MY 1st closet grow


Well-Known Member
thanks Tom, I can't wait either LOL. but i am in the process of trying to get a hold of my ppm so all said and done nice dense buds will be a nice reward;-)


Well-Known Member
does the soil have any slow release nutes, how long ago was that first flush?any time i flush 2 to 3 times the pot size of water then after 1/4 mix of flower nutes then nothing till they dry up the last few days of drying is when you should see them purk up. when you load your bb code not the attachements then the pics will be full size. cant realy see them.


Well-Known Member
I just got threw flushing them, went well thus far but I am a little confused. Do i need to hit them with a feed right away at 1/4 or wait till they dry out a bit? hopefully either you or Mared log back on soon LOL. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Bonz reading over your post i think it clearly suggest that you hit them with a light feeding right away so i am going to, Hope I am reading you right,lol,


Well-Known Member
they are still looking good though. I think I have Identified the tallest of the group as a sure male, I am gonna give the plant a little more time and post pics b/f i trash it. I used fishing line to help gently lean a couple outter plants in towards the light.


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I just got threw flushing them, went well thus far but I am a little confused. Do i need to hit them with a feed right away at 1/4 or wait till they dry out a bit? hopefully either you or Mared log back on soon LOL. Thanks
Right away, don't let em starve.


Well-Known Member
ya i meant hit them right away. i usualy let mine sit an hour or so to drain then i hit them wit 1/4 nutes, about a cup for a 2 or 3 gallon pot. mine take about 6 days to dry then i give them 1/4 mix again first 3 cups water then 1/2 or so of a cup mix.


Well-Known Member
cool i did feed them. It was about an hour after,lol. They looked great b/f the lights went out so lets hope now that i can get a hold on this nute burn. Bonz are you positive on feeding again next watering, cause I was gonna go pure water? Thanks guys for sticking through this with me, really greatful for the help.


Well-Known Member
ya cause you just flushed what was in there. then gave it fresh nutes and thats a little stresful so it wont do any thing for a few days ( may even look worse,droopy) but when it starts drying she gets thirsty so drinks what you gave it. mine did that and almost doubled bud size long as the leaves are droopy dont water


Well-Known Member
ya, but whater ever size jug you mix in ( 1 gallon? ) after you mix it pour half that amount of straight water with it to dilute even more to be safe ,less is better.


Well-Known Member
ok cool thanks, so Ill mix a gal the empty half and add half fresh. dude ya dont know how much this help is appreciated,lol. I am using my tap water now and treating it with a dechlorinator and PH ing it too, this will be fine right? Buying 5 gal bottles is getting way to pricy now. the dechlorinator also removes metals and nitrates.


Well-Known Member
ya that will be fine. my water right out of the tap is the same as when i filter it and its the exact ph it should be for plants. (lucky bc mountain water) so when i ad nutes the ph drops and i use ph up also.


Well-Known Member
yeah my tap is about 8 in PH I add a few drops of down and bam 6.5. I was just kind of concerned about the hardness b/c my drops dont do anything for water hardness. but i dont think my water is too hard anyway. Lets face it they take acid ran in the wild and stuff,lol.


Well-Known Member
what kind of nutes you using?? I have a 13-13-13 mix in little pebble form... anyone know if this will work? I think it does, the girls have been eating it and they are well over 2 feet, but is another type better to feed plants????
Blinky i do believe we started at the same time as well.
your lookin good


Well-Known Member
what kind of nutes you using?? I have a 13-13-13 mix in little pebble form... anyone know if this will work? I think it does, the girls have been eating it and they are well over 2 feet, but is another type better to feed plants????
Blinky i do believe we started at the same time as well.
your lookin good
what brand is it?


Well-Known Member
I test my PH after i add my nutes;-) well i have def' confirmed 2 females, but not to sound greedy out of the 7 I was hoping atleast 3, 4 for superb. Ill get pics up as soon as my cam is charged. the two have white hairs shooting out, a few others don't show balls or hairs so maybe more time needed 2 def have balls. Thanks Caddypimpin, yeah i made some noob mistakes with feeding but all in all it is going ok. If the ladies are growing and look good leave em be, In my opinion if it aint broke well you know the rest,lol. ALSO, I have 5 BC mango seeds germinating. by the time I am about through with flowering my Bubs ill pop the Kush in and then the Mango etc...


Well-Known Member
caddy are you growing a sativa, 2 + feet in veg? b/c that is gonna be a huge plant LOL. I shoot for Indica, I like faster things and they sound more appealing for indoor grows to me. plus body high is my favorite b/c I have a bad back.