. Its called Northern Italian food.

3. German engineering? BMW gives free service now just to settle the qualms of their customers because the cars are in the shop so much. If anything, Germans over-engineer.

4. Dutch architecture? Windmills on my mind.

5. British literature? Stuffy.

6. Irish poetry? One potato, two potato.

7. How unsophisticated is Michelangelo's David?



Well-Known Member
please dont talk shit about British literature when we teached you americans how to walk and talk lol HAHAHA i love it


Well-Known Member
And lastly, White people grow weed like that White Widow that Med grows ... crumbly, dry, harsh tasting and paranoia inducing. I, on the other hand, being Italian, grow tasty, covered in crystals, happy, smiley, motivational, time-warping, mind-releasing, ultra-snob appeal cannabis of first quality. :mrgreen:

So, to answer your question ... hell no I ain't no White Guy. No-Um sayin, Bro? :blsmoke:



yo V what strains you growin man? i need snob appeal too pls advise


New Member
please dont talk shit about British literature when we teached you americans how to walk and talk lol HAHAHA i love it

LOL yh you best be Shit put you guys back into your place HAHA LOL
~lol~ Well, Gawd damn Chester ... I'm sure glad you "teached" us how to walk and talk. Would you like one of us to teach you how to write? :mrgreen:

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