Obama's Skin Color ...


Well-Known Member
~lol~ Well, Gawd damn Chester ... I'm sure glad you "teached" us how to walk and talk. Would you like one of us to teach you how to write? :mrgreen:

I thikn you mean TYPE not WRITE lol you want me to help you read .
Yh i would but thats where we got last time intill we thought fuck it give it back WE DONT WANT THE SHIT .


Well-Known Member
And finally, bongspit sez ...

Vi...are you black??

I'll answer that by saying, I am neither Black nor White. I'm much closer to the soul of Black folks though, as I'm Italian. Now, don't laugh. You probably would consider Italians to be "White," right? Well let me assure you, we have WAY too much "soul" to be White. Look, White people make Ugos; Italians make Ferraris. White people have Spam and fried potatoes; Italians make Lasagna, Raviola, pizza and great wines. White people have Twiggy and Britney Spears; Italians have Sophia Loren and Gina Lollobrigida . White people have Birkenstocks; Italians have fine, hand tooled, leather shoes and boots. White people have Triumph motorcycles that leak oil all over the garage floor and only run on a part time basis; Italians have Ducati, Parilla, MV Agusta and Moto Guzzi. White people have Bruce Springstein; Italians have Puccini, Andre Bocelli, Luciano Pavarotti and Giuseppe Di Stefano.

Ok, I'll give you Rita Streich, but I've always suspected that Streich's mother was visited by an Italian opera fan somewhere along the line. Germans just can't sing like that without a little Italian injection. ~lol~

And lastly, White people grow weed like that White Widow that Med grows ... crumbly, dry, harsh tasting and paranoia inducing. I, on the other hand, being Italian, grow tasty, covered in crystals, happy, smiley, motivational, time-warping, mind-releasing, ultra-snob appeal cannabis of first quality. :mrgreen:

So, to answer your question ... hell no I ain't no White Guy. No-Um sayin, Bro? :blsmoke:

You forgot about Genco Olive Oil, Recommended by 4 out of 5 Consiglieres.


Well-Known Member
lol you asked if Would you like one of us to teach you how to write?
which is funny when on a pc but please you dont know me


Well-Known Member
lol you asked if Would you like one of us to teach you how to write?
which is funny when on a pc but please you don't know me
perhaps compose would be an more apt term, the two may be considered synonymous. a bit of proper grammar and punctuation would also help folks to take what is written more seriously. these words are the only way we have of knowing who you are and how they are arranged is nearly as important as what they say. we have the time, when drafting these posts, to correct our little errors. why not take a moment to at least appear literate to the folks on the boards? i know that i go a bit overboard, but that's also the way i speak. i guess i'm just an old fart who actually cares about such things.

it also helps that i'm usually pretty damn high when i write this shit.:mrgreen:


Active Member
Vi, the hallmark of a good education is an open mind. Modesty and politeness characterise a good upbringing. You have neither and cling to Italian culture like a crutch to 'pimp' yourself and compensate for your lack of a means to articulate yourself. Don't try to act cultured when your sentences are plagued with incoherent grammar and poor spelling.
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Well-Known Member
Vi, the hallmark of a good education is an open mind. Modesty and politeness characterise a good upbringing. You have neither and cling to Italian culture like a crutch to 'pimp' yourself and compensate for your lack of a means to articulate yourself. Don't try to act cultured when your sentences are plagued with incoherent grammar and poor spelling.

someone asked him the question so he answered it like anyone who is proud of thier heratige would

waht did u want him to do spout all the bad things about his culture ofcoarse not

im an arab i dont go around touting that we are idiots and blow ourselves up a lot cuz we are dumb asses and believe everything we hear

no i would go ahead and say firstly, we started this whole smokin erb thing as a way of life before jusus was even born. we had the first real laws, we built the first battery before christ was even born, we created algebra better known as
"Al gubra"

which means the work you are forced / must do "the burden that must be done"

we invented the bong thousands of years ago through the ways of the Hashishians also known as Assasins, whence the world assasin came from the word hashishians, those people who would kill for money were also heavy erb smokers

we got ass loads of oil, we were the first group of people to become civilized and farm and stay in one place

and honestly there is no way in hell you can hate on the italians as they grew the worlds most famous empire ever, the romans were italians they arguably created the standards and rules we all live by today

and most importantly they invented Pizza!!!

lets not forget they are one of americas most succeful imigrant populations

aditionally spelling and grammer has nothing to do with intelighence and success, if you notice a little child can master spelling

I would argue Vi is probably more successful than most of us here, & more intelegent

what is your occupation you who writes and spells so well?

I tell you what i cant spell for shit myself, but am i successful?, do i have a good career? u can only guess, but the very fact that it is not metioned speaks volumes on why do i keep it secret

if some of you only knew the truth about half the things you say on here then you wouldnt say them
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Well-Known Member
LOL it does if your english lol
its on about the usa when we owned you bitches lol joking

ok then mr. "it makes sense if your british"

any brits like to translate the below for me?:mrgreen: I thought we all spoke english here?

oh never mind I forgot this is America, i better speak spanish like everybody else.

Yh i would but thats where we got last time intill we thought fuck it give it back WE DONT WANT THE SHIT .
anyone been to miami lately?? that place is like a foriegn country now its fuckin nuts, no body and i mean nobody speaks any english, I couldnt even take a shit without getting a translator!:mrgreen:and even he was like "damn esse how do i get to america homes?" i just looked at him and was like :shock: "im not sure but i think we're in it, now where the f is the damn lavabo retarde!!"

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Well-Known Member
You say it like white guys are the problem but if i was to go to a black hood i would be shot so where Race shouldn't be an issue it is Every where

I'm not, I'm saying it like I think America still needs to evolve and stop focusing on something so insignificant.

I'm a henz 57 when it comes to race anyways.


New Member
Vi, the hallmark of a good education is an open mind. Modesty and politeness characterise a good upbringing. You have neither and cling to Italian culture like a crutch to 'pimp' yourself and compensate for your lack of a means to articulate yourself. Don't try to act cultured when your sentences are plagued with incoherent grammar and poor spelling.
And you're a Scot, right? Friggin' Mucks are all alike. :mrgreen:
