Glenn Beck's Latest Comment

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
"ice ice baby" and a theory about how obama is a super secret kenyan muslim socialist are two very different things, moron.
they both peddle mindless self aggrandizing bullshit to anyone dumb enough to listen.

and thus begins the ad hominem carpetbombing in an effort to get the thread closed.

maybe you should add a second page to your playbook, everybody sees this one coming.


Well-Known Member
they both peddle mindless self aggrandizing bullshit to anyone dumb enough to listen.

and thus begins the ad hominem carpetbombing in an effort to get the thread closed.

maybe you should add a second page to your playbook, everybody sees this one coming.
one sells songs to teeny boppers.

the other sells retarded political theories to grown adults with racist streaks (i.e., people like you).

two very different things.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
one sells songs to teeny boppers.

the other sells retarded political theories to grown adults with racist streaks (i.e., people like you).

two very different things.
"people like me" dont give a squirt of piss what Beck snivels into his megaphone, cuz "people like me" arent batshit crazy.

i also dont believe anything that comes out of Alex Jones' flapping pie hole, nor do i believe what i hear on Coast To Coast AM, nor do i believe the mindless drivel from Ed Schultz, nor do i believe the Hope 'N' Change rhetoric from the Community Organizer in Cheif, nor do i care what louis farrakhan says about The Great Mother Wheel, nor do i have any desire to be "audited" by a $cientology drone from the $ea Org.

but i guess youll now resort to calling me a Bircher, a Tea Bagger or maybe just continue on with the You're Racist mantra.

my grandmother died about 7 years back, maybe you can crank out a few personal attacks against her too, i bet that would be Solid Gold Material.


Well-Known Member
"people like me" dont give a squirt of piss what Beck snivels into his megaphone, cuz "people like me" arent batshit crazy.
i disagree.

you compare "ice ice baby" to politcal theories and compare the anniversary of the march on washington to a klan rally.

we won't even get into how you insist (with the stock market at record highs) that obama is a marxist muslim and you call him "bwana" obama every chance you get.

you are as certifiably batshit as they come, and glenn beck's target audience to boot.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
i disagree.

you compare "ice ice baby" to politcal theories and compare the anniversary of the march on washington to a klan rally.

we won't even get into how you insist (with the stock market at record highs) that obama is a marxist muslim and you call him "bwana" obama every chance you get.

you are as certifiably batshit as they come, and glenn beck's target audience to boot.
more feigned ignorance, more pretense of offense, more mis-chracterizations, more deliberate falsehoods, and yet more logical fallacies

1: i compared 'Nill'as recordings to political RHETORIC, not political theories. do try to keep up.

2: i compared a pointless and deliberately divisive commemoration to an equally pointless and divisive THEORETICAL commemoration. neither represents the actual event commemorated, and the persons holding views counter to those of the celebrants declined to appear. for some inexplicable reason you think that conservatives should celebrate the heroes of the left, yet you never miss a chance to take a poke at any conservative who raises his head above the barricades. Hypocrisy Much?

3: i have NEVER accused The One of being a moslem, secret or otherwise. that is a lie.

4: the Community Organizer in Chief IS an admitted leftist, with strong Marxist leanings. if you cannot see his Socialist leanings, then you are not even paying attention.

5: i also call him The Brahmin In Chief, The One, Black Jesus, Our Glorious Leader, The Village Hetman, Barrack The Unready, BHO, and Our Newly Clad Emperor too. Bwana Obama does have a certain Rhyme to it, and it does in fact fit. that he is of african descent is merely a lulzy coincidence. enjoy your Butthurt.

6: EVERYONE is Beck's target audience. he casts his net wide, hoping to snare as many fools as possible, and yet hew has thus far failed to drag me into his Crazy Boat. how curious that you spend so much time worrying about what Glenn The Mad says, while i hold him in disdain.

7: Batshit? Moi? ok. fair point.


