Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
What do you do for a living?
What country is better than the USA and will you move there?
What's a country? In the government sense it's a gang that has monopolized force in a given geographical area.
Countries are imaginary constructs, in the sense that they are just a perpetuation of a feudal system and rely on the masses to believe that things like "national pride" are worthy goals and can magically turn murder into "collateral damage". Also, I think you meant "which country" doubt a product of the Prussian school system.
All governments use the same tactics to hold their serfs, so your question amounts to which country is "less evil". The least populated ones that don't turn out sycophantic fools would be my preference, if I had to choose, but then I couldn't enjoy your company. I know it's hard for you to think out of your box, so I'll try not to put to many abstract ideas out there, so as not to disturb your little world.
I'll move freely about the world, harming nobody and paying for I use.
I'm a free person and call nobody master and hold nobody as a slave....although there was that time your mom and I played dress up but I digress.