HPS ventilation question


New Member
I've been using a hydrofarm 125w cfl and 2 23w cfl's, getting just about 11k lumens in the small area where my babies are. They are getting larger quick and I need to add more lumens hence the hps I just bought. I do have a question regarding the MH bulb included. I want to use this for vegg but the MH falls at about 4200-4300k whereas all I've read is the light spectrum needs to be closer to 5-6k. Will the MH suffice or would a combination of the MH and my 125w CFL be best?


Well-Known Member
MH for veg and HPS for flower. When I switched from florescent to MH the growth per day doubled! You are going from 171 watt's to 400 watt's.... Get ready for the increase in growth!!!! The 400 watt MH is 36,000 lumins and the 400 HPS is 53,000 lumins.

I would not waste your time with the cfl's along with the 400 but that is just me. ( I try to safe as much electricity as possible)

Edit: save the cfl's for clones/seedlings


New Member
Sounds great.
I think I may pick up a 240 CFM inline fan just in case. It's only $32 on amazon. Until heat becomes an issue I'll use it to bring fresh air into the room. I would preffer to pull air from within the house. Would it be far less efficient to pull air from another room rather than from outside?


Well-Known Member
niggles + rep for that avatar alone my mang! Shweeetness! cause like the meatwad I get the honey's too sheee!


New Member
Haha. My favorite show growing up by far. I created my account last night, went to customize my avstar and instantly knew what I wanted. Carl is the best, gotta love Carl.


Well-Known Member
That is the same fan I am using. I went out to cut clones and re-pot a plant. I disconnected the duct from the cool tube for 2 hours and the temps went up 2 degrees in the room. it was warmer around the tube but not bad. My room is 6x8 and 5 1/2 feet tall.
I pull air from my veg room via a 5" pan fan mounted low in the wall. It feeds a section of the 6" flex duct that is "S" shaped to prevent light from entering through it and just lays on the floor under the plants. The 6" 240cfm pulls through the tube and exits into the attic. There is also a window style A/C in the flower room that has half of its outflow directed into the veg room. The veg room gets air from all of the leaks every where LOL!!

Edit: The A/C is only a fan at this time of year.


Well-Known Member
Your cfm should be a minimum of one third of your overall cubic feet of space. You want to change the air once every 3 min at least from what I understand.

Height x width x length divided by 3... then go overkill


New Member
So how do I figure out if my room is getting enough air exchange? Isn't there a formula for this?
I see you have things pretty much handled. With a 400 watt light, Personally I would hook that inline fan up to a thermostat and let it do all the work. In a room that size with the little heat even one cycle every hour will be suffice. Outside air is nice in the winter but I don't think you will have heat issues even if you bring air in from another room. JAS