Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
"Free Trade" is NOT a Right Wing idea! it is one of the main goals of the LEFT VWING.Somebody's off their meds. Why have those companies left? Because of right wing ideas like free trade that have allowed them to. By your own logic, capitalism is a race to the bottom, who can make the most money by paying workers as little as possible, while finding ways to jack up the price. The party that shares your ideological view is the same party that is predominantly responsible for allowing companies to exploit foreign and domestic workers to keep profits high.
At least most of the conservatives on this forum can make a somewhat coherent argument, yours has no logic or depth of thought.
sure many Republican politicians and political hacks loves them some sweet "Free Trade" and the big campaign contributions that comes with it, but even more Dems are eager to embrace "Free Trade" and the Big Money Corporate Contributions that a "Free Trade" Vote guarantees.
Dems however, being consummate liars, also pander to the unions, the "Middle Class" (which is actually the "Working Class", but thats sounds too marxist...) and the "Poor" (because "Lumpen Proletariat" was so last century) counting on the laziness and stupidity of the average Democrat Numbskull to ensure that their own voting record on "Free Trade" remains a secret.
but hey, guess who also hates "Free Trade" NAFTA GATT, and all the rest of that internationalist shit that sends US jobs to other nations?
The Tea Party.
Welcome to the party Teabagger.
One Dunk or Two?