To openly defy an unjust prohibition.

What do you do for a living?
What country is better than the USA and will you move there?

What's a country? In the government sense it's a gang that has monopolized force in a given geographical area.

Countries are imaginary constructs, in the sense that they are just a perpetuation of a feudal system and rely on the masses to believe that things like "national pride" are worthy goals and can magically turn murder into "collateral damage". Also, I think you meant "which country" doubt a product of the Prussian school system.

All governments use the same tactics to hold their serfs, so your question amounts to which country is "less evil". The least populated ones that don't turn out sycophantic fools would be my preference, if I had to choose, but then I couldn't enjoy your company. I know it's hard for you to think out of your box, so I'll try not to put to many abstract ideas out there, so as not to disturb your little world.

I'll move freely about the world, harming nobody and paying for I use.

I'm a free person and call nobody master and hold nobody as a slave....although there was that time your mom and I played dress up but I digress.
has robboy said anything original in a year now? it's all just the same teenage ennui.

"no one ever asked me if i consented to the constitution! they should make a new one for every teen like me that comes of age" - robboy
What's a country? In the government sense it's a gang that has monopolized force in a given geographical area.

Countries are imaginary constructs, in the sense that they are just a perpetuation of a feudal system and rely on the masses to believe that things like "national pride" are worthy goals and can magically turn murder into "collateral damage". Also, I think you meant "which country" doubt a product of the Prussian school system.

All governments use the same tactics to hold their serfs, so your question amounts to which country is "less evil". The least populated ones that don't turn out sycophantic fools would be my preference, if I had to choose, but then I couldn't enjoy your company. I know it's hard for you to think out of your box, so I'll try not to put to many abstract ideas out there, so as not to disturb your little world.

I'll move freely about the world, harming nobody and paying for I use.

I'm a free person and call nobody master and hold nobody as a slave....although there was that time your mom and I played dress up but I digress.

What do you do for a living?
What country is better than the USA and will you move there?
What country is better than the USA and will you move there?


Merica. The best.
has robboy said anything original in a year now? it's all just the same teenage ennui.

"no one ever asked me if i consented to the constitution! they should make a new one for every teen like me that comes of age" - robboy

The social contract? Doesn't a contract require offer, acceptance and agreement for it to be valid?

You've used "ennui" too much, please come up with a better insult, c'mon you're better than that.
has robboy said anything original in a year now? it's all just the same teenage ennui.

"no one ever asked me if i consented to the constitution! they should make a new one for every teen like me that comes of age" - robboy

No he has not. Teenage Warlord.
You are a Bum and leech on our society

A society is no more than the sum of all the individual persons of which it is composed; it can have no existence apart from, or in contradistinction to, those individual persons.

You are a collectivist and apparently incapable of understanding some concepts, perhaps the ink from your temporary "Harley" tattoo has given you a mind affecting blood poisoning?

As far as me being a bum, that's not accurate either. I don't smoke old stogeys I've found by the side of the road, but I DO know the lyrics to that song "King of the Road" or whatever the title is, and I've been told I sing it quite well.

You also seem angry alot almost like you want to be viewed as a tough guy, maybe you should hit the old plastic weight set that every basement seems to collect and pump up your puny musculature, as the can of instant badass they gave you when you overspent for your motorcycles will only go so far.

Oh never mind....Everybody knows you live in your mothers basement, I'm sorry for fucking with you.
A society is no more than the sum of all the individual persons of which it is composed; it can have no existence apart from, or in contradistinction to, those individual persons.


Anything physically constraining you from leaving this country?
You whine incessantly
Anything physically constraining you from leaving this country?
You whine incessantly

I come and go as any free person will, however YOU will likely seek permission to travel. Isn't that what the plantation owners would give to the good boys if they felt generous?
rob boy had the misfortune of being born a slave in the most prosperous nation on earth.

poor little slave.
rob boy had the misfortune of being born a slave in the most prosperous nation on earth.

poor little slave.

Wasn't born there.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. (that would be you)

Ennui! Ennui! Ennui!
Wasn't born there.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. (that would be you)

Ennui! Ennui! Ennui!

poor you, they took away your freedom to fuck goats and keep black people out of your place of business, now you're a slave and have no liberty.
i can only hope you travel out of the country without a passport, that way they don't let you back in and you get to see what a whiny little bitch you are when you experience some other nation.

i hear somalia is lovely this time of year, ya whiny bitch.

Who's "they" ? Your masters?