Well-Known Member
he's still standing behind comparing the 50th anniversary of the march on washington to a klan rally.

but he's totally not racist folks.

and thousands of people also traveled thousands of miles to washington DC to watch vanilla ice perform.

this man is a fucking genius folks. and totally NOT racist. marching for equality is totally comparable to a klan march.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
they both peddle mindless self aggrandizing bullshit to anyone dumb enough to listen.

and thus begins the ad hominem carpetbombing in an effort to get the thread closed.

maybe you should add a second page to your playbook, everybody sees this one coming.

His pony only knows one trick.


Well-Known Member
he's still standing behind comparing the 50th anniversary of the march on washington to a klan rally.

but he's totally not racist folks.

and thousands of people also traveled thousands of miles to washington DC to watch vanilla ice perform.

this man is a fucking genius folks. and totally NOT racist. marching for equality is totally comparable to a klan march.
Remember when Glenn Beck held a rally at the site of MLK's speech on the Speeches anniversary?

Said it was just a coincidence the dates where the same?

Beck, a Tea Party movement favorite, said he initially was clueless that the rally coincides with the MLK anniversary. But he now thinks it was "divine providence."

Read more:


Undercover Mod
Glenn Beck is the conservative Hitler. Screaming angry rhetoric at the poor stupid disillusioned Americans.

I'm not sure if disillusioned is the right word because many of them still think The U.S. is the best for some reason?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Glenn Beck is the conservative Hitler. Screaming angry rhetoric at the poor stupid disillusioned Americans.

I'm not sure if disillusioned is the right word because many of them still think The U.S. is the best for some reason?
Glenn Beck has a silly mustache?


Well-Known Member
millions of people bought Vanilla Ice's records too, then they realized he was a dipshit posuer.

crazy draws a crowd, but also Beck was not the only speaker at that shindig.

when i got yo Monsters of Rock im not there for the opening comic, Metallica or Pantera, i prefer Mastodon, Yngwie Malmsteen and Megadeath.

your blind assumption that all those people were there for Beck is pretty absurd, and even if they were ALL waiting for Glenn's pronouncements, that doesnt make him their spokesman, any more than Howard Stern or Carrot Top are the charismatic cult leaders for every dumbass who ever went to hear what they had to say.
it's always the "freaky" wheel that gets the whom do we look for gop leadership, then.. spokesman for the party?..hint: there isn't one is willing to step up to the plate except for uber-crazy ted cruz and sarah palin neither of which are running for anything..


Well-Known Member
Remember when Glenn Beck held a rally at the site of MLK's speech on the Speeches anniversary?

Said it was just a coincidence the dates where the same?

Beck, a Tea Party movement favorite, said he initially was clueless that the rally coincides with the MLK anniversary. But he now thinks it was "divine providence."

Read more:
funny how the righties didn't call that racist, but when people celebrated the 50th anniversary of the march, that was racist.

gotta love the righties of RIU.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Glenn Beck is the conservative Hitler. Screaming angry rhetoric at the poor stupid disillusioned Americans.

I'm not sure if disillusioned is the right word because many of them still think The U.S. is the best for some reason?
glenn beck is NOT conservative, he just bends more to the right than he does to the left. he is CRAZY, and as such his "political ideology" is schizophrenic, and beyond the ability of rational people to comprehend.

applying the label of Conservative to beck is roughly equivalent to applying the label Liberal to charlie manson.

manson's crazy was very hippie dippie, very leftist and very insane, but his ideology was not based in logic, rationality or any strong belief in the rightness of any position, or the wrongness of any other, but rather, he was NUTZ.

