ObamaCare is like the government allowing bad loans again..

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Somebody's off their meds. Why have those companies left? Because of right wing ideas like free trade that have allowed them to. By your own logic, capitalism is a race to the bottom, who can make the most money by paying workers as little as possible, while finding ways to jack up the price. The party that shares your ideological view is the same party that is predominantly responsible for allowing companies to exploit foreign and domestic workers to keep profits high.

At least most of the conservatives on this forum can make a somewhat coherent argument, yours has no logic or depth of thought.
"Free Trade" is NOT a Right Wing idea! it is one of the main goals of the LEFT VWING.

sure many Republican politicians and political hacks loves them some sweet "Free Trade" and the big campaign contributions that comes with it, but even more Dems are eager to embrace "Free Trade" and the Big Money Corporate Contributions that a "Free Trade" Vote guarantees.

Dems however, being consummate liars, also pander to the unions, the "Middle Class" (which is actually the "Working Class", but thats sounds too marxist...) and the "Poor" (because "Lumpen Proletariat" was so last century) counting on the laziness and stupidity of the average Democrat Numbskull to ensure that their own voting record on "Free Trade" remains a secret.

but hey, guess who also hates "Free Trade" NAFTA GATT, and all the rest of that internationalist shit that sends US jobs to other nations?

The Tea Party.

Welcome to the party Teabagger.
One Dunk or Two?



Well-Known Member
Its worse than that already though johnny.
The top income tax rate federal is 39% then if you are self employed and own a small business you pay another 15% in social security then you have state income tax..if your stupid enough to live in cali or just trapped in that shit hole you pay another 11% income tax then you have county tax gas tax ,property tax,inheritance tax.These people are bat shit crazy with taxing people..then wonder why they FLEE the state and country.COMPLETELY CLUELESS.There is over a two year waiting list of wealthy Americans renouncing citizenship at the embassy in london.
Shit we are so bad under obamaohitler we have Americans defecting to Russia.
When i was a kid Russia was so bad we had Russians and others of the soviet union defecting to US.
With this idiot and his printing press it is going to take 100 bills to fill your car with gas...ooops..to late it already does.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Name one successful Libertarian Country or society in history
it doesnt matter what anyone proposes as a "successful libertarian society", you will simply subvert the claim by slinging bullshit, but why not let YOU demonstrate this yourself:

The Cheyenne Nation.

The Sioux Nation

and further, whenever Liberty expands, prosperity ensues, the fact that few societies can accept the amount of liberty needed to create what you would call "Libertarian" is irrelevant.

you demand control, restrictions and suppression of everyone else (as long as your own personal liberties remain sacred) but fail to recognize that this is the very nature of Socialism, placing the demands of the Society (see what i did there?) before the needs of the individual. it is Collectivism, and it purports to lead directly to the imaginary Communist Utopia, which is why fools buy into the Socialist Dystopia in the first place.

Marxism is Evangelism based on a Paradise for the imaginary hypothetical perfect future, not the imaginary hypothetical perfect afterlife.


New Member
No direct taxation is imposed on residents and Cayman Islands companies. The government receives the majority of its income from indirect taxation. Duty is levied against most imported goods, which is typically in the range of 22% to 25%. Some items are exempted, such as baby formula, books, cameras and certain items are taxed at 5%. Duty on automobiles depends on their value. The duty can amount to 29.5% up to $20,000.00 KYD CIF (cost, insurance and freight) and up to 42% over $30,000.00 KYD CIF for expensive models. The government charges flat licensing fees on financial institutions that operate in the islands and there are work permit fees on foreign labour. A 13% government tax is placed on all tourist accommodations in addition to US$25.00 airport departure tax which is built into the cost of an airline ticket
More plagiarism from facebook now? You really have outdone yourself this time... This is why your opinions are on par with Obama promises...

Since 2000, there have been two official major political parties: United Democratic Party (UDP) and the People's Progressive Movement (PPM). While there has been a shift to political parties, many contending for an office still run as independents.

No direct taxation is imposed on residents and Cayman Islands companies. The government receives the majority of its income from indirect taxation. Duty is levied against most imported goods, which is typically in the range of 22% to 25%. Some items are exempted, such as baby formula, books, cameras and certain items are taxed at 5%. Duty on automobiles depends on their value.

The duty can amount to 29.5% up to $20,000.00 KYD CIF and up to 42% over $30,000.00 KYD CIF for expensive models. The government charges flat licensing fees on financial institutions that operate in the islands and there are work permit fees on foreign labour. A 10% government tax is placed on all tourist accommodations in addition to US$25.00 airport departure tax which is built in to the cost of an airline ticket.


Well-Known Member
is it safe to come out now? has john galt killed all the bolsheviks yet? is the sky falling?

from the sounds of the whiny douchebags still fighting the cold war, it sounds like the sky is falling.

brb, gonna check to see if the sky is still there.


Well-Known Member
is it safe to come out now? has john galt killed all the bolsheviks yet? is the sky falling?

from the sounds of the whiny douchebags still fighting the cold war, it sounds like the sky is falling.

brb, gonna check to see if the sky is still there.
John Galt hasnt had enough time to kill all the bullshitavics yet.
If you are looking to see if the sky is falling you are just as stupid as every other communist i know of.
When i was a kid i democrat would be highly insulted if you called them a communist..not they no longer even deny it and almost all of them admit their communists.
Millions of men from my age trained to kill communists in the military.Including me.Millions of us got to travel around the world and got to see first hand the evils of communists.
It gave us even more motivation to want to see them dead..now they run the country.
If You want to see the sky falling go look at the 17 plus trillion dollar debt and the 100 trillion in unfunded liability's.
Go look at the cost of a gallon of gas or your energy bill,Or how much food costs.What about the real inflation rates and real unemployment.
Thanks to obamaohitler and the rest of his communist cronies in the communist party,UPS and several major corps are throwing the spouses of their employees off of their insurance policy's.
Millions of American workers are going to be cut back to under a 30 hour work week. So the companys who employ them will not have to pay for the health care.
Everyone insurance premiums are sky rocketing through the roof.
So yea ..The sky is falling in on millions of American familys..thanks to obamaohitler and his SS minions.
We have the IRS investigating and intimidating political opponents of the prezzie of the united steezy.The EPA and FBI are doing the same thing.
Yea..you gots a problem.Dont think there is not allot of animosity built and pent up against people who may have voted for this clown to rob everyone in the society but his own cronies who seem to get a pass on everything from the dear leader.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
John Galt hasnt had enough time to kill all the bullshitavics yet.
If you are looking to see if the sky is falling you are just as stupid as every other communist i know of.
When i was a kid i democrat would be highly insulted if you called them a communist..not they no longer even deny it and almost all of them admit their communists.
Millions of men from my age trained to kill communists in the military.Including me.Millions of us got to travel around the world and got to see first hand the evils of communists.
It gave us even more motivation to want to see them dead..now they run the country.
If You want to see the sky falling go look at the 17 plus trillion dollar debt and the 100 trillion in unfunded liability's.
Go look at the cost of a gallon of gas or your energy bill,Or how much food costs.What about the real inflation rates and real unemployment.
Thanks to obamaohitler and the rest of his communist cronies in the communist party,UPS and several major corps are throwing the spouses of their employees off of their insurance policy's.
Millions of American workers are going to be cut back to under a 30 hour work week. So the companys who employ them will not have to pay for the health care.
Everyone insurance premiums are sky rocketing through the roof.
So yea ..The sky is falling in on millions of American familys..thanks to obamaohitler and his SS minions.
We have the IRS investigating and intimidating political opponents of the prezzie of the united steezy.The EPA and FBI are doing the same thing.
Yea..you gots a problem.Dont think there is not allot of animosity built and pent up against people who may have voted for this clown to rob everyone in the society but his own cronies who seem to get a pass on everything from the dear leader.