Nutty doesnt pick a side on anything except by coincidence, Nutty switches with the mercurial moods of the nutbar in question

beck's delusions are born of the strongly conservative mormon religion in which he was raised, but they remain DELUSIONS, bearing only a superficial resemblance to conservative thought.

he does not understand the philosophical ideas or political rationale that causes SANE people to come to become conservatives. he cannot express WHY conservatives think the way they do, because he is INSANE (and more than a little stupid).

he has adopted rhetoric which may SEEM to come from conservative ideology, but examining his actual beliefs and claims leaves the real conservative wondering "Teh Fux?" and hoping that they themselves dont sound that way to the outsiders.

much in the way that real liberals facepalm and groan inwardly when a batshit dumbass fruitcake like cindy sheehan gabbles out what seems to be liberal rhetoric, while obviously the bitch is incapable of understanding why actual liberals think the way they do, beck causes real conservatives to throw up in their mouths just a little bit.

TLDR Version:
crazy is a mental illness, not a political ideal or agenda.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
it's always the "freaky" wheel that gets the whom do we look for gop leadership, then.. spokesman for the party?..hint: there isn't one is willing to step up to the plate except for uber-crazy ted cruz and sarah palin neither of which are running for anything..
welcome to the sad reality of politics in the age of mass media, and the Twatterverse

deep thought gets it's surface layer scraped off, the shavings are sprinkled with flavoured syrup and served up to the childish moronic and largely unthinking populace.

very few look beyond the moronic surface blather to see what the slogans actually mean (if anything) and opposing the ideas behind their personal favorite slogans feels like a personal affront.

Obamacare is not "healthcare, it is all about insurance and insurance company profits.
the "monsanto protection act" has NOTHING to do with monsanto, or protecting it.
the commemoration of MLK's speech on the 50th anniversary had NOTHING to do with MLK, or his speech or his beliefs, those were simply convenient stage dressing for a leftist rally.
"Libertarian Socialsm" IS an oxymoron. Marx is turning over in his grave.
"Environmental Activists" rarely have any interest in PERSONALLY reducing human's impact on the environment, especially their own. mostly they just want the Other Guy to live in a dark cave eating twigs.

slogans and jingoism have replaced thought and conviction.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Hey now! I live in a cave and eat twigs. I rather like it too.
your droppings are compact pellets, you risk being eaten by coyotes, and your pelt is highly sought after by the well dressed streetwalkers in northern climes.

shaddap wabbit, youre lucky its Duck Season!!;-)


Undercover Mod
glenn beck is NOT conservative, he just bends more to the right than he does to the left. he is CRAZY, and as such his "political ideology" is schizophrenic, and beyond the ability of rational people to comprehend.

applying the label of Conservative to beck is roughly equivalent to applying the label Liberal to charlie manson.

manson's crazy was very hippie dippie, very leftist and very insane, but his ideology was not based in logic, rationality or any strong belief in the rightness of any position, or the wrongness of any other, but rather, he was NUTZ.

Nutty doesnt pick a side on anything except by coincidence, Nutty switches with the mercurial moods of the nutbar in question

beck's delusions are born of the strongly conservative mormon religion in which he was raised, but they remain DELUSIONS, bearing only a superficial resemblance to conservative thought.

he does not understand the philosophical ideas or political rationale that causes SANE people to come to become conservatives. he cannot express WHY conservatives think the way they do, because he is INSANE (and more than a little stupid).

he has adopted rhetoric which may SEEM to come from conservative ideology, but examining his actual beliefs and claims leaves the real conservative wondering "Teh Fux?" and hoping that they themselves dont sound that way to the outsiders.

much in the way that real liberals facepalm and groan inwardly when a batshit dumbass fruitcake like cindy sheehan gabbles out what seems to be liberal rhetoric, while obviously the bitch is incapable of understanding why actual liberals think the way they do, beck causes real conservatives to throw up in their mouths just a little bit.

TLDR Version:
crazy is a mental illness, not a political ideal or agenda.
You waste your time blowing so much hot air. He is a self proclaimed conservative no matter what you say.


Well-Known Member
You waste your time blowing so much hot air. He is a self proclaimed conservative no matter what you say.
not to mention the millions of conservatives who hang on his every word then bleat it all over the internet.

kynes' style is to baffle with bullshit since he's too dim to dazzle with brilliance.