still fighting the cold war?

dont you know marxism is dead?

ohh wait, it's been rebranded as "anarcho-____________ism" and half a million flavours of "________________-Socialism" so they can blend in with the rest of the liberal "Fellow Travelers" and "Useful Idiots".

but by changing the name they have cleansed the shame, just like renaming ACORN "Affordable Housing Centers of America" totally makes it a new thing right?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
I wonder what happens when somebody misses a payment? I wonder if it will affect a persons credit rating? and ability to get a house loan? And I wonder what happens when people can't pay there deductibles? If a banker asks you for your tax records and you have stumbled on your health care will that banker know about it? If that is true people better support that guy you voted for and PAY UP SUCKERS..

Our government supported house loans that people couldn't afford and now for some reason they are forcing people that have a hard time paying bills to buy a life time of health care..They should of checked peoples credit card dept and savings accounts before they started thinking every body that doesn't have health care can afford it....Something to think about.....And buck I am not talking about welfare people and the mommy and daddy kids...I am talking about the working folks that hope to buy a house some day..

I just found out what happens if you are uninsured for 3 months out of the year....The answer is ...You get fined even though you paid for 9 months...I guess people better not miss a payment..


New Member
Hmmm... That's an issue that really comes back to wages isn't it? If you get paid less you have less to spend. Today companies are making record profits, but income disparity is at an all time high. So you tell me what the solution is. More subsidies for big business? More tax breaks for huge companies that pay no taxes? Cutting the tax rate of the top 2%? Continuing to disproportionately tax middle and lower income earners?

But I'm going to bet that you enjoy getting fucked by big business too much to give up the dick.
No, that really comes down to responsibility!
God help the poor little progressives that have to make a choice between their cell phone bill and health insurance.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
No, that really comes down to responsibility!
God help the poor little progressives that have to make a choice between their cell phone bill and health insurance.
It's more like a house payment for me, I can see why the Dems passed it through with out reading it...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
No, that really comes down to responsibility!
God help the poor little progressives that have to make a choice between their cell phone bill and health insurance.
but everybody in cleveland, low minority got obamaphone

Obamaphone always got bars, and never runs out of minutes.


Well-Known Member
No, that really comes down to responsibility!
God help the poor little progressives that have to make a choice between their cell phone bill and health insurance.
You said you have employees

What kind of healthcare insurance do you offer your employees?


Well-Known Member
You said you have employees

What kind of healthcare insurance do you offer your employees?
I have employees too..they are going to buy the obamaohitler insurance like he is making them buy..isnt that nice of him to make them buy insurance for them so i dont have to anymore?
To bad they are not going to get a raise to pay for it hu?


Well-Known Member
OH yea..the union retires medical coverage was going to be taxed at a 40% rate..you know those Cadillac insurance policys..well it seems the union is not going to be able to PAY UP SUCKA.
So all their retires get to go to the obamaocare exchanges..and PAY UP SUCKAS..It was however nice of obamaohitler to free up all that money the unions were spending on retiree health bennies..that leaves them more money to give to him and the communist party come next election time..LOL.
Did you hear the international longshormans union booted the AFL CIO to the curb ..seems the union suckas voted for obamaohitler and also helped write the bill that fooked all of em..
Everything you commies do is a complete cluster fuck.You fools couldnt stick your thumb in your ass without directions.


Well-Known Member
The canadian company that wrote the program for the obamaocare program STOLE the operating software from another company.Was paid 300 million dollars by the American tax payer AND IT STILL DOESNT WORK.
Is there anything you guys do you dont just straight fuck up?wow..
I just love how all of obamaohitlers cronies do not have to live under this law..In case someone didnt tell him that is a violation of the constitution and law..but so what..we have a lawless government tyranny ..NOW PAY UP SUCKAS.
Its a good thing all of these ass holes work for the government..They wouldnt have a job otherwise.No private company would put up with the ignorant fucks.They would be fired the first day for stupidity.